

Get the latest alerts for your screener respondents inside a Slack channel or Direct Message. Configure alerts for different teams or Slack groups and customize exactly which answers yield an alert so you don’t clutter your team’s Slack with even more messages.

Video / Web Meetings
Video / Web Meetings
Video / Web Meetings
Video / Web Meetings
Video / Web Meetings

Video / Web Meetings

Add your preferred web meeting or remote video tool for 1:1 or group remote moderated research sessions. Simply paste your URL into Ethnio and your participants will automatically receive the emails and invite.

Zoom: connect your Zoom account to Ethnio to automatically create a new meeting or webinar—including password support for each confirmed participant. Authenticate your web meeting with dynamic URLs per participant, and improve security, so only the right participants join the right meeting.

Works with 1:1 session, group, backup, and MSM sessions.


See automatic updates from your Ethnio recruiting schedule in your calendar of choice with a secure one-way calendar subscription from iCal, Outlook, or gCal. Keep track of the latest scheduled participants and send calendar subscription links to your team so they can receive automatic updates as well.

Import / Export
Import / Export

.csv files

Import / Export

Automatically import your gSheet with recipients for incentives or export data to XLSX with formatting from screener responses. Save time with headers and coding.

Upload CSVs of your own participants with custom column mapping in Ethnio Pool.

Ethnio access and erasure API

Automate your privacy and GDPR compliance. Send requests to opt-out, delete, or retrieve all data stored for any email address in data subject access (DSR) requets.

Learn more


If you’d like to qualify and screen participants for your online research, using another tool, Ethnio integrates with multiple 3rd party testing tools. This will allow you to receive completed respondents back in Ethnio automatically and start scheulding or paying them.

Like with the video / web meeting tools, you can use 3rd Party URLs of any kind with Ethnio, but our integrations let you automatically view and pay completed participants right from inside Ethnio.


Post Preview

Sharing your Ethnio screener on LinkedIn, Twiitter or somewhere else on social media? You’ve probably seen the “Post Preview” that pulls data before so your post gets more engagement.

Customize every aspect of your post preview—from image, title, and description. Make sure your screeners are optimized and tailored to every study.

Privacy Automation

Integrate Ethnio + Transcend to manage CCPA and GDPR compliance. Create data subject access and erasure requests (DSRs), as well as opt users out based on their email addresses.


Want to add an integration?

Don’t see a tool on the list you need? Let us know at [email protected] and we’ll see if we can add it for you.