Frequently asked Questions

If you don't find the answer you are looking for below, please feel free to 

Email: [email protected]

Call: (517) 525-7877 (Fil)

Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm EST

We offer black and white downloads of every ESL anchor chart / poster. These can be used to teach concepts and emailed to online students.

You can purchase ESL Supplies products through any international educational distributor. 

Yes, you can place your order online and choose purchase order for payment. Or you can email and ask for a quote. Please send your signed P.O. to [email protected]. After we have received the signed P.O. from your organization, your order will be processed.

Moneys or grants for improving phonics, reading, ESL or bilingual instruction all are appropriate.

Shipping is based on United States Postal Service and UPS rates. International rates apply to Canada.

We do not charge tax for non-Michigan customers. Please provide you tax exemption certificate if you are in Michigan.

Yes, you can download a black and white copy of every anchor chart. These can be reproduced as handouts and emailed to online students.

We provide black and white downloads of our charts for a nominal fee. These can be copied and given to students as a convenient reference sheet.  Full color English language charts / posters are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced.  Reproduction is a violation of copyright law. 

Our English Language anchor charts / ESL posters are designed for English Learners of all ages. Photos of diverse people and everyday objects are used. They use essential vocabulary examples. They also take into account an English Learner's limited grammar skills. Warm, muted colors promote prolonged viewing.

Our English language anchor charts & ESL posters have photographs of diverse people and everyday objects. This makes them appropriate for English Language Learners of all ages. Warm muted colors and large print allow ELLs to use our anchor charts for many minutes without hurting their eyes.

The English language anchor charts & ESL posters are printed on heavy 10.4ml luster photo paper, commonly used for wedding photos. You can touch them without leaving fingerprints. They have strength and body, yet are flexible.

All English language charts / posters are available for purchase individually.  If a set is on sale, please ask and we will accommodate your request if possible.

If you LAMINATE your English language chart / poster FIRST, then you can write on them. Be sure to tell the laminator you want to write on your charts.

Returns and exchanges

All English language charts / posters returned in new condition within 30 days will be fully refunded. ESL Supplies does not refund original shipping or pay return shipping,