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Vampire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

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Buffyverse race
First appearanceBuffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) (non-canon)
"Welcome to the Hellmouth" (1997)
Created byJoss Whedon
In-universe information
Other name(s)Vamp, Vampyr, Lonely One, Van-Tal, Lurk
TypeHuman-demon hybrid
  • Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, and durability
  • Heightened senses of smell, hearing, and night vision
  • Accelerated healing
  • Sharp fangs
  • Innate hand-to-hand combat skills
  • Immunity from telepathy
  • Immortality
  • Sharp fingernails

In the fictional world of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off series Angel, a vampire is a unique variety of demon that can exist on the earthly plane only by inhabiting and animating a human corpse. In Fray, a Buffy comic book spin-off set about a century in the future, vampires are also called "lurks".


The vampire Amilyn in the non-canonical film.

Vampires in the canonical Buffyverse differ significantly from their counterparts in the 1992 Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. While the movie's vampires possess the ability to fly, maintain a relatively human appearance, and do not disintegrate into dust upon death, the canonical vampires introduced in the television series are portrayed as demonic spirits that inhabit human corpses.

The canonical vampires (introduced in the first episode of the television series) are demonic spirits that inhabit human corpses.[1] Because of their partly human nature, vampires are considered impure by other demons.

According to Rupert Giles, an occult expert in the series, when an ancient race of demons called the Old Ones were banished from Earth, the last one fed on a human and mixed their blood, creating the first vampire.[2] This vampire then fed on other humans and made more of its kind, essentially becoming a biological weapon for the Old Ones against the human race. According to Illyria, a character in Angel, vampires existed during her time as an Old One—long before the rest were banished from the realm.

Characteristics and Abilities of Vampires in the Series


The series vampires exhibit superhuman abilities, including increased strength, heightened senses, and accelerated healing. These powers intensify as they age or when they consume the blood of powerful supernatural beings. Vampires live indefinitely without aging, with the oldest losing the ability to appear human.

Vampires in the series possess all the memories and skills of their human predecessors. They also retain much of their host's personality, including any mental illnesses or emotional instabilities. For example, Spike (unlike most vampires) retained his love for his dying mother. Harmony kept her valley girl personality and her love of unicorns. Darla tells the newly turned Liam/Angelus that "what we were, informs what we become"; after her resurrection as a human, she says that the darkness he unleashed as Angelus was always in him as a human, long before they met, resulting from memories of abuses by his father.

Vampires in the Buffy universe live on a diet of blood, preferring fresh human blood; they can distinguish the blood of different animals by flavor, and those who do not drink human blood enjoy that of otters. They require no other food or drink; although they can ingest it, they generally find it bland. Prolonged deprivation of blood can impair a vampire's higher brain functions and they become "living skeletons",[3] but do not die. They do not need to breathe air—although they can breathe to speak or smoke—and they cannot pass breath on to others via CPR. They are affected by drugs, poisons, and electricity, and they can be sedated and tasered. Some vampires in the series enjoy recreational drug use like alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, and tobacco; Spike, the witty "bad boy" vampire, frequently enjoys smoking cigarettes, and Angel, who frequently drinks coffee and tea to cope his restless lifestyle.

Vampires can change at will between human appearance and a monstrous form with a pronounced brow ridge, yellow eyes, and sharp teeth. This transformation can happen in seconds. In human form, they can be detected by their lack of heartbeat and lower body temperature. They do not cast reflections, although they can be photographed and filmed.

Vulnerabilities of Vampires in the Series


The vampires in Buffy can be killed when they're beheaded, exploded, penetrated through the heart by a stake (wooden object), or come into contact with sunlight, fire, or excessive amounts of holy water. When killed, a vampire rapidly turns to dry dust. Vampires heal quickly from most injuries, but do not regrow lost limbs, and can acquire scars. Their vulnerability to sunlight limits vampires' movements, and makes most nocturnal. Spike, however, is shown on several occasions driving during the day by blocking the sunlight coming through his car windows with foil, and leaving a small strip clear to see the road.

Vampires' flesh burns upon contact with blessed objects such as holy water, a Bible, recently consecrated ground, or a Christian cross. Knowing this, Buffy wears a small cross pendant necklace at all times for minor protection. Vampires can enter consecrated buildings but appear to feel ill at ease. They cannot enter a human residence without having been invited once by a living resident; once given, such an invitation can only be revoked by a magic ritual. If all living residents die, they can enter freely. Areas open to the public and the homes of other vampires, demons, and non-humans are not protected.

To reproduce in the series, vampires must drain a human being of most of their blood, then force the victim to drink some of the vampire's blood.[2] This process is known as "siring", and the vampire who does so is called a "sire". Sires often act as mentors to their 'children', and form small covens of related vampires for various purposes. Some vampires can be telepathically linked to those that they have sired.[4] The amount of time it takes for a new vampire to rise seems to vary; Buffy often kills vampires as they rise from their graves, but other vampires rise after only a few hours. Vampires generally cannot reproduce sexually, but mystical circumstances allow the characters Angel and Darla to conceive a son, Connor, who has a human soul with vampire-like abilities of strength, endurance, agility, and senses, but none of their weaknesses or need to drink blood. Connor physically ages like humans, indicating that, unlike vampires, he is not an immortal and therefore will die eventually.

Finally, vampires are attracted to bright colors and are said to dislike garlic.[5]

Variations of Vampire Species in the Series


Vampires in the Buffyverse do not have human souls, but a character Giles in the episode "The Harvest" says the human corpse a vampire is born into is infected with a demon soul via vampiric blood, and therefore lacks a conscience. Angel and Spike—vampires characters whose human souls were restored to them—feel remorse for their previous actions. However, soulless vampires are capable of feeling human emotions such as love, though these tend to be expressed as twisted and obsessive behavior, and without souls, they typically can only experience the negative affectivity associated with evil.

Variations of vampires are seen on both Buffy and Angel. In the Angel season two episode "Through the Looking Glass", Angel and his team travel to a parallel world, Pylea, where he becomes a "Van-Tal" demon with green skin, spines and a bestial appearance. This form is described in the series as the vampire (specifically the demon that creates the vampire) in its purest form. While in this form, Angel lacks the ability to reason, possessing neither the compassion his soul gives him nor the sadism he possesses as Angelus.

The seventh season of Buffy introduces the Turok-Han, an ancient species of vampire analogous to Neanderthal man.[6] These Turok-Han, colloquially referred to as "über-vamps", are stronger and harder to kill than common vampires, can usually withstand a stake to the chest without dusting and show only minor burns when doused with holy water, but can still be killed by beheading or sunlight.


A vampire "dusting". The writers felt that having vampires disintegrate after death would be convenient for the story.

In the show, the idea of the "vamp faces" — to have vampires' human features distort to become more demonic — was implemented because Whedon wanted to have high school students that the other characters could interact with normally only to discover that these people would turn out be vampires, creating a sense of paranoia.[7] He also wanted to make the vampires look demonic, stating, "I didn't think I really wanted to put a show on the air about a high school girl who was stabbing normal-looking people in the heart. I thought somehow that might send the wrong message, but when they are clearly monsters, it takes it to a level of fantasy that is safer."

In early episodes, the vampires appeared "very white-faced, very creepy, very ghoulish". This was changed in later seasons to make the vampires look more human because of the sympathetic vampire character Angel and because elaborate make-up was time-consuming. Whedon said that people thought the white faces were "funny looking" but found it creepy, comparing it to the monsters in zombie movies such as Day of the Dead and The Evil Dead.[7] The character of the Master was designed to be in permanent vamp face to highlight his age and make him appear animalistic. Make-up artist John Vulich based the Master's appearance on a bat, saying that the character has devolved to a more primal, demonic state over the years.[8]

It was decided that vampires and their clothes would turn to dust after they died. The introduction to one episode, "The Wish", parodied this vampiric trait; when Buffy kills a non-humanoid demon, Willow wonders why the demon corpse "doesn't go poof" and must be buried. Joss Whedon had the vampires explode into dust because it was practical, it demonstrates that they are monsters, he did not want a high school girl killing bad guys every episode and have them clean up bodies for 20 minutes, and it also "looks really cool".[citation needed]

In the first episode, vampires' clothes reflect the era in which they died. Joss Whedon felt this concept was a "charming notion" but rejected it because he believed that if every vampire in the show were dressed in old-fashioned clothes, they would cease to be scary.[7]

When creating the vampire "rules" that they would use in the show, the writers used elements from existing vampire lore. They decided the vampires would not fly as in the Buffy movie because they could not make flying vampires look convincing on a television budget. Garlic is mentioned or used as vampire repellent in a few episodes, but its effect on vampires is never stated. Some established rules, such as a vampire's inability to enter a home uninvited, both helped and hindered the storytelling. Whedon said that whereas shows such as The X-Files spend time explaining the science behind the supernatural and making it as real as possible, Buffy and Angel are more concerned with the emotion resulting from these creatures and events than justifying how they could conceivably exist. The shows therefore tend to gloss over the details of vampire and demon lore, simply using the Hellmouth as a plot device to explain unexplainable things.[8]

See also



  1. ^ "Lie to Me", Season 2 episode 7
  2. ^ a b "Welcome to the Hellmouth", pilot episode
  3. ^ "Pangs", Season 4, episode 8
  4. ^ Angel season 1 episode "Somnambulist"
  5. ^ The Wish
  6. ^ "Never Leave Me" Season 7 episode 9
  7. ^ a b c Joss Whedon (2000). Commentary for Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Welcome to the Hellmouth" (DVD (Region 2)). United States: 20th Century Fox.
  8. ^ a b Joss Whedon (2000). Commentary for Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "The Harvest" (DVD (Region 2)). United States: 20th Century Fox.