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A derivation of Proto-Turkic *kay- (to turn back), whence also Azerbaijani qayıtmaq (to come back). Cognate with Karakhanid قَیْتَرْماق (qaytarmāq, turn back), which Kashgari reported to be an Oghuz word,[1] Kipchak qaytar- (to return something).[2]


  • IPA(key): [ɡɑjtɑrˈmɑχ]
  • (Tabriz) IPA(key): [ɡejtærˈmɑχ], [ɢejtærˈmɑχ] (as if spelled qeytərmək)
  • Hyphenation: qay‧tar‧maq
  • Audio (Baku):(file)




  1. (ditransitive) to return, give back
    • 2011 January 23, Xalq qəzeti[2]:
      Jurnalist olduğumu və səyahətə gəldiyimi biləndə isə "vel kom" - deyə, gülümsədi və pasportumu mənə qaytardı.
      When he understood I was a journalist and this was a work-related trip, he said welcome, gave me a smile, and returned my passport.
  2. (transitive) to take back
    1. to regain possession of something, to reclaim
      gedən torpaqları qaytarmaqto reclaim lost lands
      Synonym: geri almaq
    2. to return something to a vendor for a refund
      2015 November 14, “Archived copy”, in[3], archived from the original on 19 October 2019:
      Vətəndaşların diqqət yetirməli olduqları məqamlardan da biri alınan məhsullardır. Belə ki, əksər hallarda istisnasız olaraq aldığımız malı qaytara biləcəyimizi düşünürük. Amma bu heç də belə deyil.
      One of the issues that citizens must pay attention to is the goods they are purchasing. Most of the times we believe that we can take back any item [to the store]. However, this is not the case.
  3. (transitive) to pay back, repay
    borcunu qaytarmaqto repay a loan
  4. (transitive) to ward off, repel
    zərbəni qaytarmaqto push back (literally, “to ward off a strike”)
  5. (transitive) to reflect (to bend back light from a surface)
    işığı qaytarmaqto reflect light
    Synonym: əks etdirmək
  6. (intransitive) to vomit
    qaytarmağım gəlirI feel nauseous, I want to vomit
    Synonyms: qusmaq, öyümək



Derived terms



  1. ^ al-Kashgarî, Mahmud (1072–1074) Besim Atalay, transl., Divanü Lûgat-it-Türk Tercümesi [Translation of the “Compendium of the languages of the Turks] (Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları; 521) (in Turkish), 1985 edition, volume III, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurmu Basımevi, published 1939–1943, page 193
  2. ^ Tavkul, Ufuk (2003) “Codex Cumanicus ve Karaçay-Malkar Türkçesi”, in Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi[1], volume 15, Berlin, pages 45-81

Further reading


Crimean Tatar

Other scripts
Cyrillic къайтармакъ


  • Hyphenation: qay‧tar‧maq




  1. to send back



