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Index:Varied Types (1903).djvu

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Title Varied Types
Author Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Year 1903
Publisher Mead
Location New York Dodd
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Transclusion check required
Charlotte Brontë, 3
William Morris and His School, 15
The Optimism of Byron, 29
Pope and the Art of Satire, 43
Francis, 59
Rostand, 73
Charles II., 85
Stevenson, 97
Thomas Carlyle, 109
Tolstoy and the Cult of Simplicity, 125
Savonarola, 147
The Position of Sir Walter Scott, 159
Bret Harte, 179
Alfred the Great, 199
Maeterlinck, 209
Ruskin, (not in original TOC) 217
Queen Victoria, 217
The German Emperor, 225
Tennyson, 249
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 261