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EuroPython 2024 Remote

As happy as we are about finally being able to see many friends in Prague this year, we are also aware that many of you will not be able to make it in-person. Again, we present you EuroPython 2024 remote: Wherever you are based, let’s celebrate Python and our community, rejoice at our diversity, learn and have fun in Prague and beyond! In this spirit, we strive to make the remote participation as interactive as possible.

How to participate in the conference remotely?

  • To participate in the conference interactively (and have guaranteed access to livestreams), a “remote ticket” registration is required. See details and pricing on the Tickets information page.
  • All ticket holders will receive a link to join our Discord server for the conference.

Note: in-person ticket holders will be provided with remote event access as well.

What is included in the remote ticket?

Remote participation between 10-12 July (Wednesday - Friday):

  • Livestreams of Keynotes, panel discussions, all 6 tracks of talks.
  • Live participation (text-based) on Q&A session post-talks.
  • Text-based discussions with available speakers.
  • Online job board and chat with sponsors at the remote booths.
  • On-Demand viewing, which will be available hours after the live stream.

Note: Tutorials and Workshops on 8 and 9 July will not be streamed.

What changes

This year, we will NOT provide open and free access to the livestreams of our conference talks (10-12 July). If you would like to watch EuroPython remotely, please consider purchasing a remote ticket. Purchasing a remote ticket not only gives you access to the conference but also helps support the community!