Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/394

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Duke of Buckingham, and Robert, Earl of Essex' (Reliquiæ Wottonianæ, ed. 1685, p.185).
  1. Speeches delivered in the Long parliament on the lord president's court and council in the north, and on the impeachment of the judges (Rushworth Historical Collections, iv. 230, 333).
  2. Declarations and manifestos written for Charles I between 1642 and 1648. These are too numerous to be mentioned separately; the titles of the most important have been already given. Many are contained in the 'History of the Rebellion ' itself, and the rest may be found in Rushworth's 'Collections,' in Husband's Collection of Ordinances and Declarations' (1643), and in the old ' Parliamentary History' (24 vols. 1751-62).
  3. Anonymous pamphlets written on behalf of the king. 'Two Speeches made in the House of Peers on Monday, 19 Dec. 1642' (Somers Tracts, ed. Scott, vi. 576). 'Transcendent and Multiplied Rebellion and Treason, discovered by the Laws of the Land,' 1645; `A Letter from a True and Lawful Member of Parliament … to one of the Lords of his Highness's Council,' 1656 (see Cal. Clarendon State Papers, i. 295, iii. 79; History of the Rebellion, ed. Macray,vi.l,xiv. 151).
  4. 'Animadversions on a Book entitled Fanaticism fanatically imputed to the Church of England, by Dr. Stillingfleet, and the imputation refuted and retorted by Sam. Cressy,' 1674, 8vo (Lister, ii. 567).
  5. 'A Brief View and Survey of the dangerous and pernicious errors to Church and State in Mr. Hobbes's book entitled Leviathan, ' Oxford, 1676 (see Clarendon State Papers, iii. App. p. xlii).
  6. 'The History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland,' 1720, 8vo. This is a vindication of Charles I and the Duke of Ormonde from the Bishop of Ferns and other catholic writers. It was made use of by Nalson in his 'Historical Collections,' 1682, and by Borlase in his 'History of the Irish Rebellion,' 1680. A manuscript is in the library of Trinity College, Dublin (Hist. MSS. Comm. 8th Rep. p.583).
  7. 'A Collection of several Tracts of Edward, Earl of Clarendon,' 1727, fol. This contains (a) the 'Vindication' written by Clarendon in 1668 in answer to the articles of impeachment against him, the substance of which is embodied in the ' Continuation;' (b) `Reflections upon several Christian Duties, Divine and Moral, by way of Essays;' (c) `Two Dialogues on Education, and on the Respect due to Age;'(d) `Contemplations on the Psalms.'
  8. 'Religion and Policy, and the Countenance and Assistance each should give to the other, with a Survey of the Power and Jurisdiction of the Pope in the dominion of other Princes,' Oxford, 1811, 2 vols. 8vo.

A work entitled 'A Collection of several Pieces of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, to which is prefixed an Account of his Lordship's Life, Conduct, and Character, by a learned and impartial pen,' was published in 1727, 8vo. The second volume is a reprint of the 'History of the Rebellion in Ireland.' The first contains a reprint of Clarendon's speeches between 1660 and 1666 extracted from the 'Journals of the House of Lords.' Bliss and the Bodleian ' Catalogue ' attribute to Clarendon (on insufficient evidence) a tract entitled 'A Letter sent from beyond seas to one of the chief Ministers of the Nonconforming Party. By a Lover of the Established Government both of Church and State,' dated Saumur, 7 May 1674. Two letters written by Clarendon in 1668 to the Duke and Duchess of York on the conversion of the latter to Catholicism, are printed in the 'Harleian Miscellany' (iii. 555, ed. Park); with the letter he addressed to the House of Lords on his flight from England (v. 185), under the title of 'News from Dunkirk House.' The great collection of Clarendon's correspondence, acquired at different times by the Bodleian Library, comprises over one hundred volumes. A selection from these papers, edited by Dr. Scrope and Thomas Monkhouse, was published between 1767 and 1786 (State Papers collected by Edward, Earl of Clarendon, 3 vols. folio, Oxford). They are calendared up to 1657 (3 vols. 8vo; vol. i. ed. by Ogle and Bliss, 1872; vols. ii. and iii. ed. by W. D. Macray, 1869, 1876). A number of the post-restoration papers are printed in the third volume of Lister's 'Life of Clarendon.' Letters to Sir Edward Nicholas are printed in the `Nicholas Papers,' edited by G. F. Warner, Camden Society, 1886; to Sir Richard Browne, in the appendix to the `Diary of John Evelyn,' edited by Bray, 1827, and by Wheatley, 1879; to Prince Rupert, in Warburton's 'Prince Rupert' (3 vols. 1849); to Dr. John Barwick in Barwick's `Life of Barwick,' 1724; to Lord Mordaunt and others in 1659-60 (Hist. MSS. Comm. 10th Rep. pt. vi. pp. 189-216).

[Clarendon's autobiographical works and letters form the basis of the Life of Clarendon published in 1837 by Thomas Lister Lord Campbell's memoir in his Lives of the Chancellors (iii. 110-271) has no independent value. An earlier life of little value is contained in Lives of all the Lord Chancellors, but more especially of those two great opposites, Edward, earl of Clarendon, and Bulstrode, lord Whitelocke, 2 vols. 18mo, 1708. Macdiarmid's Lives of British Statesmen, 1807, 4to, and J. H. Browne's Lives of Prime Ministers of England, 1858, 8vo, contain lives of considerable length, and shorter memoirs are given in Lodge's Portraits and Foss's