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Tiberius Jarsve
Trond Marius Pettersen Jarsve
Marius Broløkken

25th of april 1998
Other namesTiberius
Alma materUniversity of South-Eastern Norway
OrganizationAutism Association
Known forHistorian
Political activism
Human rights activism
Disability rights activism (Particularily Autism)
Height166 cm (5 ft 5 in)
Political partyRed Party (2013-present)
Other political
NKP (Affiliated, 2013-present)
SV (Affiliated 2017-present)
Sinn Féin (International member, 2017-2019)
Nondenominational Christianity
Liberation theology
Renaissance revival
Dragon style revival
Socialist realism
  • Svein Pettersen (father)
  • Therese Jarsve (mother)
FamilyKarlberg (Paternal)
Eikrem (Paternal)
YouTube information
Years active2010-present
Subscribers10 897[1]
Total views8 033 562[1]

Hi, I'm Vif12vf, but you may call me Tiberius. I'm a Norwegian student and historian who likes to study history, philosophy, politics, human rights and social sciences, currently I am studying political sciences at the University of South-Eastern Norway. I'm from the former municipality of Hurum, which merged with the municipalities of Røyken and my place of birth, Asker in 2020. Since September 2020 i live in the city of Drammen. My contributions includes changes in basic grammar, adding of ideologies and other information to party-infoboxes and expanding pages whom are lacking in information. I am a member of the Red Party in Norway, and a former international member of Sinn Fein. I am primarily of Norwegian and Swedish descent but with a fair bit of Italian and some German descent as well.

Personal Quotes


A religion may encourage violence but in the end, it is always up to the individual to distinguish between right and wrong! -By me

I love the homeless, they are my brothers and sisters, i believe they are worth more than the rich! There is one thing the homeless has that the rich don't, empathy! -By me

We live under the elective dictatorship of the rich and greedy, but somehow we still believe we are free! -By me

Democracy with poverty and homelessness is no democracy of the people! -By me

Most liberals tend to despise the Neo-liberal dictators for their totalitarian values, but they will gladly support the policies and events that leads to their rise to power. -By me

Western accusations against the Syrian government regarding alleged crimes is pure whitewashing of horrendous crimes committed by the terrorists in Syria! -By me

Most people who criticize something or someone for being undemocratic have no idea democracy today is not a single concept. -By me

Personal Opinions


As several things on my Wikipedia userpage might suggest, I identify as a Communist. However this is a very vague description, thus i have decided to explain more into detail my personal positions in politics. As with most communists I identify as a Marxist–Leninist, however I am a strong supporter of the Socialist policies of Cuba and as such regard myself as a Castroist and Guevarist. While i hold this specific position I do not consider myself sectarian and as such is not hostile towards most types of Marxist and Marxist-leninist ideologies (with certain exceptions). I am also a strong supporter of Eco-socialism and Socialist feminism worldwide.



On the subject of the EU and the EEA i consider myself to be a Eurosceptic. I am against the idea of Norway joining the European Union, however i also think Norway should leave the European Economic Area. Not only do i not think Norway should be in these organizations, i am opposed to their very existence. I also think Norway should leave NATO in order to not make Norway complicit in American imperialism, and i believe it would be better for humanity if NATO was dismantled.

Norwegian Action
General SecretaryTiberius Jarsve
Founded20th September 2017
NewspaperMarxist News [1]
Democratic socialism
Revolutionary socialism
Agrarian socialism
Socialist feminism
Hard Euroscepticism
Internal Factions
Nordic federalism
Norwegian republicanism
Political positionCentre-left to far-left
National affiliationRed Party
Party flag

Norwegian Action


Norwegian Action (Norwegian: Norsk Aksjon) is a non-registered political organization in Norway open to independent socialists and communists as well as members of the Red Party, Socialist Left and the Communist Party of Norway. It is a membership-by-affiliation organization and therefore does not have membership-fees. The organization exists to create broader unity between its three affiliated parties, as well as to spread knowledge about socialism and certain topics that are discussed within Norwegian politics. Norwegian Action has several goals that are listed below:

1: Spreading knowledge about Socialism and Marxism.

2: Working for cooperation between its three affiliated parties.

3: Spreading environmental awareness.

4: Working for the disestablishment of Norwegian monarchy and the creation of either a Semi-presidential Constitutional republic or a Socialist state.

5: Making Norway economically self-sufficient.

6: Opposing imperialist wars by the US and its allies.

7: Working to get Norway out of the European Economic Area.

8: Making Norway leave NATO in order to not make Norway complicit in imperialist wars.

9: Banning fascist organizations and gatherings of fascists.

10: Actively supporting the rights of women and the LGBT community.



Books I am reading/have read


The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Heimskringla by Snorre Sturlasson.

Capital: Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. (Currently reading)

The Bible by various authors.

The Scientific Revolution by Steven Shapin.

Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke. (Currently reading)

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

BreadTube Serves Imperialism by Caleb Maupin. (Audiobook)

Unread collection


The humans before us by John Guy (historian) (translated by Stein Gabrielsen).

Eye Wonder: Pyramid by Caroline Bingham (translated by Lene K. Hoff)

Volcano by uncredited (translated by Inger-Johanne Sæterdal)

Banners and Flags by Sverre Diesen.

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung by Mao Zedong (what a supprise).

The Flying Machine: START by Roar Glenne.

Models that speak: Norwegian Naval History by Hans Petter Oset and the Royal Norwegian Navy Museum.

Condemned, Persecuted and Concealed: The history of the communist resistance in Norway 1940-1945 by Terje Halvorsen.

Imperialism in Norwegian by Stian Bragtvedt and Arnljot Ask.

The Spanish Sensation Podemos - and How to do Left-wing populism in times of crisis by Lotta Elstad.

Books to acquire


Republic by Plato.

De re publica by Cicero.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius.

De Monarchia by Dante Alighieri.

Pensées by Blaise Pascal.

On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation by David Ricardo.

Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right by Karl Marx.

On the Jewish Question by Karl Marx.

Notes on James Mill by Karl Marx.

The Holy Family by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

The German Ideology by Karl Marx.

The Poverty of Philosophy by Karl Marx.

Wage Labour and Capital by Karl Marx.

The Condition of the Working Class in England by Friedrich Engels.

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels.

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Friedrich Engels (Including notes by Karl Marx).

Erfurt Program by Eduard Bernstein, August Bebel and Karl Kautsky.

The Class Struggle (Erfurt Program) by Karl Kautsky (translated by Daniel De Leon).

Forerunners of Modern Socialism by Karl Kautsky (with contributions by Eduard Bernstein, Paul Lafargue, C. Hugo, Franz Mehring and Georgi Plekhanov).

Social Reform or Revolution? by Rosa Luxemburg.

The Accumulation of Capital by Rosa Luxemburg.

What Is to Be Done? by Vladimir Lenin.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back by Vladimir Lenin.

The Right of Nations to Self-Determination by Vladimir Lenin.

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin.

The State and Revolution by Vladimir Lenin.

Marxism and the National Question by Joseph Stalin.

Foundations of Leninism by Joseph Stalin.

History and Class Consciousness by György Lukács.

The Division of Labour in Society by Émile Durkheim.

The Rules of Sociological Method by Émile Durkheim.

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Émile Durkheim.

Zur Geschichte der Handelsgesellschaften im Mittelalter by Max Weber.

Roman Agrarian History and Its Significance for Public and Private Law by Max Weber.

Condition of Farm Labour in Eastern Germany by Max Weber.

Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan by Mao Zedong.

On Guerrilla Warfare by Mao Zedong.

On Practice by Mao Zedong.

On Contradiction by Mao Zedong.

On Protracted War by Mao Zedong.

The Governance of China by Xi Jinping.

From the Soil by Fei Xiaotong.

History Will Absolve Me by Fidel Castro.

My Life: A Spoken Autobiography by Fidel Castro and Ignacio Ramonet.

Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War/Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War by Che Guevara.

Guerrilla Warfare by Che Guevara.

The Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara.

The Unfinished Memoirs by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Karagarer Rojnamcha by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney.

On Eliminating Dogmatism and Formalism and Establishing Juche in Ideological Work by Kim Il-sung.

Theses on the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country by Kim Il-sung.

Ten Point Programme for Reunification of the Country by Kim Il-sung.

On Further Improving Party Ideological Work by Kim Jong-il.

On the Juche Idea by Kim Jong-il.

Our Socialism Centred on the Masses Shall Not Perish by Kim Jong-il.

An Introduction to the Study of Indian History by Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi.

The Black Jacobins by C. L. R. James.

Fundamentals of Marxism–Leninism by Otto Wille Kuusinen.

The Green Book by Muammar Gaddafi.

On the Way of Resurrection by Michel Aflaq.

The Battle for One Destiny by Michel Aflaq.

Black Reconstruction in America by W. E. B. Du Bois.

Race Matters by Cornel West.

The Rich and the Rest of Us by Cornel West and Tavis Smiley.

Annihilation of Caste by B. R. Ambedkar.

Countries I have visited


Countries I want to visit


This list is incomplete/a work in progress.

Pages created


Comprehensive list of pages I have created (not including talk-pages and maintenance-related pages). Categories remain unlinked on purpose.

  • Category:Multiracialist parties in Malaysia
  • Category:Political parties in Aceh
  • Category:Social democratic parties in Ethiopia
  • Category:Social democratic parties in Malaysia

Academic history


Overview of my degrees and approved exams, published for the sake of transparency. This is not intended as a form of bragging, please keep this in mind.





Wikipedia Service Awards

Badges Length of Service Ribbons
This editor is a Registered Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge.
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The Signator lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 23 days and completion of 150 edits
The Signator lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 23 days and completion of 150 edits
This editor is a Novice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge.
This editor is a Burba and is entitled to display this First Book of Wikipedia.
The Novice lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 2 months 15 days and completion of 800 edits
The Novice lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 2 months 15 days and completion of 800 edits
This editor is an Apprentice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge.
This editor is a Novato and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Picture Story Book.
The Apprentice lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 5 months 8 days and completion of 1,750 edits
The Apprentice lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 5 months 8 days and completion of 1,750 edits
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This editor is a Grognard and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Little Red Book.
The Journeyman lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 10 months 15 days and completion of 3,500 edits
The Journeyman lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 10 months 15 days and completion of 3,500 edits
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The Yeoman lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 16 months 15 days and completion of 5,500 edits
The Yeoman lv 4, Awarded for being a Registered Editor for 16 months 15 days and completion of 5,500 edits
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Veteran Editor IV
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Master Editor III
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This editor is a Looshpah Laureate of the Encyclopedia and is entitled to display this Book of All Knowledge with Secret Appendix, Errata Sheet, and Author's Signature.
Master Editor IV
Master Editor IV

Gifts and barnstars



The Anti-Vandalism Barnstar
Good work with Twinkle, keeping Wikipedia free from Vandalism. Keep it up. Try WP:Stiki as well. cheers. DBigXray 21:41, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
The Barnstar of Diligence
Nice work, comrade. puggo 00:45, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
The Original Barnstar
Hello, comrade. I appreciate your tenacity trying to change the absurd description of DPRK's regime. It's sort of ludicrous that people hide behind "consensus" on de jure definitions which would be easily accepted had the country been inside the USA's sphere of influence. Keds (talk) 19:21, 24 March 2021 (UTC)
The Anti-Vandalism Barnstar
Thank you for fixing my edit to Alaska Republicans, I accidentally edited an old version. Apologies. ^_^ Mycranthebigman (talk) 17:39, 13 April 2022 (UTC)
The Workers' Barnstar
This user has shown great editing skills in improving articles related to Communism or Socialism.
this WikiAward was given to Vif12vf by Yue🌙 on 07:11, 23 October 2022 (UTC)
The Anti-Vandalism Barnstar
Congratulations on being so prominent on my watchlist (Yugoslavia-related articles) and cheers for relentless anti-vandalism activity! :) –Vipz (talk) 04:32, 18 October 2023 (UTC)
Christmas Barnstar
Awarded to you for your contributions on Christmas Day, because apparently you also have nothing better to do over the holidays than edit Wikipedia! Yue🌙 10:03, 25 December 2023 (UTC)
The Anti-Vandalism Barnstar
hi im sorry for fighting with u PhonecianSoldier (talk) 21:17, 12 February 2024 (UTC)
The Editor's Barnstar
For your scrutiny of communist parties and groups in Belgium! Thank you for being and awesome Wikipedian! gidonb (talk) 22:43, 24 February 2024 (UTC)


A glass of Thandai for you
Here is a glass of Thandai for you. Thandai is a traditional Indian cold drink prepared with a mixture of almonds, fennel seeds, watermelon kernels, rose petals, pepper, vetiver seeds, cardamom, saffron, milk and sugar.
Thanks a lot for your efforts in fighting vandals. It will be helpful to you if you use WP:Twinkle. Because it provides several options that come handy and make it faster to revert vandalism. Try it, I hope you will like it. If you have any questions feel free to ping me. cheers and regards.
Thank you.

DBigXray 17:46, 22 September 2018 (UTC)

For more Indian dishes, visit the Kitchen of WikiProject India.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2019!

Hello Vif12vf, may you be surrounded by peace, success and happiness on this seasonal occasion. Spread the WikiLove by wishing another user a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, whether it be someone you have had disagreements with in the past, a good friend, or just some random person. Sending you a heartfelt and warm greetings for Christmas and New Year 2019.
Happy editing,

Meatsgains(talk) 01:51, 24 December 2018 (UTC)

Spread the love by adding {{subst:Seasonal Greetings}} to other user talk pages.

Thank you for reverting the vandalism on my talk page. puggo (talk) 23:07, 27 March 2019 (UTC)
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2020!

Hello Vif12vf, may you be surrounded by peace, success and happiness on this seasonal occasion. Spread the WikiLove by wishing another user a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, whether it be someone you have had disagreements with in the past, a good friend, or just some random person. Sending you heartfelt and warm greetings for Christmas and New Year 2020.
Happy editing,

Fylindfotberserk (talk) 13:57, 24 December 2019 (UTC)

Spread the love by adding {{subst:Seasonal Greetings}} to other user talk pages.

Spread the WikiLove; use {{subst:Season's Greetings}} to send this message

   Send New Year cheer by adding {{subst:Happy New Year fireworks}} to user talk pages.


  1. ^ a b "About ComradeTiberius". YouTube.

Wikipedia Achievements
