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  1. Tool should have buttons for [<<previous fuw] [<previous typo] [next typo>] [next fuw>>]
  2. it should have stats how many skipped how many fixed
  3. it should have [add to blacklist] button which blacklists the typo? the article? the FUW?
  4. it should be possible to add templates like {{as written}} and {{quote}} and the like <------I should make a list of these
  5. it could have a form and a button where you can report that something should be excluded but no regex has been written for it yet


  • In the AWB source code in /WikiFunctions/WikiRegexes.cs there are the regexes to exclude matches based on chkIgnoreLinks and chkIgnoreMore (top left of the "Find & Replace" window).
    • chkIgnoreLinks: Ignore external/interwiki links, images, nowiki, math and <!-- -->
    • chkIgnoreMore: Ignore templates, refs, link targets and headings
  • Read Wikipedia:Typo_Team/moss sourcecode and documentation



Moss is pretty interesting.

Perhaps ask here what the best approach is. Parse a dump, run a query, whatever.

Wikipedia:Typo_Team/moss#How_the_lists_are_made says:

  • Words that appear in titles in the English Wiktionary (which has definitions of all words in all languages, excluding proper nouns and systematic words like chemical names and large numbers)
  • Words that appear in titles in the English Wikipedia (which explains some things that don't appear in the dictionary)
  • Words that appear in titles in the Wikispecies (which has many technical words that don't appear in the dictionary or encyclopedia)

but I think I should also check out:





Lets see how many of these are in the list. Probably not many.

Allow people to easily judge the reliability of sources

  • Make a API with 5 endpoints
    1. voteup
    2. votedown
    3. trustedvoteup (which would count for, lets say, +5 votes)
    4. trustedvotedown (ditto, but -5)
    5. list
  • Make a javascript that:
    1. adds up and down arrows to each source. Click the up arrow to vote that a source is reliable, down arrow for unreliable.
    2. colors the source a shade of green or red depending on the amount of amount of up or downvotes if there are more than x up or downvotes
    3. Shows how many ratings this source has.
  • Give the trusted people the ability to authenticate to the API and then rate sources.

I already made a list of the top 10.000 most often referenced domains, I could use that to make a table sorted by number of occurences where people can easily rate them.

Duplicate References

  • User:Polygnotus/Scripts/ReferenceHighlighter.js does highlight the [1]'s when you click one of them but not the a b c in the reflist. Fix that and then add it to duplicate references. If I click one duplicate reference I want all others to be highlighted so I can easily see where a source is re-used.
  • improving where the template is added per MOS:ORDER, perhaps use Wikipedia:Morebits



Identical references


Also detecting CS1 and CS2 errors by bot. I think the REST API was the most viable solution. Maybe transforms?

Google Books


Diff CSS

  • I had a trick to ensure Diff CSS got loaded iirc but then I forgot. It wasn't in chunk0, nor in the links to the chunks... Adding ?diff=0 does work but I had a more elegant solution iirc. User:Polygnotus/hmm?diff=0
    • Or was it just that I added the CSS in the HTML version. If so, I should inline it in the wikicode version.