I graduated in history (Asia and the Islamic World concentration, focusing on 20th century China and gender issues) at UCSC. Not really an active editor anymore. My general areas of knowledge include Asian history and culture, science fiction/fantasy novels, and Asian American literature. I currently reside in Richmond, California, and enjoy reading, watching anime, and playing Go.
Personal worldview
[edit] You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.
All possible results here: Online debates[edit](Most of what I put in this section probably isn't original, but I haven't seen it elsewhere yet.) Variant of Godwin's Law 1: If you need to use Wikipedia as a source for any debate that doesn't take place on Wikipedia, you've already lost. Variant of Godwin's Law 2: As an online discussion about religion grows longer, the probability of the use of some version of Pascal's Wager approaches one. Corollary to Variant 2: Anybody who uses Pascal's Wager isn't worth listening to. Corollary to the corollary: Anybody who makes a point of refuting Pascal's Wager in detail, has nothing else worth contributing to the discussion. Atheism corollary: Anybody who consistently misspells atheist/atheism as athiest/athiesm can be safely ignored. Second atheism corollary (Derived by Sean): Once an argument about atheism begins online, everyone involved has already lost. Articles I have added content to[edit]Articles I would like to improve/expand[edit]Articles I have created[edit]Articles I plan to create[edit] |