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User:Sam Blacketer/NBT

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The Notable British Trials series is a collection of 83 separate volumes containing the most complete record of well known trials, published by William Hodge & Co between 1905 and 1959. The majority of the series deals with murder trials, although other cases including civil law trials are included. The series was started as a hobby by a Scottish court reporter and developed into "a great scholarly enterprise" according to the historian of crime Richard Whittington-Egan.



To be written

Complete list of books

Title Year
Editor Year
Issue at trial Verdict
Mary, Queen of Scots 1586 A. Francis Steuart 1923 Treason (the Babington Plot). Guilty
Guy Fawkes 1605–1606 Donald Carswell 1934 Treason (the Gunpowder Plot). Guilty
King Charles I 1649 J. G. Muddiman 1928 Levying war against Parliament Guilty
The Bloody Assizes 1685 J. G. Muddiman 1929 Mostly treason (the Monmouth Rebellion) Mostly guilty
Captain Kidd 1701 Graham Brooks 1930 Piracy on the high seas; murder of William Moore Guilty
Jack Sheppard 1724 Horace Bleackley 1933 Theft Guilty
Captain Porteous 1736 William Roughead 1909 Murder (the Porteous Riots) Guilty
The Annesley Case 1743 Andrew Lang 1912 Murder Not guilty
Lord Lovat 1747 David N. Mackay 1911 Treason (the '45) Guilty
Mary Blandy 1752 William Roughead 1914 Murder Guilty
James Stewart 1752 David N. Mackay 1931 Murder (the Appin Murder) Guilty
Eugene Aram 1759 Eric R. Watson 1913 Murder Guilty
Katharine Nairn 1765 William Roughead 1926 Murder Guilty
The Douglas Cause 1761–1769 A. Francis Steuart 1909 Disputed paternity of Archibald Douglas Verdict for the defendant
Duchess of Kingston 1776 Lewis Melville 1927 Bigamy Guilty
Deacon Brodie 1788 William Roughead 1914 Burglary Guilty
"Bounty" Mutineers 1792 Owen Rutter 1931 Mutiny (the Mutiny on the Bounty) Mostly guilty
Abraham Thornton 1817 Sir John Hall, Bt. 1926 Murder; right of accused to trial by battle Not guilty; right to trial by battle upheld
Henry Fauntleroy 1824 Horace Bleackley 1924 Forgery Guilty
Thurtell and Hunt 1824 Eric R. Watson 1920 Murder (the Radlett murder) Guilty
Burke and Hare 1828 William Roughead 1921 Murder Burke guilty; Helen McDougal not proven (Hare was not prosecuted)
J. B. Rush 1849 W. Teignmouth Shore 1928 Murder Guilty
William Palmer 1856 G. H. Knott; Eric R. Watson 1912 Murder Guilty
Madeleine Smith 1858 A. Duncan Smith; F. Tennyson Jesse 1905 Murder Not proven
Dr. Smethurst 1859 L. A. Parry 1931 Murder Guilty (later overturned)
Mrs. M'Lachlan 1862 William Roughead 1911 Murder (the Sandyford murder case) Guilty
Franz Muller 1864 H. B. Irving 1911 Murder Guilty
Dr. Pritchard 1865 William Roughead 1906 Murder Guilty
The Wainwrights 1875 H. B. Irving 1920 Murder (Henry Wainwright); accessory to murder (Thomas Wainwright) Henry Wainwright guilty; Thomas Wainwright guilty of being an accessory after the fact
The Stauntons 1877 J. B. Atlay 1911 Murder Guilty
E. M. Chantrelle 1878 A. Duncan Smith 1906 Murder Guilty
Kate Webster 1879 Elliot O'Donnell 1925 Murder Guilty
City of Glasgow Bank Directors 1879 William Wallace 1905 Falsehood, fraud, theft Guilty
Charles Peace 1879 W. Teignmouth Shore 1926 Murder Guilty
Dr Lamson 1882 H. L. Adam 1913 Murder Guilty
Adelaide Bartlett 1886 Sir John Hall, Bt. 1927 Murder (the Pimlico Mystery) Not Guilty
Mrs Maybrick 1889 H. B. Irving 1922 Murder Guilty
J. W. Laurie 1889 William Roughead 1932 Murder Guilty
The Baccarat Case 1891 W. Teignmouth Shore 1932 Libel Verdict for the defendant
Neill Cream 1892 W. Teignmouth Shore 1923 Murder Guilty
A. J. Monson 1893 J. W. More 1908 Murder (Ardlamont murder) Not guilty
Oscar Wilde 1895 H. Montgomery Hyde 1948 Gross indecency Guilty
William Gardiner 1903 William Henderson 1934 Murder (Peasenhall murder) No verdict returned
G. Chapman 1903 H. L. Adam 1930 Murder Guilty
S. H. Dougal 1903 F. Tennyson Jesse 1928 Murder (the Moat Farm murder) Guilty
The "Veronica" Trial 1903 Prof. G. W. Keeton and John Cameron 1952 Mutiny; Murder Three guilty
Adolf Beck 1896 and 1904 Eric R. Watson 1924 Fraud; obtaining articles by false pretences Guilty (subsequently given a free pardon)
Robert Wood 1907 Basil Hogarth 1936 Murder (the Camden Town Murder) Not Guilty
Oscar Slater 1909 William Roughead 1910 Murder Guilty (subsequently quashed)
H. H. Crippen 1910 Filson Young 1920 Murder Guilty
J. A. Dickman 1910 S. O. Rowan-Hamilton 1914 Murder Guilty
Steinie Morrison 1911 H. Fletcher Moulton 1922 Murder Guilty
The Seddons 1912 Filson Young 1914 Murder Frederick Seddon Guilty; Margaret Seddon Not Guilty
George Joseph Smith 1915 Eric R. Watson 1922 Murder ("Brides in the Bath" case) Guilty
Sir Roger Casement 1916 George H. Knott; H. Montgomery Hyde 1917 Treason Guilty
Harold Greenwood 1920 Winifred Duke 1930 Murder Not Guilty
Field and Gray 1920 Winifred Duke 1939 Murder (the Crumbles Murder) Both Guilty
Bywaters and Thompson 1922 Filson Young 1923 Murder Both Guilty
Ronald True 1922 Donald Carswell 1925 Murder Guilty
H. R. Armstrong 1922 Filson Young 1927 Murder Guilty
J. P. Vaquier 1924 R. H. Blundell 1929 Murder Guilty
J. D. Merrett 1927 William Roughead 1929 Forgery; Murder Guilty of Forgery; Not Guilty of Murder
Browne and Kennedy 1928 W. Teignmouth Shore 1930 Murder Both Guilty
Dr Knowles 1928 Albert Lieck 1933 Murder Guilty; overturned on appeal
Sidney H. Fox 1930 F. Tennyson Jesse 1934 Murder Guilty
A. A. Rouse 1931 Helena Normanton 1931 Murder Guilty
The Royal Mail Case 1931 Collin Brooks 1933 False statements about company accounts Lord Kylsant Guilty; Harold Morland Not Guilty of aiding and abetting
Jeannie Donald 1934 J. G. Wilson 1953 Murder Guilty
Rattenbury and Stoner 1935 F. Tennyson Jesse 1935 Murder Alma Rattenbury Not Guilty; George Stoner Guilty
Buck Ruxton 1936 R. H. Blundell and G. H. Wilson 1937 Murder Guilty
Frederick Nodder 1937 Winifred Duke 1950 Abduction; Murder Guilty of both
Patrick Carraher 1938, 1946 George Blake 1951 1) Murder; 2) Murder 1) Guilty of Culpable Homicide; 2) Guilty
IRA Coventry Explosion 1939 Letitia Fairfield 1953 Murder Peter Barnes and James Richards Guilty; others Not Guilty
August Sangret 1943 Macdonald Critchley 1959 Murder Guilty
William Joyce 1945 J. W. Hall 1946 Treason Guilty
Neville Heath 1946 Macdonald Critchley 1955 Murder Guilty
Ley and Smith 1947 F. Tennyson Jesse 1947 Murder (the Chalk Pit Murder) Both Guilty
James Camb 1948 Geoffrey Clark 1949 Murder (the Porthole Murder) Guilty
Peter Griffiths 1948 George Godwin 1950 Murder (the Blackburn Baby murder) Guilty
J. G. Haigh 1949 Lord Dunboyne 1953 Murder (the Acid-Bath Murders) Guilty
T. J. Evans and J. R. H. Christie 1950, 1953 F. Tennyson Jesse 1957 1) Murder; 2) Murder 1) Guilty, subsequently given a posthumous free pardon; 2) Guilty
J. T. Straffen 1952 Letitia Fairfield and P Fullbrook 1954 Murder Guilty
Craig and Bentley 1952 H. Montgomery Hyde 1954 Murder Both Guilty; Bentley's conviction subsequently overturned
War Crimes Trials
1. Peleus Trial (Kapitänleutnant Eck and four others) 1945 John Cameron 1948 War crimes All five Guilty
2. Belsen Trial (Josef Kramer and forty-four others) 1945 Raymond Phillips 1949 War crimes Kramer and twenty-nine others guilty; fourteen not guilty
3. Gozawa Trial (Gozawa Sadaichi and nine others) 1946 Colin Sleeman 1948 War crimes Gozawa and seven others guilty; two not guilty
4. Hadamar Trial (Alfons Klein and six others) 1945 Earl W. Kintner 1949 War crimes All seven guilty
5. Natzweiler Trial (Wolfgang Zeuss and nine others) 1946 A. M. Webb 1949 War crimes Zeuss and two others not guilty; six guilty
6. Generaloberst Nikolaus von Falkenhorst 1946 E. H. Stevens 1949 War crimes Guilty
7. Velpke Baby Home Trial (Heinrich Gerike and seven others) 1946 George Brand 1950 War crimes Gerike and three others guilty; three not guilty; one defendant died during the trial
8. "Double Tenth" Trial (Lieut.-Colonel Sumida Haruzo and twenty others) 1946 Colin Sleeman 1951 War crimes Sumida and thirteen others guilty; seven not guilty
9. Dulag Luft Trial (Erich Killinger and four others) 1945 Eric Cuddon 1952 War crimes Three guilty