Collection of various STL-models for testing purposes. All models exist (if possible) in an ascii and and binary version. Some also exist as minified ascii-version where all unnecessary whitespace is removed.
npm install --save stl-models
var stlModels = require('stl-models')
.then console.log
.then console.log
.pipe fs.createWriteStream('path/to/file')
Larger objects for testing of general functionality and performance testing.
- bunny - Stanford bunny
- gearwheel - Gearwheel with 40 teeth
Simple polytopes for feature testing
- cube - Cube from
[-1, -1, -1]
to[1, 1, 1]
- tetrahedron - Simplest valid STL model with just 4 faces
- tetrahedronMinusZero - Tetrahedron with some -0 instead of +0 values
- triangle - Just one face consisting of a isosceles triangle
- unitCube - Cube from
[0, 0, 0]
to[1, 1, 1]
- multiWordName - Name of solid consists of several words
- fourVertices.ascii - One face has 4 vertices instead of 3
- incorrectFaceCounter.bin - Number of faces and face-counter do not match
- missingFace.ascii - Model is missing 1 face
- missingNormal.ascii - Model is missing 1 normal
- quad.ascii - One face is build from a quad instead of a triangle
- singleFace.ascii - Model has only 1 face
- twoVertices.ascii - One face has 2 vertices instead of 3
- wrongHeader.bin - Header starts with "solid". This is normally reserved for ascii files only.
- wrongNormal.ascii - Model has 1 incorrect normal
- wrongNormals.ascii - Model has several incorrect normals
- redwood-data 3dscan - Dataset of more than ten thousand 3D scans of real objects.