TV Article Cameron Diaz, Jimmy Fallon play Drinko on The Tonight Show Anyone thirsty for a salsa verde-prune juice smoothie? By Christian Holub Christian Holub Christian Holub is a writer covering comics and other geeky pop culture. He's still mad about 'Firefly' getting canceled. EW's editorial guidelines Published on April 7, 2016 11:50AM EDT Photo: NBC Drinko is back. Jimmy Fallon has an arsenal of wacky games to unleash on celebrity guests of The Tonight Show, but perhaps none are stranger than Drinko, which requires players to ingest unpredictable beverage concoctions. On Wednesday’s show, the lucky players were Fallon and Cameron Diaz. Some alcohol was involved, but the weirdest combinations didn’t involve it at all. Diaz, for instance, began the game by combining a kale smoothie and salsa verde (“This is like the best-case scenario for me,” she said). Salsa verde came roaring back for Fallon’s turn, but got paired with prune juice. The mash-up was so disgusting Fallon appeared temporarily sidelined, disappearing behind the giant Drinko screen to gag. By that standard, Fallon’s final drink (absinthe and limoncello) was a joy. Watch the clip below. Close