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North America


{{| class="wikitable" style="font-size:100%;" !align=left|Country !align=left|Mammal !align=left|Bird !align=left|Other !align=left|Picture |- | Bahamas || Orca || |- | Belize || Baird's Tapir || |- | Canada || Beaver || |- |rowspan="3"| Dominican Republic || Palmchat || |- |Ashy-faced Owl || |- |Hispaniolan Amazon || |- | El Salvador || Turquoise-browed Motmot || |- | Grenada || Ostrich|| |- | Guatemala || Quetzal || |- |rowspan="2"| Guyana || Canje Pheasant|| |- |Jaguar || |- | Honduras || White-tailed Deer|| |- |rowspan="7"| Mexico || Golden eagle (national bird/icon) || |- |Xoloitzcuintli (national animal) || |- |Grasshopper (national arthropod) || |- |Chihuahua (national dog) || |- |Jaguar (national mammal) || |- |Vaquita (national marine mammal) || |- |Green turtle (national reptile) || |- | Nicaragua || Turquoise-browed Motmot|| |- | Panama || Harpy Eagle || |- | Saint Kitts and Nevis || Vervet Monkey || |- |American Bison || || Bald Eagle || Haliaeetus leucocephalus || || [1] |- }}

South America

Country Mammal Bird Other Picture
 Brazil Macaw
Rufous-bellied Thrush
 Bolivia Llama
 Ecuador Andean Condor
 Venezuela Troupial Icterus icterus (turpial)



Country National animal Pictures
 Albania Eagle
 Armenia Eagle
 Armenia Eagle
 Belarus Wisent
White Stork
 Estonia Barn Swallow
 Finland Brown Bear (national animal)
Whooper Swan (national bird)
Perch (national fish)
 France Gallic rooster
Deer (unofficial)
 Germany Black Eagle
 Gibraltar Barbary Macaque
 Greece Dolphin
 Latvia Atlantic Swordfish
 Luxembourg Lion
 Moldova Aurochs
 Malta Blue Rock Thrush
Kelb tal-Fenek (the Pharaoh Hound)
 North Macedonia Lion (in Macedonian heraldry)[3]
Ohrid trout
 Netherlands Lion
 Norway Elk (Called "Moose" in the Americas)
 Slovenia Goldhorn
Carniolan honey bee
 United Kingdom Lion European Robin Erithacus rubecula [5]


Country National animal Pictures
 Bangladesh Royal Bengal Tiger (national animal)
Oriental Magpie Robin (national bird)
Hilsa (national fish)
Ganges River Dolphin (national mammal)
 Bhutan Takin
 China Chinese dragon
Golden Pheasant (unofficial)
Giant Panda
 India Bengal Tiger (national animal)
Peacock (national bird)
Indian Elephant (national mammal)
King Cobra (national reptile)
Hanuman Langur (national icon)
India - Dolphin (national marine animal)
 Indonesia Komodo Dragon (national reptile)
Asian arowana (national fish)
Javan Hawk-eagle (national bird)
Javan Rhinoceros
Sumatran Tiger
 Iran Asiatic Cheetah
Persian Leopard
Persian fallow deer
 Israel Mountain Gazelle (national animal)
Hoopoe (national bird)
 Japan Green Pheasant
 Jordan Camel
 Malaysia Tiger (national animal)
Rhinoceros Hornbill (national bird)
 Nepal Cow
 Pakistan Markhor (national animal)
Chukar (national bird)
Peregrine falcon (state bird)
Snow Leopard (state animal)
Indus River Dolphin (national marine mammal)
Mugger Crocodile (national reptile)
Mahasher (national fish)
Bufo stomaticus (national amphibian)
 Palestine Palestine Sunbird
 Philippines Carabao (national animal)
Philippine Eagle (national bird)
Bangus (national fish)
 North Korea Chollima
 Republic of China Formosan Black Bear
Formosan Blue Magpie
 Singapore Merlion
Crimson Sunbird
 Turkey Redwing Turdus iliacus [citation needed]
 Vietnam Tortoise (symbol animal of Hanoi Capital and cutural)


Country National animal Pictures
 Algeria Fennec Fox  Botswana Zebra
 Egypt Steppe Eagle
 Ethiopia Abyssinian Lion (also known as the Lion of Judah)
 Ivory Coast Elephant
 Mali Gorilla
 Malawi Bar-tailed Trogon
Thomson's Gazelle
 Mauritius Dodo
 Namibia Oryx
 Nigeria Eagle
 Somalia Leopard
 South Africa Secretary Bird
 Togo Hippopotamus
 Uganda East African Crowned-Crane Balearica regulorum gibbericeps


 Zambia Fish Eagle


 Zimbabwe Sable Antelope African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer [7]


Country National animal Pictures
 Australia Kangaroo
 Fiji Rainbow Lorikeet
 New Zealand Kiwi
 New Caledonia Kagu
 Nauru Great Frigatebird

That other list




| Antigua and Barbuda || Blue Whale || |- | Angola || Magnificent Frigatebird || |- |rowspan="2"| Argentina || Cougar || |- |Hornero || |- |rowspan="3"| Australia || Kangaroo|| |- |Emu|| |- |Koala|| |- | Austria || Black Eagle || |-



|rowspan="2"| Bahamas || Blue Marlin || |- |Flamingo || |- |rowspan="4"| Bangladesh || Royal Bengal Tiger (national animal) || |- |Oriental Magpie Robin (national bird) || |- |Hilsa (national fish) || |- | Ganges River Dolphin (national mammal) || |- |rowspan="2"| Belarus || Wisent || |- |White Stork || |- | Belgium || Lion|| |- | Bermuda || Humpback Whale || |- | Belize || Baird's Tapir || |- |rowspan="2"| Bhutan || Druk || |- |Takin || |- | Bolivia || Llama || |- | Botswana || Zebra || |- |rowspan="3"| Brazil || Macaw || |- |Jaguar || |- |Rufous-bellied Thrush || |- | Bulgaria || Lion || |-



| Cambodia || Kouprey[9] || |- |rowspan="2"| Canada || Beaver[10] || |- |Canadian Horse[10] || |- |rowspan="2"| Chile || Andean Condor || |- |Huemul || |- |rowspan="4"| People's Republic of China || Chinese Dragon || |- |Crane, more specifically the Red-crowned Crane || |- |Golden Pheasant (unofficial) || |- |Giant Panda || |- | Colombia || Condor || |- |rowspan="2"| Costa Rica || Clay-colored Thrush || |- |White-tailed Deer || |- | Congo (DRC) || Okapi || |- | Croatia || Dalmatian || |- | Cuba || Cuban Crocodile || |- | Cyprus || Cypriot Mouflon[11] || |-



| Denmark || Mute Swan || |- |rowspan="3"| Dominican Republic || Palmchat || |- |Ashy-faced Owl || |- |Hispaniolan Amazon || |- | East Timor || Crocodile || |-



| Ecuador || Andean Condor || |- | Eritrea || Camel || |- | El Salvador || Turquoise-browed Motmot || |- | Estonia || Barn Swallow|| |- | Ethiopia || Abyssinian Lion (also known as the Lion of Judah)|| |-



|rowspan="3"| Finland || Brown Bear (national animal) || |- |Whooper Swan (national bird) || |- |European perch (national fish) || |- | France || Gallic Rooster|| |-



| Gambia || Hyena || |- | Germany || Black Eagle|| |- | Gibraltar || Barbary Macaque|| |- |rowspan="2"| Greece || Dolphin|| |- |Phoenix || |- | Grenada || Grenada Dove|| |- | Guatemala || Quetzal || |- |rowspan="2"| Guyana || Canje Pheasant|| |- |Jaguar || |- | Haiti || Hispaniolan Trogon || |- | Honduras || White-tailed Deer|| |- | Hungary || Turul|| |-



| Iceland || Falcon|| |- |  Ichkeria || Chechen wolf || |- |rowspan="5"|  India || Bengal Tiger (national animal)[12] || |- |Peacock (national bird) || |- | King Cobra (national reptile) || |- | Hanuman Langur (national icon) || |- | Dolphin (national marine animal) || |- |rowspan="4"|  Indonesia || Komodo Dragon (national animal) || |- | Asian arowana (national fish) || |- | Javan Hawk-eagle (national bird) || |- | Garuda (national symbol) || |- |rowspan="2"| Ireland || Stag (Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)) || |- | Lapwing (national bird) || |- |rowspan="3"| Iran || Asiatic Cheetah || |- |Persian Leopard || |- |Persian fallow deer || |- |rowspan="2"| Israel || Israeli Gazelle (national animal) || |- | Hoopoe (national bird) || |- | Italy || Italian Wolf|| |- | Ivory Coast || African Elephant|| |-



| Jamaica || Green-and-black Streamertail|| |- |rowspan="4"| Japan || Green Pheasant || |- |Koi || |- |Raccoon Dog || |- |Red-crowned Crane || |- | Jordan || Oryx || |-



|rowspan="2"| Kenya || Cheetah || |- |African Elephant || |- | Kiribati || Magnificent Frigatebird || |- | North Korea || Chollima|| |- | South Korea || Tiger|| |- | Kuwait || Camel || |-



| Laos || Indian Elephant || |- | Latvia || White Wagtail || |- | Lesotho || Black Rhinoceros || |- | Lebanon || Striped Hyena || |- | Liberia || Lion || |- | Lithuania || Wolf || |- | Luxembourg || Lion || |-



|rowspan="2"| Malawi || Bar-tailed Trogon|| |- |Thomson's Gazelle || |- |rowspan="2"| Malta || Blue Rock Thrush || |- |Kelb tal-Fenek (the Pharaoh Hound)|| |- |rowspan="4"|  North Macedonia || Lion (in Macedonian heraldry)[13] || |- |Šarplaninec || |- | Lynx[14] || |- | Ohrid Trout || |- | Madagascar || Ring Tailed Lemur
|| |- |rowspan="2"|  Malaysia || Malayan Tiger (national animal) || |- | Rhinoceros Hornbill (national bird) || |- |  Maldives || Yellow-fin Tuna || |- | Mauritius || Dodo
|| |- |rowspan="7"|  Mexico || Golden Eagle (national bird/icon) || |- |Xoloitzcuintli (national animal) || |- |Grasshopper (national arthropod) || |- |Chihuahua (national dog) || |- |Jaguar (national mammal) || |- |Vaquita (national marine mammal) || |- |Green turtle (national reptile) || |- | Moldova || Aurochs|| |- |rowspan="3"|  Monaco || European Hedgehog || |- | European Rabbit || |- |Wood Mouse || |- | Morocco || Barbary lion || |- | Myanmar || Tiger || |-



| Namibia || Oryx|| |- | Nauru || Great Frigatebird|| |- | Nepal || Cow|| |- | Netherlands || Lion|| |- | New Caledonia || Kagu || |- |rowspan="1"| New Zealand || Kiwi[15]|| |- | Nigeria || Eagle|| |- | Nicaragua || Turquoise-browed Motmot|| |- | Norway || Elk (Called "Moose" in the Americas) || |-



|rowspan="8"| Pakistan || Markhor (national animal) || |- |Chukar (national bird) || |- |Peregrine falcon (state bird) || |- |Snow Leopard (state animal) || |- |Indus River Dolphin (national marine mammal) || |- |Mugger Crocodile (national reptile) || |- |Mahasher (national fish) || |- |Bufo stomaticus (national amphibian) || |- | Panama || Harpy Eagle || |- | Papua New Guinea || Birds of Paradise || |- | Paraguay || Pampas Fox || |- |rowspan="2"| Peru || Vicuña (national animal) || |- |Andean cock-of-the-rock (national bird) || |- |rowspan="3"| Philippines || Carabao (national animal)|| |- |Philippine Eagle (national bird) || |- |Bangus (national fish) || |- |rowspan="3"| Poland || White Eagle/White-tailed Eagle|| |- |Wisent || |- |White Stork || |- |rowspan="2"| Portugal || Barcelos Cock|| |- |Iberian Wolf || |-



| Qatar || Oryx|| |- | Romania || Lynx|| |- |rowspan="2"| Russia || Russian Bear || |- |Eagle || |- | Rwanda || African Leopard || |- |rowspan="4"| Saudi Arabia || Arabian horse|| |- | Arabian Wolf|| |- | Arabian Red Fox|| |- | Camel || |-



|rowspan="3"| Serbia || White Eagle|| |- | Falcon|| |- | Wolf || |- | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines || St Vincent Parrot || |- | Seychelles || Striped Dolphin || |- | Saint Kitts and Nevis || Vervet Monkey || |- |rowspan="3"| Singapore || Merlion || |- |Crimson Sunbird|| |- |Peacock bass || |- |rowspan="4"| Slovenia || Lipizzaner || |- |Proteus || |- |Lynx || |- |Alpine Ibex || |- | Somalia || Leopard|| |- |rowspan="3"| South Africa || Springbok || |- |African Elephant || |- |Blue Crane || |- | Spain || Bull|| |- |rowspan="3"| Sri Lanka|| |Lion (national mammal) || |- |Jungle Fowl (national bird) || |- |Troides darsius (national butterfly) || |- | Eswatini || Thomson's Gazelle || |- |rowspan="3"| Sweden || Lion|| |- |Elk|| |- |Dalecarlian horse|| |-



|rowspan="2"| Taiwan || Formosan Black Bear || |- |Formosan Blue Magpie || |- | Thailand || Thai Elephant|| |- | Togo || Hippopotamus || |- | Turkey || Grey Wolf || |- |Rowspan="2"| Trinidad and Tobago || Scarlet Ibis || |- |Rufous-vented Chachalaca || |-



| Uganda || Grey Crowned Crane || |- | United Arab Emirates || Peregrine Falcon || |- |Rowspan="8"| United Kingdom || Lion (England) || |- |European Robin || |- |Red Deer || |- |Mute Swan || |- |Red Fox || |- |Rowspan="2"| United States || Bald Eagle || |- |American Bison || |-



|Rowspan="3"| Vietnam || |Tiger || |- |Water Buffalo || |- |Dragon || |- | Venezuela || Turpial || |-



| Zambia || African Fish Eagle || |- | Zimbabwe || Sable Antelope|| |}


See List of sub-national animals

See also


This is a list of national birds, most official, but some unofficial.

National birds




|- | Angola || Peregrine Falcon ||Falco peregrinus || || [7] |- | Anguilla || Zenaida Dove|| Zenaida aurita || || [16] |- | Antigua and Barbuda || Magnificent Frigatebird|| Fregata magnificens || || [17] |- | Argentina || Rufous Hornero ||Furnarius rufus || ||[18] |- | Australia || Emu (Official since 1960. However,
some sources say this is not official[19])
||Dromaius novaehollandiae || ||[20] |- | Austria || Barn Swallow || Hirundo rustica || || [21] |-



| Bahamas || West Indian Flamingo || Phoenicopterus ruber || || [22] |- | Bahrain || White-cheeked Bulbul || Pycnonotus leucogenys || || [23] |- | Bangladesh || Oriental Magpie Robin || Copsychus saularis (doayle, dhayal) || || [24] |- | Belarus || White Stork ||Ciconia ciconia || || [25] |- | Belgium || Common Kestrel ||Falco tinnunculus || || [citation needed] |- | Belize || Keel-billed Toucan||Ramphastos sulfuratus || || [26] |- | Bermuda || Bermuda Petrel || Pterodroma cahow |||| [27] |- | Bhutan || Common Raven ||Corvus corax || || [28] |- | Bolivia || Andean Condor ||Vultur gryphus || || [29] |- |rowspan="2"| Botswana || Lilac-breasted Roller, || Coracias caudata || || [citation needed] |- |Golden Eagle || Aquila chrysaetos|| || [citation needed] |- | Brazil || Rufous-bellied Thrush || Turdus rufiventris|| || [30] |-



| Cambodia || Giant Ibis || Thaumatibis gigantea || || [citation needed] |- | Chile || Condor || Vultur gryphus || ||[31] |- | China || Red-crowned Crane (Since 2004) || Grus japonensis || ||[32] |- | Colombia || Andean Condor || Vultur gryphus || || [33] |- | Costa Rica || Clay-colored Thrush || Turdus grayi || || [34] |- | Côte d'Ivoire || White-cheeked Turaco || Tauraco leucotis || || [citation needed] |- | Cuba || Cuban Trogon || Priotelus temnurus|| ||[35] |-



| Denmark || Mute Swan || Cygnus olor || || [36] |- || Dominica || Imperial Amazon || Amazona imperialis || || [37] |- | Dominican Republic || Palmchat || Dulus dominicus || || [38] |-



| Ecuador || Andean Condor || Vultur gryphus || || [citation needed] |- | El Salvador || Turquoise-browed Motmot || Eumomota superciliosa (Torogoz) || || [39] |- | Estonia || Barn Swallow || Hirundo rustica || || [40] |-



| Finland || Whooper Swan || Cygnus cygnus || ||[citation needed] |- | France || Gallic Rooster ||Gallus gallus || || [citation needed] |-



| Grenada || Grenada Dove || Leptotila wellsi || ||[41] |- | Guatemala || Resplendent Quetzal || Pharomachrus mocinno || || [42] |- | Guyana || Hoatzin || Opisthocomus hoazin || || [43] |-



| Haiti || Hispaniolan Trogon || Priotelus roseigaster || || [citation needed] |- | Honduras || Scarlet Macaw || Ara macao || || [citation needed] |-



| Iceland || Gyrfalcon || Falco rusticolus || ||[44] |- | India || Indian Peacock ||Pavo cristatus || || [45] |- | Indonesia || Javan Hawk-eagle (Elang Jawa) || Nisaetus bartelsi |||| [citation needed] |- | Israel || Hoopoe (דוכיפת pronounced Doochifat) ||Upupa epops || || [46] |- |rowspan="2"| Ireland || Winter Wren (unofficial)|| Troglodytes troglodytes|| || [citation needed] |- |European Robin (unofficial) ||Erithacus rubecula|| || [citation needed] |-



| Japan || Green Pheasant
(It was declared national bird by a non-government body in 1947)|| Phasianus versicolor || || [47] |-



| Latvia || White Wagtail (baltā cielava) ||Motacilla alba || ||[48] |- | Liberia || Garden Bulbul || Pycnonotus barbatus|| ||[citation needed] |- | Lithuania || White Stork || Ciconia ciconia|| || [citation needed] |- | Luxembourg || Goldcrest || Regulus regulus || || [citation needed] |-



| Malawi || Bar-tailed Trogon || Apaloderma vittatum || ||[citation needed] |- | Mauritius || Dodo ||Raphus cucullatus || || [citation needed] |- |rowspan="2"| Mexico || Crested Caracara || Polyborus plancus || || [citation needed] |- || Golden Eagle || Aquila chrysaetos || || [citation needed] |- | Montserrat || Montserrat Oriole || Icterus oberi || || [49] |- |  Myanmar || Grey Peacock-pheasant || Polyplectron bicalcaratum |||| [citation needed] |-



| Namibia || Crimson-breasted Shrike || Laniarius atrococcineus || ||[7] |- |   Nepal || Himalayan Monal || Lophophorus impejanus || || [50] |- | New Zealand || Kiwi (unofficial)|| Apteryx mantelli || || [51] |- | Nicaragua || Turquoise-browed Motmot (guardabarranco) || Eumomota superciliosa|| || [52] |- | Nigeria || Black Crowned-Crane || Balearica pavonina|| || [citation needed] |- | Norway || White-throated Dipper || Cinclus cinclus || || [citation needed] |-



| Pakistan || Chukar Partridge || Alectoris chukar || || [53] |- | Palestinian territories || Palestine Sunbird (Proposed, as Palestine is not currently a nation) || Cinnyris oseus || || [citation needed] |- | Panama || Harpy Eagle || Harpia harpyja|| || [54] |- | Papua New Guinea || Raggiana Bird of Paradise || Paradisaea raggiana || ||[55] |- | Paraguay || Bare-throated Bellbird || Procnias nudicollis|| || [56] |- | Peru || Andean Cock-of-the-rock || Rupicola peruvianus|| || [57] |- | Philippines || Philippine Eagle (Agila ng Pilipinas) || Pithecophaga jefferyi|| || [58] |- | Puerto Rico || Puerto Rican Spindalis || Spindalis Portoricensis |||| [59] |-



| Romania || Great White Pelican || Pelecanus onocrotalus || || [citation needed] |-



| Saint Kitts and Nevis || Brown Pelican || Pelecanus occidentalis || || [60] |- | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines || St Vincent Parrot || Amazona guildingii || || [61] |- | Singapore || Crimson Sunbird (unofficial) ||Aethopyga siparaja || || [62] |- | South Africa || Blue Crane ||Anthropoides paradisea || ||[7] [63] |- | South Korea || Black-billed Magpie ||Pica hudsonia || || [citation needed] |- | Spain || Short-toed Eagle (unofficial) ||Circaetus gallicus || || [citation needed] |- | Sri Lanka || Sri Lanka Junglefowl ||Gallus lafayetii || || [64] |- | Swaziland || Purple-crested Turaco ||Tauraco porphyreolophus || ||[7] |- | Sweden ||Common blackbird || Turdus merula || || [citation needed] |-



| Thailand || Siamese Fireback pheasant || Lophura diardi || ||[citation needed]


  1. ^ "Symbols of U.S. Government: The Bald Eagle". Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  2. ^ "National Symbols". Venezuelan Embassy in Malaysia. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  3. ^ History of Macedonia
  4. ^ Kathimerini - "The lynx is one of the most endangered wild species and is considered as a national symbol of the country"
  5. ^ "Robin (Erithacus rubecula)". BBC. Retrieved 23 June 2010.
  6. ^ "Ugandan National Symbols". Uganda Short-term Ministry Guide. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  7. ^ a b c d e f "Namibia Stamps : SAPOA Sheetlet". Namib Stamps. 2004. Retrieved 4 August 2010.
  8. ^ "Zambia". zambiatourism.com. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  9. ^ Forestry.gov.kh
  10. ^ a b Official symbols of Canada Cite error: The named reference "canada" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  11. ^ Living National Treasures: Cyprus
  12. ^ India.gov.in
  13. ^ History of Macedonia
  14. ^ Kathimerini - "The lynx is one of the most endangered wild species and is considered as a national symbol of the country"
  15. ^ Teara.govt.nz
  16. ^ "Bird Watching in Anguilla". AnguillaLNT.
  17. ^ "National Symbols". The Government of Antigua and Barbuda. Retrieved 4 August 2010.
  18. ^ "Info about Hornero" (in Spanish). Redargentina.com. 2007-09-24. Retrieved 2010-04-25.
  19. ^ National Birds — Australia http://birdfreak.com/national-birds-australia/
  20. ^ Emu Facts, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, January 2008
  21. ^ http://www.geosymbols.org/World/austria/Bird
  22. ^ "Bahamas National Symbols". bahamas-travel.info. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  23. ^ Birds of Bahrain http://www.davidandliz.com/birds.htm
  24. ^ "National Icons of Bangladesh". Bangla2000. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  25. ^ "Belarus natural history and wildlife". Republic of Belarus. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  26. ^ National Symbols[dead link], Government of Belize
  27. ^ "Bermuda Petrel". National Audubon Society. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  28. ^ "National Bird". Permanent Mission of Bhutan to the UN. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  29. ^ "Bolivia National Emblems". BoliviaBella.com. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  30. ^ "National Symbols". Embassy of Brazil, Washington DC. Retrieved 5 August 2010.
  31. ^ "Descubre Chile". red chilena.com (in Spanish). Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  32. ^ "China Considers Red-crowned Crane for National Bird". china.org.cn. 2007. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  33. ^ "Emblems & Symbols". TurisColombia. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  34. ^ "Costa Rica". costarica.com. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  35. ^ "National Symbols of Cuba". Radio Florida. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  36. ^ "In and Around Denmark". Copenhagen Portal. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  37. ^ "Dominica's National Bird - Sisserou Parrot". Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  38. ^ "Country Facts". Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the UN. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  39. ^ "National Symbols El Salvador". Culturla and Educational Association of El Salvador. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  40. ^ "National symbols of Estonia". Estonian Institute. Retrieved 6 August 2010.
  41. ^ "Grenada Dove - National Bird of Grenada". Government of Grenada. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  42. ^ "Interesting Facts About Guatemala". all-about-guatemala.com. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  43. ^ "Guyana National Symbols". guyanaguide.com. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  44. ^ "Icelandic Coat of Arms". Iceland Prime Minister's Office. Retrieved 29 October 2010.
  45. ^ "National Bird". India.gov.in. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  46. ^ "Israel names biblically banned Hoopoe national bird". Reuters. 29 May 2008. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  47. ^ "Kokucho(The national bird)". japanlink.co.jp. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  48. ^ "Other Latvian Symbols". Latvian Institute. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  49. ^ "Nature Adventures". Montserrat Tourist Board. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  50. ^ "Napal: An Overview". ncthakur.itgo.com. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  51. ^ "Nationhood and identity". Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 9 August 2010. The kiwi, represents New Zealand, but it has no official status as a symbol.
  52. ^ "General Investors' Guide". El Ministerio De Fomento Industria Y Comercio. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  53. ^ "Basic Facts". Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  54. ^ "Basic Facts//National Symbols". Embassy of Panama in Japan. Retrieved 9 August 2010. [dead link]
  55. ^ "Birds of Paradise". Rainforest Habitat. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  56. ^ "Guyra Campana". Guyra Paraguay. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  57. ^ "Andean Cock-of-the-Rock". Go2Peru.com. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  58. ^ "Philippine National Symbols". Phillippine country guide. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  59. ^ http://www.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Rican_Spindalis
  60. ^ "National Symbols". SKNVibes inc. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  61. ^ "St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Symbols". visitsvg.com. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  62. ^ "Crimson sunbird tops bird poll". The Straits Times. 2002. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  63. ^ "The National Bird". Embassy of South Africa in Washington DC. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
  64. ^ "National Anthem". mysrilanka.com. Retrieved 9 August 2010.
