Our Solutions

Reimagining health research

Directly connect with individuals to collect real-world data to measure health in every day life.

the evidation e surrounded by vectors and linesThe Evidation E logo is encompassed by a variety of icons.
A hand showcasing a smartwatch on their wrist, another hand holding a phone in the foreground.
Digital Measures
Track subtle changes in biometric data that can characterize symptoms and lived experience
an icon of the moon
A man peacefully sleeping in bed with his head resting on the pillow
Electronic Health Records
Link data from health records to more completely characterize individual health
an icon of a tablet
A woman sitting on a couch, focused on using a tablet device
Healthcare Claims
Link data from claims to better understand utilization of healthcare services
an icon of a heart with a heartbeat going through it
Fitness enthusiasts, a man and a woman, monitoring their activity with wearable trackers
Patient Reported Outcomes  and Contextual Surveys
Capture perceived changes in outcomes and well being directly from individuals
an icon of a list
receive alert messages
Social Determinants
of Health
Understand barriers to care and health risks that can impact clinical outcomes
an icon of foot prints
Several individuals moving through a busy crowd on a city sidewalk.
Segment populations based on measurable characteristics
an icon of a person
A nurse providing care to a patient in a clinical environment.
Molecular Diagnostics
Collect or link data from condition specific diagnostic tests, or sequencing data, to further characterize individuals
an icon of an atom
Our Capabilities

Our platform engages millions, fostering long-term, two-way connections that generate high-quality data and drive healthier actions.

an image of a laptop with a phone stacked over it on the right side. on the laptop - the screen it shows a screenshot of the evidation enrollment overview page; it showcases how many participants enrolled overall, how many enrolled over time, how many enrolled in each cohort, and how cohorts have filled over time. 

on the phone it shows a screenshot of the evidation app, the amount of points a user has, and cards with new programs a user can join
Illuminates health and experiences in everyday life

Continuous data collection from devices, ePROs, and surveys create rich longitudinal data illuminating disease progression and lived experience outside of traditional care settings.

High retention and data quality

Smart, configurable content delivery that improves as participants share active and passive data. Elegant, intuitive UI and low burden, gamified data sharing experiences that people enjoy and stick with over time, leading to higher quality data sets.

Modular and flexible

Building blocks to develop new applications or enhance existing initiatives, with the option for custom branded experiences.

Complete picture of care journeys

Integration with third party data sources such as claims, EHR data, and social determinants of health creates a truly comprehensive picture of the what and why behind outcomes.

Right time, clinically relevant interactions

AI-driven measures identify symptoms indicating possible health events and disease risk, enabling relevant interventions at scale.

Curated and actionable data

Advanced ingestion and curation turns high volume data streams into meaningful insights and direct connection.

Faster path to data and results

Access to the engaged, well-characterized Evidation community for on-demand retrospective data or rapid activation into research and campaigns.

Highest standards for data privacy and compliance

Over a decade of experience collecting and processing permissioned health data, including robust privacy and industry aligned security practices. Expertise in Good Clinical Practice and IRB approved studies.

Our commitment to privacy, security, and compliance


Fast access to data and engaged populations

Motivated and responsive
participated in research
average program engagement*
Faster path to insight
<1 month
to fully recruit for studies**
2 weeks
to get responses for simple business questions**
Highly characterized
data points collected daily
of U.S. zip codes represented

*Varies by population, protocol and length of program; many of our recent programs have seen around 90% engagement
**Average estimated time for many of our projects, but times vary by population criteria and nature of the research project

See how we drive success for our customers:

Improving blood pressure in overweight individuals through a digital self-management program
omada logo

Omada ran a pilot study run managed by Evidation to demonstrate the value of a digital hypertension self-management program by quantifying its impact on blood pressure control. As a result of this study, Omada was able to publish evidence that their app improves blood pressure and medication adherence.


individuals with hypertension recruited from the Evidation Community

evidation multicolored image
FluSmart participants receive alerts and nudges to seek care
barda logo

In partnership with BARDA, Evidation developed and deployed a flu monitoring program, FluSmart, within the Evidation Community to collect rich, longitudinal data and activate high-risk participants into research and care.


individuals partcipated in FluSmart


engagement rate

evidation multicolored image
Helping cardiovascular patients better understand and act on their heart health
american college of cardiology foundation logo

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) launched the Heart Health patient engagement program on the Evidation platform to allow patients to track their everyday health and proactively manage their care beyond traditional clinical settings.


participants joined the program


of individuals who shared their personalized insights report with their care team found it helpful or extremely helpful

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Identifying and addressing gaps in the patient experience
Myovant Sciences Logo

Myovant uncovered significant unmet needs among individuals with uterine fibroids (UF) in a direct-to-patient 4-month study with 350 women living with UF.


weekly survey completion


daily survey completion

evidation multicolored image
Increasing treatment rates with co-created patient engagement
sanofi logo

Evidation partnered with Sanofi to test and refine content and messaging for a Type 2 diabetes flu vaccine education program.


indviduals recruited from the Evidation Community

Up to


increase in vaccination rates for participants who engaged with customized diabetes campaign vs. those who engaged with generic messaging

evidation multicolored image
Creating the first large-scale, nationally representative digital health dataset
usc and rand logos

Evidation partnered with USC and the RAND Corporation on American Life in Real-time (ALiR), a first-of-its-kind, publicly available benchmark registry and research infrastructure for person-generated health data collected from smartphones and wearables to advance equitable precision health.

Digital engagement program launched to more than



evidation multicolored image
Developing an early warning algorithm for individuals at high risk for COVID-19
nih logo

Evidation conducted a study to demonstrate that person-generated health data, including data from smartphones and wearable devices, has the potential to enable applications ranging from individual-level early warnings or population-level hotspot detection for COVID-19.


individuals recruited from the Evidation Community


compliance with study activities

evidation multicolored image
Exploring potential to reduce stroke risk with earlier detection of Afib
johnson and johnson logo

Evidation partnered with Johnson&Johnson to support a multi-year, observational study that sought to assess whether the Heartline Study app on iPhone, and the ECG app and irregular rhythm notification feature on Apple Watch, can reduce the likelihood of stroke and improve health outcomes with earlier detection of atrial fibrillation.


participants aged 65+

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Measuring cognitive impairment with direct-from-patient real-world data
lilly logo

Evidation partnered with Eli Lilly to develop new endpoints and identify digital signals of cognitive impairment through the use of digital and wearable devices, mobile apps, and sleep sensors.


of multimodal data collected over 12 weeks


features extracted from participant behaviorgrams

evidation multicolored image
Better Understanding of the Metamorphosis of Pregnancy (BUMP)
4you+me logo

Evidation partnered with 4YouandMe to provide a platform to manage data collection, processing, and storage for the BUMP longitudinal feasibility study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the pre-pregnancy and pregnancy symptom experience using digital tools.


participants targeted for enrollment onto the platform

evidation multicolored image
Developing more successful digital health programs with patient perspectives
sanofi logo

Evidation partnered with Sanofi to get data-driven insights to prioritize program features and future development of a connected ecosystem for managing type 2 diabetes (T2D).


insulin-dependent adults with T2D recruited from the Evidation community

Recruitment completed in

3 weeks
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Therapeutic experience
icon of an heart
icon of a magnifying glass inspecting a hand
icon of lightning through the top of a head showcasing an idea
Mental Health
brain icon
icon of lungs
female symbol
Women's Health
Vaccines and Infectious Diseases
learn more
Who we work with

Evidation partners include nine of the top 10 biopharma companies in the world, as well as insurers, health systems, technology companies, academia, professional societies, and government agencies.

WORK WITH USEve: Evidation's brand mark which is a yellow glowing orb
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