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9 terms


  • IPA(key): /ˈʔɪː.jɛt/, /ˈʔɪː.jat/
  • IPA(key): /ˈʔɪː.əˤt/ (archaic)
  • IPA(key): /ʔɪːt/, /ʔɛːt/ (contractions; etymology 1 only)

Etymology 1


From Arabic قاعِد (qāʕid), present participle of قَعَدَ (qaʕada, to sit), whence Maltese qagħad.



qiegħed (feminine qiegħda, plural qegħdin)

  1. active participle of qagħad
    1. located; being (in a place or state)
      • 2023, Keith Borg, magħġuna fit-tbenġil, Ede Books, →ISBN:
        din l-għaġla
        ta’ kollox issa
        ta’ iġri u ġerri
        fuq xogħol qiegħed
        il-minġel jitriegħed
        (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    2. (of water) stagnant, standing, motionless
      Kien hemm riħa t’ilma qiegħed.There was a smell of stagnant water.
    3. (of a person) unemployed
      Ilni qiegħda minn meta Symone keċċietni mill-fabbrika tal-bnadar.
      I have been unemployed since Symone fired me from the flag factory.
    4. used predicatively as a present copula referring to a temporary state (like Spanish estar, but not obligatory)
Derived terms

Etymology 2


From Arabic قَعَّدَ (qaʕʕada), أَقْعَدَ (ʔaqʕada), factitive stems of the verb above.



qiegħed (imperfect jqiegħed, past participle mqiegħed, verbal noun tqegħid)

  1. (transitive) to put, to place, to lay
    Synonyms: poġġa, tefa’, xeħet, għamel
    Ħu t-tazzi u qegħidhom fuq il-mejda.Take the glasses and put them on the table.
    Conjugation of qiegħed
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
perfect m qegħidt qegħidt qiegħed qegħidna qegħidtu qiegħdu
f qiegħdet
imperfect m nqiegħed tqiegħed jqiegħed nqiegħdu tqiegħdu jqiegħdu
f tqiegħed
imperative qiegħed qiegħdu