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13 results sorted by ID

2025/003 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-01-01
Post-Quantum DNSSEC with Faster TCP Fallbacks
Aditya Singh Rawat, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
Cryptographic protocols

In classical DNSSEC, a drop-in replacement with quantum-safe cryptography would increase DNS query resolution times by $\textit{at least}$ a factor of $2\times$. Since a DNS response containing large post-quantum signatures is likely to get marked truncated ($\texttt{TC}$) by a nameserver (resulting in a wasted UDP round-trip), the client (here, the resolver) would have to retry its query over TCP, further incurring a $\textit{minimum}$ of two round-trips due to the three-way TCP...

2024/1952 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-02
Worst-Case Lattice Sampler with Truncated Gadgets and Applications
Corentin Jeudy, Olivier Sanders
Public-key cryptography

Gadget-based samplers have proven to be a key component of several cryptographic primitives, in particular in the area of privacy-preserving mechanisms. Most constructions today follow the approach introduced by Micciancio and Peikert (MP) yielding preimages whose dimension linearly grows with that of the gadget. To improve performance, some papers have proposed to truncate the gadget but at the cost of an important feature of the MP sampler, namely the ability to invert arbitrary syndromes....

2024/1253 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-08
FELIX (XGCD for FALCON): FPGA-based Scalable and Lightweight Accelerator for Large Integer Extended GCD
Sam Coulon, Tianyou Bao, Jiafeng Xie

The Extended Greatest Common Divisor (XGCD) computation is a critical component in various cryptographic applications and algorithms, including both pre- and post-quantum cryptosystems. In addition to computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, the XGCD also produces Bezout coefficients $b_a$ and $b_b$ which satisfy $\mathrm{GCD}(a,b) = a\times b_a + b\times b_b$. In particular, computing the XGCD for large integers is of significant interest. Most recently, XGCD computation...

2022/1581 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-01
Truncator: Time-space Tradeoff of Cryptographic Primitives
Foteini Baldimtsi, Konstantinos Chalkias, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Mahimna Kelkar

We present mining-based techniques to reduce the size of various cryptographic outputs without loss of security. Our approach can be generalized for multiple primitives, such as cryptographic key generation, signing, hashing and encryption schemes, by introducing a brute-forcing step to provers/senders aiming at compressing submitted cryptographic material. Interestingly, mining can result in record-size cryptographic outputs, and we show that 5%-12% shorter hash digests and signatures...

2022/938 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-19
Truncated EdDSA/ECDSA Signatures
Thomas Pornin
Public-key cryptography

This note presents some techniques to slightly reduce the size of EdDSA and ECDSA signatures without lowering their security or breaking compatibility with existing signers, at the cost of an increase in signature verification time; verifying a 64-byte Ed25519 signature truncated to 60 bytes has an average cost of 4.1 million cycles on 64-bit x86 (i.e. about 35 times the cost of verifying a normal, untruncated signature).

2019/1105 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-08
On the Multi-User Security of Short Schnorr Signatures with Preprocessing
Jeremiah Blocki, Seunghoon Lee
Public-key cryptography

The Schnorr signature scheme is an efficient digital signature scheme with short signature lengths, i.e., $4k$-bit signatures for $k$ bits of security. A Schnorr signature $\sigma$ over a group of size $p\approx 2^{2k}$ consists of a tuple $(s,e)$, where $e \in \{0,1\}^{2k}$ is a hash output and $s\in \mathbb{Z}_p$ must be computed using the secret key. While the hash output $e$ requires $2k$ bits to encode, Schnorr proposed that it might be possible to truncate the hash value without...

2017/995 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-10-30
A signature scheme from Learning with Truncation
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang

In this paper we revisit the modular lattice signature scheme and its efficient instantiation known as pqNTRUSign. First, we show that a modular lattice signature scheme can be based on a standard lattice problem. As the fundamental problem that needs to be solved by the signer or a potential forger is recovering a lattice vector with a restricted norm, given the least significant bits, we refer to this general class of problems as the “learning with truncation” problem. We show that by...

2017/949 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-09-27
Practical and Robust Secure Logging from Fault-Tolerant Sequential Aggregate Signatures
Gunnar Hartung, Björn Kaidel, Alexander Koch, Jessica Koch, Dominik Hartmann
Public-key cryptography

Keeping correct and informative log files is crucial for system maintenance, security and forensics. Cryptographic logging schemes offer integrity checks that protect a log file even in the case where an attacker has broken into the system. A relatively recent feature of these schemes is resistance against truncations, i.e. the deletion and/or replacement of the end of the log file. This is especially relevant as system intruders are typically interested in manipulating the later log...

2017/061 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-09-03
Short Digital Signatures and ID-KEMs via Truncation Collision Resistance
Tibor Jager, Rafael Kurek

Truncation collision resistance is a simple non-interactive complexity assumption that seems very plausible for standard cryptographic hash functions like SHA-3. We describe how this assumption can be leveraged to obtain standard-model constructions of public-key cryptosystems that previously seemed to require a programmable random oracle. This includes the first constructions of identity-based key encapsulation mechanisms (ID-KEMs) and digital signatures over bilinear groups with full...

2016/142 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-03-01
Hash-Function based PRFs: AMAC and its Multi-User Security
Mihir Bellare, Daniel J. Bernstein, Stefano Tessaro
Secret-key cryptography

AMAC is a simple and fast candidate construction of a PRF from an MD-style hash function which applies the keyed hash function and then a cheap, un-keyed output transform such as truncation. Spurred by its use in the widely-deployed Ed25519 signature scheme, this paper investigates the provable PRF security of AMAC to deliver the following three-fold message: (1) First, we prove PRF security of AMAC (2) Second, we show that AMAC has a quite unique and attractive feature, namely that its...

2016/098 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-10-24
Haraka v2 - Efficient Short-Input Hashing for Post-Quantum Applications
Stefan Kölbl, Martin M. Lauridsen, Florian Mendel, Christian Rechberger
Secret-key cryptography

Recently, many efficient cryptographic hash function design strategies have been explored, not least because of the SHA-3 competition. These designs are, almost exclusively, geared towards high performance on long inputs. However, various applications exist where the performance on short (fixed length) inputs matters more. Such hash functions are the bottleneck in hash-based signature schemes like SPHINCS or XMSS, which is currently under standardization. Secure functions specifically...

2011/271 (PDF) Last updated: 2011-05-28
Practical Key-recovery For All Possible Parameters of SFLASH
Charles Bouillaguet, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Gilles Macario-Rat
Public-key cryptography

In this paper we present a new practical key-recovery attack on the SFLASH signature scheme. SFLASH is a derivative of the older $C^*$ encryption and signature scheme that was broken in 1995 by Patarin. In SFLASH, the public key is truncated, and this simple countermeasure prevents Patarin's attack. The scheme is well-known for having been considered secure and selected in 2004 by the NESSIE project of the European Union to be standardized. However, SFLASH was practically broken in 2007 by...

2008/185 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2008-04-24
A New Approach to Secure Logging
Di Ma, Gene Tsudik

The need for secure logging is well-understood by the security professionals, including both researchers and practitioners. The ability to efficiently verify all (or some) log entries is important to any application employing secure logging techniques. In this paper, we begin by examining state-of-the-art in secure logging and identify some problems inherent to systems based on trusted third-party servers. We then propose a different approach to secure logging based upon recently developed...

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