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Marlene Dietrich

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Marlene Dietrich in 1951

Marie Magdalene "Marlene" Dietrich (27 December 19016 May 1992) was a German-American actress and singer.


  • Quotations: I love them because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognizedly wiser than oneself.
  • Most women set out to try to change a man, and when they have changed him they do not like him. [citation needed]
  • There’s something about an American soldier you can’t explain. It's a quality... They’re so grateful, so heartbreakingly grateful for anything, even a film actress coming to see them. They say thank you for coming, and they really mean it.
    • As quoted in "Welcome, Marlene" by Leo Lerman, Vogue (August 15, 1944), p. 188
  • Jungs! Opfert euch nicht! Der krieg ist doch scheiße, Hitler ist ein idiot! (message in a pro-allied propaganda broadcast) Translation: Boy! Do not sacrifice yourself! The war is but shit, Hitler is an idiot!
    • Marlene Dietrich: Life and Legend [1]
  • America took me into her bosom when there was no longer a country worthy of the name, but in my heart I am German – German in my soul. [citation needed]

Quotes About Marlene Dietrich

  • She is brave, beautiful, loyal, kind and generous. She is never boring and is as lovely looking in a GI shirt, pants and combat boots as she is at night or on the screen. She has an honesty and a comic and tragic sense of life that never let her be truly happy unless she loves. When she loves she can joke about it; but it is gallows humor.
  • Marlene Dietrich is a professional – a professional actress, a professional dress designer, a professional cameraman.
  • One of the things about her that astonished me the most was her knowledge of the technical side of motion pictures. She seemed to know everything. She constantly watched the camera and the lighting, and she would politely superintend, make suggestions to the cameraman and gaffers so subtly and so sexily that no one was offended, and she got precisely what she wanted. (I didn't mind.; what possible difference could it make which side of my face was photographed? Both sides were equally homely.) She was one of the first actresses I ever knew to have her own makeup table and mirror placed in the same lights in which she would have to play—a trick she told me Von Sternberg had taught her. Between takes she was constantly in front of the mirror, adjusting her hair and her makeup, and the instant the director called her, she was ready.
    • Edward G. Robinson, All My Yesterdays: An Autobiography (1973) by Robinson, with Leonard Spigelglass, pp. 218–219
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