UND Athletics Academic Student Center


The Athletics Study Center (ASC) was opened in April 2008. Located in Hyslop 113, and part of the overall Athletics Academic Services department, the ASC provides a comfortable study setting that houses desktop computers, a printer and  laptop computers that are available for use on road trips and within the ASC. Mandatory and non-mandatory study table is held in the ASC.

Athletics Study Center (ASC) Rules

  1. Student-athletes must be working on academics while in the Schubert Center.
  2. Individual study time is NOT social time; no talking. Also, no sleeping.
  3. Food and drink are not allowed at the computers.
  4. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter (all social networking sites) and other non-academic websites are not allowed. Time spent at study table is for academic purposes only.
  5. Student-athletes must log on to computers using their IdM log-in information, and must remember to log off when finished using the computer. Student-athletes will not be able to save to any hard drive.  Work should be saved on a flash drive or e-mailed to U-mail accounts. All hard drives will automatically be purged each night.

  6. If one experiences any difficulty with a computer, laptop or the printer, help should be sought from the Schubert Center monitor.
  7. It is the student-athlete's responsibility to check in and check out of the Schubert Center with the monitor. No study table hours will be recorded manually.Schubert Athletics Study Center Hours of Operation

Schubert Athletics Study Center Hours of Operation

Student-athletes may record their study table hours during the Spring 2023 semester within the following hours of operation:

January 9 to May 19, 2023:

  •  M-Th 9 am-8 pm 
  • Friday 9 am - 3 pm 

Overflow Hours in Hyslop 303:

  • Closed for spring 2023

The Study Center will be closed for holidays on the following dates:

  •  Martin Luther King Day
  •  President’s Day
  •  Spring Break
  •  Easter

Additional study center space is available Monday and Wednesday evenings 7-10 pm with the location to be announced at the beginning of each semester.

Schubert Center Warning Policy

Student-athletes will be given warnings for unacceptable behavior or breaking Schubert Center rules.


Warnings can come from the AAS staff or the Schubert Center monitor.

  • Written Notice: If a Schubert Center monitor observes unacceptable behavior, they do not need to warn the student-athlete verbally. They will simply write the student-athlete's name down and provide it to the AAS staff, who will then notify the student-athlete.
  • Verbal Notice: An AAS staff member can verbally warn a student-athlete.

Second Warning: Once a student-athlete receives a second warning, s/he will be notified via u-mail, and their head coach will be notified via email as well.

Suspension: If a student-athlete receives THREE warnings, s/he will be suspended from the Schubert Center for the remainder of the semester. If the student-athlete has mandatory hour requirements, how the remainder of the semester will be carried out is the coach's discretion.

  • Refusal of a student-athlete to comply with any reasonable departmental service area request or directive can also result in automatic suspension from the Schubert Center. This is determined by the Director of Athletics Academic Services.
  • If the student-athlete is suspended from the Schubert Center, the respective Head Coach will meet with the Associate Athletics Director for Internal Operations and the Director of Athletics Academic Services regarding the incident. The Head Coach will submit a request to appeal the suspension and include evidence of appropriate sanctions. The student-athlete will then be placed on a probationary status.
  • If there is a repeat incident there will be at minimum an infraction of the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct and will be processed according to the sanctions in the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct.

Dedicated to George and Arline Schubert

The academics center was founded thanks to the generous donation by George and Arline Schubert, who established an endowment to support the works of the athletics academic support program.

George Schubert is professor and dean emeritus at the University of North Dakota. He has authored books, book chapters and over 70 published papers. He taught at UND, where he served as chair of the department of speech-language pathology and audiology and also served as NCAA faculty representative. He retired from UND in 1999, but continues to research, write and publish.

Arline Schubert earned a bachelor's degree in English education from UND, a masters degree in speech and, after 18 years of teaching high school, came back to UND to earn her doctorate of juris prudence from the UND School of Law. She practiced law for 18 years, served as assistant attorney general for North Dakota, and an attorney for UND. Several of her articles on the topic of sports and gender equity have appeared in the Law Review.