Paper 2002/032
Supersingular Hyperelliptic Curve of Genus 2 over Finite Fields
Y. Choie, E. Jeong, and E. Lee
In this paper we describe an elementary criterion to determine supersingular hyperelliptic curve of genus $2$, using only the given Weierstrass equation. Furthermore, we show that the discrete logarithm problem defined on any supersingular abelian variety of dimension $2$ over ${\mathbb F}_p, p>16,$ can be embedded to that over the extension field ${\mathbb F}_{p^{k}}$, with $k \leq 6.$ This implies that supersingular hyperelliptic curves are cryptographically weaker than the general case due to the Frey-R$\ddot{u}$ck attack. A family of the hyperelliptic curve $H/{\mathbb F}_p$ of the type $v^2=u^5+a$ and $v^2 = u^5 + au$ have been studied and further examples are listed.
- Available format(s)
- PS
- Category
- Public-key cryptography
- Publication info
- Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
- Keywords
- hyperelliptic curvessupersingulardiscrete logarithm problem
- Contact author(s)
- ejlee @ postech ac kr
- History
- 2002-03-13: revised
- 2002-03-12: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2002/032, author = {Y. Choie and E. Jeong and E. Lee}, title = {Supersingular Hyperelliptic Curve of Genus 2 over Finite Fields}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2002/032}, year = {2002}, url = {} }