This is a simple jar file to test connectivity and read functions on the JSSC project. Testing JSSC allows you to do it!
Download the testing-jssc.jar file inside generated-jar folder in
This repository Open the terminal in the same folder of the jar
File Run the command:
$ java -jar testing-jssc.jar
The software will make 5 simple questions about the serial connection, hold the following informations with you: Com port name, Baude rate, Data bits, Stop bits, Parity. See the example below:
leo@antunes:~/workspace/testing-jssc/generated-jar$ java -jar testing-jssc.jar
Listening all com ports available on device
Type com port:
Type baude rate:
Type data bits:
Type stop bits:
Type parity:
Connection successfully
Waiting data on the serial port informed
I'm a serial device sending information
Use this repo as you wish, it's completely free!