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Black, H. M., & Neill, J. T. (accepted pending revisions). Wellbeing through nature: A qualitative exploration of psychosocial aspects of a Landcare ACT nature-connection program. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education.

Boerma, M., Beel, N., Neill, J. T., Jeffries, C., Krishnamoorthy, G., & Guerri-Guttenberg, J. (2024). Male-friendly counselling for young men: a thematic analysis of client and caregiver experiences of Menslink counselling. Australian Psychologist, 1–12.

Brichacek, A. L., Neill, J. T., Murray, K., Rieger, E., & Watsford, C. (accepted pending revisions). The Body Image Flexibility and Inflexibility Scale (BIFIS). In V. Ramseyer Winter, T. Tylka, & A. Landor (Eds.), Handbook of body image-related measures (pp. *-*). Cambridge University Press.

Brichacek, A. L., Neill, J. T., Murray, K., Rieger, E., & Watsford, C. (2024). The distinct affect regulation functions of body image flexibility and inflexibility: A prospective study in adolescents and emerging adults. Body Image, 50, 101726.

Neill, J. T. (2024). Collaborative authoring using wiki: An open education case study. International Journal of Students as Partners, 8(1), 224–232.

Neill, J. T. & Black. H. (2024). Landcare ACT Wellbeing through Nature program evaluation: Final report. University of Canberra, Australia.

Neill, J. T. (in review). Wikis provide a rich environment for collaborative open educational practices: Motivation and emotion case study. Open Education Down Undoer. Open Educational Resources Collective, Council of Australian University Librarians.

Neill, J. T., Herbert, S., Hartley, R., & D'Cunha, N. (in preparation). Art for Wellbeing at the National Gallery of Australia: Thematic analysis of participant and staff perspectives.

Brichacek, A. L., Neill, J. T., Murray, K., Rieger, E., & Watsford, C. (2023). Ways of responding to body image threats: Development of the Body Image Flexibility and Inflexibility Scale for Youth. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 30, 31–40.

Busby Grant, J., Neill, J., Crisp, D., Mawer, T., & Lawlis, T. (2023). Work-integrated learning internships in psychology. Society for the Teaching of Psychology - Peer-reviewed Resource Collection, 1–29.

Ross, B. M., & Neill, J. T. (2023). Exploring the relationship between mental health, drug use, personality, and attitudes towards psilocybin-assisted therapy. Journal of Psychedelic Studies (published online ahead of print 2023).

Stevenson, D. J., Neill, J. T., Ball, K., Smith, R., & Shores, M. C. (2022). How do preschool to year 6 educators prevent and cope with occupational violence from students? Australian Journal of Education, 66(2), 154–170. Podcast.
Brichacek, A. L., Murray, K., Neill, J. T., & Rieger, E. (2021). Contextual behavioral approaches to understanding body image threats and coping in youth: A qualitative study. Journal of Adolescent Research, 39(2), 328–360.
Bowen, D. J., & Neill, J. T. (2016). Effects of the PCYC Catalyst outdoor adventure intervention program on youths' life skills, mental health, and delinquent behaviour. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 21(1), 34–55.

Brown, P. M., Mak, A. S., & Neill, J. T. (2016). Internationalisation at home: Intercultural learning for social psychology students. Psychology Teaching Review, 22(2), 30–40.

Grealish, L., Lucas, N., Neill, J., McQuellin, C., Bacon, R., & Trede, F. (2013). Promoting student learning and increasing organizational capacity to host students in residential aged care: A mixed method research study. Nurse Education Today, 33(7), 714–719.

Knott, V. E., Mak, A. S., & Neill, J. T. (2013). Teaching intercultural competencies in introductory psychology via application of the Excellence in Cultural Experiential Learning and Leadership model. Australian Journal of Psychology, 65(1), 46–53.

Neill, J. T. (2008). Enhancing life effectiveness: The impacts of outdoor education programs. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Western Sydney.
Martin, A., Leberman, S., & Neill, J. (2002). Dramaturgy as a method for experiential program design. Journal of Experiential Education, 25(1), 196–206.


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Ideas / In progress

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  • 4 pillars of free and open teaching
  • Some international trends in outdoor education - Past, present, and future
  • Ingando camp (life effectiveness)
  • Life Effectiveness Questionnaire psychometrics
  • OE outcomes (longitudinal study)
  • Adolescent Coping Scale psychometrics
  • Resilience Scale psychometrics
  • Overview of Outdoor Education Theory and/or Research
  • Overview of Outdoor Education in Australia
  • Overview of Adventure Therapy Theory and/or Education
  • Past Trends and Future Directions for Outdoor Education
  • Psychological Aspects of Outdoor Education
  • Outdoor Education and Modern Technology
  • Outdoor Education and Environmental Sustainability

See also

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