Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Walter Burleigh

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From volume 3 of the work.

96451Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) — Walter BurleighStephen Donovan

Or Burley (Burlæus).

Friar Minor and medieval philosopher, b. in 1275 and d. in 1337. It is impossible to determine with certainty the Beuleigh was a Franciscan, as some say that he was an Augustinian; and Franciscans "can do no less than lay a claim to him", as Parkinson remarks, "leaving the matter to be disputed by such as are disposed to contend". He was preceptor to Edward, Prince of Wales, who afterward ascended the throne as Edward III in 1327. At Oxford he was the school-fellow of William of Occam, both being disciples of Duns Scotus. He taught at Paris for some time and was known as the Plain and Perspicuous Doctor (Doctor planus et perspicuus). Burleigh figured prominently in the dispute concerning the nature of universals. Following the doctrine of Scotus in this regard, he became, on the one hand, the adversary of William of Occam, the father of nominalism-that is, the doctrine that holds that universals are empty words, or nomina, having no real existence whatever; and on the other, the opponent of the extreme realists who taught the universal, as such, has actual or formal existence outside the mind. In this connection it should be remembered that, as in the question of universals, so in others of greater importance in philosophy, Scotus can be understood and interpreted only by one who has mastered by diligent and well-directed study the peculiar terminology of the Subtle Doctor and grasped his sometimes abstruse concepts of metaphysical principles.

Scotus was undoubtedly a moderate realist, that is, he taught that the universale in actu, to use his own words, non est nisi in intellectu, though having a foundation in extra-mental reality; and Burleigh followed his master. But when the disciples of Scotus endeavoured to construct on his principles a doctrine of exaggerated realism, burleigh's opposition to this mistaken interpretation of Scotus'doctrine was vigorous and uncomprimising. He then, at least in this point, was the adversary of the Scotists rather than of Scotus himself. Burleigh's only work on theology is a commentary "in Magistrum Sententiarum". His philosophical writings include (1) "De intentione et remissione formarum"; (2) "Exposito in libros Ethicorum Aristotelis"; (3) "De vitis et moribus philosophorum"; (4) "De potentiis animae"; (5) "Summa totius logicae"; (6) "Commentaria in libros Posteriorum Aristotelis"; (7) "Tractatus de materia et forma et relativis"; (8) "De fluxu et refluxu maris anglicani".

PARKINSON, Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica, ad. an. 1337 (London, 1726), 151; HURTER, Nomenclator (Innsbruck, 1893, IV, 425; JEILER, in Kirchenlex., II, 1542.