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  • colleagues : « These systematic programs over more than 40 years aim to establish Defense Minister Moshe Dayan’s recommendation to his colleagues shortly after Israel’s 1967 conquests that we must tell the Palestinians in the territories. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • conquests : « These systematic programs over more than 40 years aim to establish Defense Minister Moshe Dayan’s recommendation to his colleagues shortly after Israel’s 1967 conquests that we must tell the Palestinians in the territories. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • deserts : « However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • fairy : « However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • insistence : « However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • leads : “We have no solution, you shall continue to live like dogs, and whoever wishes may leave, and we will see where this process leads. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • maré : L'école a été montée il y a sept ans par une ONG dans la favela «Da maré», située près de l'aéroport international. — (Une école de photos dans une favela pour sortir des clichés,, 22 sept 2011)
  • reuni : Faut pas oublier qu'hydro met 3 milliard par année dans nos poches, Presque qu'autant que toute les entreprises privé reuni, faisant affaire au Q, paie en impôt. — (Duchesneau veut enquêter sur Hydro, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • shortly : « These systematic programs over more than 40 years aim to establish Defense Minister Moshe Dayan’s recommendation to his colleagues shortly after Israel’s 1967 conquests that we must tell the Palestinians in the territories. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • sjet : Un chapitre entier est consacré à ce sjet dans l'excellent livre. — (Projets de loi 204 et 30 - La «méthode Labeaume» à ne pas trop imiter, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • skizo : nous vivons dans une société déshumanisée avec des Reptiliens dangereux qui sont des assoiffées de pouvoir et skizo(à relire le livre dont je ne me souviens pas du nom de l'auteur,mais du titre " ces malades qui nous gouvernent" c'est au peuple de réagir par le vote. — (Troy Davis a été exécuté, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • systematic : « These systematic programs over more than 40 years aim to establish Defense Minister Moshe Dayan’s recommendation to his colleagues shortly after Israel’s 1967 conquests that we must tell the Palestinians in the territories. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • toward : « However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • wandered : « However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)
  • whoever : “We have no solution, you shall continue to live like dogs, and whoever wishes may leave, and we will see where this process leads. — (Palestine, l'entité qui dérange, Le, 22 sept 2011)