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Hello everybody. My name is Gevorg and last name is Harutyunyan. I'm 18, I'm Armenian and live in Armenia. I was born November 5, 1989 in Armenian SSR. I've never been in foreign countries. I live in Yerevan. I like Wikipedia because I can find here almost every information that interests me and because I can find here information for almost every film. In November 5, 2007 I became 18 (Age of majority) and receieved right to take part in elections. For those who are interested I'll say that I've elected Serzh Sargsyan. I spend most of my Internet time in Wikipedia, searching smth. or editing (or translating) articles. I'm translating Brigada to Russian. I've partially translated Sun-Hwa Kwon to Russian. I've translated Scary_Movie_2#Parodies into Russian. I create redirects for every cartoon of Tom and Jerry. I think Wikipedia is a good place and it should develop further. I wanna everyone help Wikipedia to develop. My e-mail is [email protected].Gevorg89 (talk) 14:11, 18 May 2008 (UTC)