Search Help
You can search for a phrase by enclosing it in double quotes, e.g., "differential privacy".
You can require or exclude specific terms using + and -. For example, to search for papers that contain the term elliptic but not the term factoring, use +elliptic -factoring
To search in a title or for author name, use title:isogeny author:boneh. If you want to require both, you can use title:isogeny AND author:boneh because it recognizes logical operators AND and OR. This is equivalent to using the individual fields for author and title. You can also use NOT to negate a condition, as with title:isogeny AND NOT author:boneh to search for papers with an author other than Boneh.
To find documents containing a term starting with the string differe, use differe*. This will match the terms difference, different, and differential
Note that search applies stemming, so that if you search for yield it will also match terms yields and yielding. If you want to disable stemming, capitalize the term. A search for Adam will not match the term 'Adams'.
The system attempts to recognize possible misspellings. This is perhaps a source of amusement more than anything else.
This currently searches the text in titles, authors, abstracts, and keywords, but does not search in the PDF or PS itself.