Mine sisu juurde

George Albert Boulenger

Allikas: Vikipeedia
George Boulenger

George Albert Boulenger (19. oktoober 1858 Brüssel23. november 1937 Saint Malo, Prantsusmaa) oli Briti zooloog, ihtüoloog ja botaanik.

Ta kirjeldas 1096 kalaliiki, 556 kahepaikset ja 872 roomajaliiki. Roomajate andmebaasis kehtivad siiani tema kirjeldatud 587 roomajaliiki.[1]

Tema kirjeldatud liigid on tähistatud nimega Boulenger.

Haridus- ja töökäik

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Ta lõpetas 1876. aastal Brüsseli Vaba Ülikooli. 1880. aastal kutsus Albert Günther ta tööle Londoni loodusmuuseumi, et ta kataloogiks kahepaiksete kollektsiooni. Aastatel 1882–1920 töötas ta muuseumi zooloogiaosakonnas assistendina.

Mälestuse jäädvustamine

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Georg Boulengeri auks kannavad tänapäeval nime järgmised roomajaliigid:

Publikatsioonid (osaline)[2]

[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]
  • "The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. Reptilia and Batrachia.", Taylor & Francis, London, xviii, 1890
  • "Catalogue of the Reptiles and Batrachians of Barbary (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) : based chiefly upon the notes and collections made in 1880–1884 by M. Fernand Lataste". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, London, 1891
  • "Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History)". Volume II. British Museum of Natural History London, 1894
  • "Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Museum. Centrachidae, Percidae and Serranideae". British Museum of Natural History London, 1895
  • "Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History)". Volume III. British Museum of Natural History London, 1896
  • "The Tailless Batrachians of Europe". Parts I & II. The Ray Society London, 1897
  • "Batraciens de la Guinee Espagnoles", Madrid, 1903
  • "A contribution to our knowledge of the varieties of the wall-lizard (Lacerta muralis) in Western Europe and North Africa". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, London, 1905
  • "Les batraciens et principalement ceux d'Europe", Pariis, 1910
  • "A vertebrate fauna of the Malay Peninsula from the Isthmus of Kra to Singapore, including the adjacent islands. Reptilia and Batrachia". Taylor and Francis, London, 1912
  • "Snakes of Europe", London, 1913
  • "Second contribution to our knowledge of the varieties of the wall-lizard (Lacerta muralis)". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. London 135–230 IIXX, 1913
  • "On the lizards allied to Lacerta muralis, with an account of Lacerta agilis and L. parva". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. London 104 VIII, 1916
  • "A revision of the lizards of the genus Tachydromus". Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 207–234 II, 1917
  • "A revision of the lizards of the genus Nucras Gray". Annals of the South African Museum 195–216 II, 1917
  • "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 1. British Museum of Natural History London, 1920
  • "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 2 British Museum of Natural History London, 1921
  • "Liste des publications Ichthyologiques et Herpétologiques (1877–1920)", Annales de la Societé royale Zoologique de Belgique. 11-88, 1921
  • "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 1 Johnson Reprint (1966) New York / London, 1921
  • "Monograph of the Lacertidae", volume 2 Johnson Reprint (1966) New York / London, 1921
  • Boulenger et al.,"A survey of the fauna of Iraq. Mammals, birds, reptiles, etc. made by members of the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force "D" 1915–1919.", Bombay Natural History Society Iraq & London, 1923
  • Boulenger et al.,"Étude sur les batraciens et les reptiles rapportés par M. Henri Gadeau de Kerville de son voyages zoologique es Syrie (avril–juin 1908)". – Voyage zoologique d’Henri Gadeau de Kerville en Syrie (avril–juin 1908). Ballière & Sons Paris, 1923
  • ...
  1. Peter Uetz & Jakob Hallermann, [1] Roomajate andmebaas veebiversioon (vaadatud 17.01.2014) (inglise keeles)
  2. George Albert Boulengeri publikatsioonid, Internet Archiv'e raamatud veebiversioon (vaadatud 17.01.2014)


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