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From merry + making.
merrymaking (usually uncountable, plural merrymakings)
- Joyful festivities, especially as a celebration.
joyful festivities
- Bulgarian: веселба (bg) f (veselba), увеселение (bg) n (uveselenie)
- Catalan: revetlla (ca) f
- Finnish: juhla (fi)
- Galician: folía f, troula (gl) f, garula f, garufa f, xolda (gl) f
- German: Fest (de) n, Feier (de) f
- Greek: γιορτή (el) f (giortí)
- Hungarian: mulatság (hu), vigalom (hu), dínomdánom (hu)
- Ingrian: guljanja
- Irish: siamsaíocht f
- Italian: festività (it) f, ricorrenza (it) f
- Korean: 잔치 (ko) (janchi)
- Latin: cōmīssātiō f
- Macedonian: ве́селба f (véselba), весе́лење n (vesélenje)
- Portuguese: folia (pt) f, celebração (pt) f
- Romanian: petrecere (ro) f
- Spanish: verbena (es) f, celebración (es) f, fiesta (es) f, jolgorio (es) m, festejo (es) m
- Swedish: lustifikation c, festlighet (sv) c
From merrymake + -ing.
- present participle and gerund of merrymake