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Coordinates: 33°45′41″N 84°23′15″W / 33.761397°N 84.387536°W / 33.761397; -84.387536
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33°45′41″N 84°23′15″W / 33.761397°N 84.387536°W / 33.761397; -84.387536

VenueLake Charles Civic Center
Location(s)Lake Charles, Louisiana
CountryUnited States
InauguratedApril 16th and 17th, 2011
Most recentApril 2019
Attendance2000 - 3000
Filing statusNon-Profit L.L.C.
Websitehttp://www.cyphacon.org http://www.facebook.com/CyPhaCon https://www.twitter.com/CyphaC

CyPhaCon (derived from "Science-Fiction/Fantasy Convention") is an Anime, Gaming and Sci-Fi/Fantasy, or "Multi-genre" Fan convention, held annually in Southwest Louisiana (SWLA) during early-to-mid-Spring, with a currently estimated 3000 participants, including volunteer staff, vendors and attendees.

CyPhaCon planning, logistics and operations are overseen by the board members of the controlling company, CyPha L.L.C. Generally, CPC supports regional non-profit charities, especially children's charities.

CyPhaCon volunteers and attendees are representative of local "Geek Culture", and are active in the regional workforce, culture and charity circuit.





The 1950's-'60's SWLA/SETX region was a virtual social desert for Science-Fiction/Fantasy & Gaming (SFFG) fans. Constantly assaulted by the derision of so-called 'normal' people, SFFG fans tended to keep their heads down and practice their fandom and hobbies in private. It's only been during the "Modern Era" that the 'celebrity geek' has taken a front-seat in media and the public mind; for that, we can thank Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse-Tyson and Stephen Hawking. With the advent and success of the 1960's-'70's American Space program, and other technological advancements of the time, SFFG fandom virtually exploded onto the social stage in major cities like New York, London, San Francisco, Berlin, and so on. But not in SWLA/SETX. The closest large cities, New Orleans and Houston, hadn't yet gotten the memo about the hidden potential of SFFG.

In the 1980's, things began to change somewhat, thanks in large part to the increasingly ubiquitous presence of SFFG in print and broadcast media, the steadily increasing popularity of SFFG conventions across the country, and especially, the advent of "The Internet". Small SFFG clubs began to form up in both Louisiana and Texas, sometimes linked to national and international entities. SFFG fans began to 'come out of their shell', pushing back against the derision they'd endured for far too long.

Then, in the Summer of 1988, a wholly unexpected and wonderful thing happened in the SWLA/SETX region, one that would have ramifications well into the next century.

The area got it's first "Star Trek" convention, called "Trek-O-Rama" (TOR). Held in the Lake Charles Civic Center "Buccaneer Room", and with "Star Trek: The Next Generation" popular guest-actor John de Lancie headlining, the one-day con pulled in 200-300 attendees; not bad, considering the lackluster advertising and promotion that preceeded it. But for a few of those who 'got the word' and showed up, the seed had been planted. There were Sci-Fi/Fantasy fans in SWLA. Perhaps some of them would be willing to get together on a regular basis, maybe even coordinate a locally-sponsored genre convention.



Enter Stuart K. Griggs, enthusiastic, optimistic Star Trek & SFF fan and TOR veteran.

Six years later, on July 20th, 1994, Griggs, along with a small cadre of local "Star Trek" and Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre fans, collaborated to form what came to be known as the "Calcasieu Area Trekkers Society" (CATS, now the U.S.S. Lafitte and affiliated with Starfleet International). With many of the CATS members having attended the TOR convention, one of the club's stated objectives was to hold a local, fan-run genre convention. But Griggs and the other CATS members recognized that coordinating a con was an enormous undertaking, and none of them had the wherewithal or experience to do it. As time went by, members came and went without anyone qualified to initiate and handle the enormous logistics of such an endeavor. For another decade, nothing further was done, and the idea was tabled.

But not forgotten. What was needed was a catalyst, someone qualified and enthusiastic enough to pick up the ball and run with it, CATS or not. That catalyst came in the persona of another motivated and enthusiastic local "Star Trek" and SFF fan: KVHP FOX 29 internet technologies and editing technician Justin Toney. Toney's enthusiasm, media experience and connections were exactly what was needed to spur CATS members, Griggs included.

In February of 2008, the local Cinemark theater screened the classic "Star Trek" two-part episode "The Menagerie". Toney, Griggs, and other Star Trek fans and CATS members attended the screening, many meeting up afterwards to discuss their mutual affection for the series. Though not a CATS member, Toney had heard of the local club, and was anxious to engage it's members. It was during this and later discussions that Toney and Griggs, inspired by other regional and national multi-genre conventions they'd attended, decided to collaborate to hold a convention in SWLA, and with the CATS help, felt they had the means to plan, finance and staff it.

In June of 2009, Toney, Griggs and the CATS members succeeded in making that 20 year old dream come true. Convention du Lac (CdL), later, BayouCon), held at the Enos Derbonne Recreational Center south of Lake Charles, became the first locally-sourced SFF convention held in SWLA, followed by a second successful event, held at the Lake Charles Civic Center, in 2010. Following that event, Toney continued to move forward toward a third similarly-themed CdL 2011 event; however, his CATS peers, dissatisfied with the direction of CdL, and with some experience now under their belt, decided to break away and plan a genre convention more suited to their own unique vision.

2010-2011: CPC TAKES SHAPE


After their break from Convention du Lac, the CATS and former CdL volunteers immediately began laying their own convention plans, taking their efforts in a somewhat different direction. From May thru August 2010, they explored, debated, and planned how to best execute their own vision. Despite the seemingly overwhelming logistical hurdles that the far more experienced and equipped Toney had easily overcome, the new group managed to move forward, bolstered by the enthusiasm of a significant Anime contingent from local McNeese State University, as well as a large and as yet untapped gaming community, many of whom were more than willing to help out and serve as volunteers and advisers.

By January 2011, the majority of the logistics had been set, and CyPhaCon became a viable, legal entity, with it's first convention on the horizon. Soon, with a website, mission statement, and increasing verbal and internet traffic discussing this 'newbie' convention, CyPhaCon found itself dealing with potential attendees from inside and outside SWLA asking for information on the upcoming first event.

Despite the growing enthusiasm, however, CyPhaCon staff accepted the likelihood that their little con might only draw a few local fans, and barely meet their costs. It is very likely that, had this happened, CyPhaCon would have been a "One-Off" convention, never to repeat itself.

However, pleasant surprises awaited.

CyPhaCon 2011


On April 16th and 17th of 2011, CyPhaCon held it's first official convention in the Lake Charles Civic Center second floor "Mezzanine" and "Contraband Room". With an expected attendance of about 150-200, the 500+ attendance over the 2-day event caught the CyPhaCon staff rather by surprise. Attendees came from as far away as Houston, TX, Baton Rouge, LA, and Shreveport, LA. $160.00 was raised for the con's fledgling charity sponsorship, the Lake Charles Children's Museum. Participants included Mechcorps, The Bedlam Bards, Star Fleet International, the Calcasieu Area Trekkers Society/U.S.S. Lafitte, The SWLA Paranormal Group, etc. (CITATIONS FROM THESE ENTITIES WHERE POSSIBLE) Held during a Louisiana Swashbucklers Indoor Football game, several elaborately costumed participants were paraded through the adjacent game arena during half time, waving to game fans amid cheers and applause.

At the conclusion of CyPhaCon 2011, the exhausted yet ecstatic staff shook their collective heads in wonderment. How had everything come together so well? Most importantly, could they repeat it? Thanks to the turnout and enthusiasm that this unexpectedly fruitful event generated, along with support and suggestions from attendees and local officials, it was a given that the staff would explore the possibility of a second outing for 2012. They broke for a well-deserved 2 month hiatus, more than happy with the results of their first outing.

Appearing Guests, Groups, Authors & Artists


Celebrity Guest Of Honor: None

Musical Guests:

  • The Bedlam Bards

Gaming Groups:

  • MechCorps

Performing Groups: None

Fan Groups:

  • Calcasieu Area Trekker's Society (CATS)

Non-Profit Donations Groups:

  • LifeShare Blood Center


  • Johnny and Jaqueline Segura


  • Roland Yeomans

Scheduled, But Did Not Appear



Charity Sponsored/Benefited


Lake Charles Children's Museum, $160.00 ($75 from attendee donations, $85.00 from CPC staff and supporters)

CyPhaCon 2012


Success! CyPhaCon 2011 had seemingly exceed the staff's expectations, both in attendance and execution. But how well did they do, really? Returning from their 2 month hiatus, it was agreed that an 'audit' of physical and fiscal operations would tell the tale.

The 2011 audit revealed that vendor and guest treatment, attention to attendee needs, and tapping of & catering to the local Anime & Gaming contingents ranked among the top assets; the 'personal touch' seemed to be much appreciated by all guests. Additionally, the staff and volunteers worked together as a cohesive unit, backing each other in both decision making on and execution of what needed to be done, with no one person attempting to 'dominate the field'; each staffer worked to their own multiple strengths and abilities. Lastly, and perhaps most significantly, fiscal goals were met, even exceeded, assuring a second event.

The CyPhaCon staff couldn't help but be excited about the future of the convention. With the positive 'buzz' surrounding 2011 to encourage them, they immediately went back into action, attending and promoting at other conventions whilst also supporting and encouraging web traffic. Unexpectedly, individuals and groups began soliciting CyPhaCon to attend as guests. But since guests represent a fiscal challenge to any convention, the staff remained wisely cautious and conservative in their choices. They picked the best three, and after dealing with some minor staffing adjustments, forged ahead; before they knew it, April 2012 was upon them.

This second outing was held April 13th, 14th and 15th in the LCCC 2nd Floor Mezzanine and Contraband Room. It drew 670 attendees, including both new, and most of the previous years' vendors, artists and fan groups, along with three guests: Actor David Orange, voice-actor Robert Axelrod, and Star Trek expert, author and fan, Larry Nemecek. [CITATION]

On Saturday, April 14th, CyPhaCon held their first 'official' Charity Auction, benefiting "Hero's For Holden", a charity organization set up to fund corrective surgeries for little Holden Gothia, a victim of extreme child abuse in his infancy [CITATION]. The auction, performed by local auctioneer and personality Hal McMillian, along with donations by CyPhaCon staff, raised $1000.00 [CITATION?]

Obviously, this second round had also been a success, with appreciated growth. But though that growth wasn't what had been hoped for, it was a given that a third event was to come. The crew broke for another well-deserved caesura.

Appearing Guests, Groups, Authors & Artists


Celebrity Guest's Of Honor:

Musical Guests:

Gaming Groups:

Performing Groups: None

Fan Groups:

Non-Profit Donations Groups:

Artists & Authors:

  • Johnny and Jacquline Segura

Scheduled, But Did Not Appear



Charity Benefited


Heroes For Holden, $1000.00 ($900 from auction, $100 from CPC Staff), presented to HFH officials on April 5th of 2013

CyPhaCon 2013


Reassembling in July from their two month break, the very first act of the CyPhaCon staff was to audit the 2012 event. It was immediately realized that a more comprehensive, business-oriented staff structure was needed to monitor both the physical and fiscal operations of the convention. Additionally, changes in the lives of some of the staffers demanded accommodation. To that end, several new positions were created, and the responsibilities of staffers adjusted to meet these changes; over the next few months, Stuart K. Griggs was installed as Administrator, Garrett J. Manuel became Vice-Administrator, and Allen V. Aguillard was installed as Treasurer. Several other department heads also accepted new roles that better suited their talents. By the end of the audit adjustments, CyPhaCon was more than ready for the 2013 cycle.

Meanwhile, CyPhaCon's popular reputation among guests had grown, again somewhat more than expected.

In late 2012, Voice-actor Kyle Hebert, well known and respected among anime fans for his work in Dragonball Z and Teen Gohan, was secured as Celebrity Guest Of Honor. Kyle, a native of Lake Charles, had 'heard the word' on CyPhaCon, and had been soliciting the staff since early 2012 to make an appearance; he was enthusiastically signed on.

Artists, fan groups and vendors from the previous 2 years were also soliciting to return. Positive web and convention traffic continued to build; staffers began to be recognized, congratulated and solicited 'on the street' and at other conventions & events, whether 'advertising' for CyPhaCon or not. The staff jumped on this windfall, nurturing it to expand the CyPhaCon base of attendees. As the year wore on, the angst of the 2012 audit faded; nervous excitement for 2013 rapidly built as the guests were finalized and the day approached.

On April 19th at 6:00 PM, CyPhaCon 2013, this time held in the LCCC 1st floor Exhibition Hall, opened it's doors, and three days later had once again succeeded far beyond expectations, with attendance closely estimated to be almost 975 individual fans, volunteers, and artists, plus fan groups, vendor and charity crews.

The now-routine charity benefit and second auction, again hosted by Hal McMillian, brought in $1000, this time for the local chapter of the Autism Society.

Breathing a collective and thankful sigh of relief for the continued success of the event, the staff broke for another well-deserved rest. But there was concern: Though attendance had grown, it hadn't quite reached the much-hoped-for "1K" ceiling. Had CyPhaCon already 'topped out'? Could even the current number be sustained?

As it turned out, they needn't have worried.

Appearing Guests, Groups, Artists


Celebrity Guest Of Honor:

  • Kyle Hebert

Musical Guests:

  • Suzaku 7
  • Bedlam Bards

Gaming Groups:

  • Amtgard
  • D20 Girls Project
  • MechCorps
  • NERO

Performing Groups:

  • Carnival Epsilon
  • Orion's Envy

Fan Groups:

  • Airship Horizons
  • Bayou Paranormal
  • BAST Alpha Garrison/501st Legion
  • Degobah Base/Rebel Legion
  • Hunter Den
  • Louisiana StarGators
  • Louisiana CosPlayers
  • Mediocre Year Industries
  • Red Stick Rebellion
  • U.S.S. Lafitte/Starfleet International

Non-Profit Donations Groups:

  • U.S.S. Orlek Naval Museum
  • The SWLA Autisim Society


  • (COMICS) Danny Allain
  • (DRAWING/PAINTING) Johnny & Jacqueline Segura
  • (COSPLAY) Alaska's CosPlay, Arylon, Awkward CosPlay Girl, Teh Princess CosPlay


  • Michael Moreau

Miscellenia: This convention saw the birth of a new local fan group; The Southwest Louisiana (SWLA) Browncoats, appearing during CyPhaCon 2014.

Scheduled, But Did Not Appear

  1. Austin Browncoats. EXPLANATION: Several members of The Austin Browncoats participate in the Texas National Guard, and were called up to respond to the disastrous April 17th 2013 fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas.
  2. THE Rob Cerio. EXPLANATION: THE Rob Cerio's absence was due to personal matters.

Charity Benefited


Autism Society, South-West Louisiana Chapter, $1000.00 ($925.00 from auction, $45 from MechCorps Donation Jar, $30.00 from CPC Staff)

CyPhaCon 2014


The 2013 audit proved far more encouraging than the previous one. The growth in attendance was acceptable, fiscal responsibilities were met, and staffing seemed to be relatively solid. In July, production for 2014 kicked off, and seemed to be going smoother than ever. Celebrity guests were secured early, old and new artists and vendors continued to solicit staff for space. Even the sadly accepted exit of Gaming Coordinator Matthew Mevis, who'd been with the convention since it's inception, was handily dealt with; staffer and avid gamer Brandon Demeritt quickly stepped up to fill the position. All seemed well going into the latter half of 2013.

But not perfect. Nothing ever goes perfect.

Though the first floor Exhibition Hall (X-Hall) had worked out well, the afore-mentioned audit indicated that more space was needed. In April 2013, CyPhaCon Administrator Stuart Griggs went to the administrative offices of the Lake Charles Civic Center (LCCC) to ask about what was open. After checking the scheduling book for the dates needed, the scheduling administrator and Mr. Griggs agreed to 'pencil in' CyPhaCon for the X-Hall and third floor Jean Lafitte Room. However, when Mr. Griggs visited the LCCC in November to check with the scheduling admin on another matter, they discovered a disturbing venue scheduling conflict. Unbeknownst to either of them, CyPhaCon's booking of the X-Hall had apparently been 'negated' by someone in favor of another event; it was only the fortuitous visit by Mr. Griggs that exposed the issue. Fortunately, newly-installed LCCC management, recognizing their venue's responsibility for the error, went to great lengths to accommodate CyPhaCon's unique needs and concerns. X-Hall activities were juggled and reassigned to the second floor Mezzanine and associated spaces (sans the Contraband Room, as it too was already committed for another event) and the entirety of the third floor, including the Jean Lafitte and Buccaneer Rooms. Registration was relocated to just outside the main third floor elevators. Disaster averted.

The good kept coming. Three new sponsors joined with CyPhaCon: Lake Charles Scion and Cosplay World linked up to expand and promote the gaming and anime activities, and Lamar Advertising solicited to promote the con to the general public. Unbeknownst to most CyPhaCon staffers, Lake Charles Scion had been coordinating SWLA gaming events for several years, but had likewise been unaware of CyphaCon. Cosplay World was itself a bit of an upstart, but one with media resources and personnel that far outreached those of CyPhaCon staff. Lamar Advertising and their extensive static and electronic billboard system had long been a fixture of the SWLA area, with proven returns on investment. These experienced and media-savvy entities did much to promote CyPhaCon to a wider, expanding audience throughout the final months leading up to April 2014.

CyPhaCon 2014 began on schedule at 3:00 PM on Friday, April 4th. Actress Kandyse McClure, best known for her recurring role as Lt. Anastasia Adama (nee Dualla) on the Ron Moore/David Eick reimagined "Battlestar Galactica" television series, and Chuck Huber, best know for his role as Dr. McCoy on the fan-inspired internet series "Star Trek Continues", appeared as Celebrity Guest's Of Honor, with Tiffany Grant, known for her anime english voice-role as Asuka in "Neon Genesis: Evangelion" appearering as Celebrity Voice Guest Of Honor. Approximately 15 fan groups, 7 artists, 5 writers, and 20 vendors also were in attendance. One problem cropped up and was soon dealt with: To accommodate the unexpectedly large first-day crowd, Registration had to be moved from the LCCC third floor to the first floor hallway outside the X-Hall, across from the elevators. Though this 'hiccup' was unforeseen and unplanned, LCCC management again graciously approved and accommodated this change, allowing it to remain for the entire weekend.

A popular new event activity entitled "CyPhaKids" served well to entertain youngsters between 5 and 11 years old during the 3-day convention.

Final attendance numbers were close to 1300:

After the usual 2 month hiatus, CyPhaCon staff performed the now-obligatory annual audit. To everyone's relief, not only had all fiscal commitments for 2014 been met, but 2015's needs were also well addressed; the first time that had occurred. CyPhaCon hadn't just grown; it had again leaped ahead of both fiscal and attendance projections. Further, even given the few 'hiccups' that had occurred, the event had run smoothly, without major issues; LCCC management had continually lauded the professionalism of the CyPhaCon staff both previous to, and during con, as well as the surprisingly (to LCCC personnel) copacetic behavior of attendees, given a crowd that large.

Appearing Guests, Groups & Artists


Media Celebrity Guest Of Honor (Actress):

Media Celebrity Guest Of Honor (Actor):

Voice Celebrity Guest Of Honor (Voice Actor):

Media Production Guest Of Honor (Script Writer):

  • Diana Botsford

Author Guest Of Honor:

  • Michelle Brundage "M. B." Weston

Musical Guests:

  • Suzaku 7
  • Bedlam Bards

Gaming Groups:

  • Amtgard
  • MechCorps
  • NERO

Fan Groups:

  • Airship Horizons
  • Bayou Paranormal
  • BAST Alpha Garrison/501st Legion
  • Degobah Base/Rebel Legion
  • Hunters Den
  • Louisiana StarGators
  • Louisiana CosPlayers
  • Mediocre Year Industries
  • Red Stick Rebellion
  • U.S.S. Lafitte/Starfleet International
  • SWLA Browncoats
  • Houston Browncoats
  • 501st Legion

Local Groups:

  • U.S.S. Orlek Naval Museum
  • Gulf Coast Roller Girls

Non-Profit Donations Groups:

  • U.S.S. Orlek Naval Museum
  • The SWLA Autisim Society


  • (COMICS) Danny Allain
  • (DRAWING/PAINTING) Johnny & Jacqueline Segura
  • (COSPLAY) Alaska's CosPlay, Arylon, Awkward CosPlay Girl, Teh Princess CosPlay, Milky Tan


  • Michael Moreau

Charity Benefited:

CyPhaCon 2015


CyPhaCon 2015 kicked off on Friday, April 17th, running thru Sunday, April 19th, on all three floors of the central nexus of the Lake Charles Civic Center, including the Exhibition Hall, Mezzanine, Rosa Hart Theater, and Contraband, Jean Lafitte and Buccaneer Rooms. This 5th year event represented CyPhaCon's first time to bring back popular major guests. The 'Charity Auction','CyPhaShave' and other donations collectively brought in $1700.00 for the local Women & Children's Shelter.

Appearing Guests, Groups, Authors & Artists




Musical Guests:

Performing Groups:


Fan Groups:

Gaming Groups:

Local Groups:

Charity Benefited:

CyPhaCon 2016


CyPhaCon 2016 kicked off on April 15th, running thru the 17th, 2016. CyPhaCon 2015 kicked off on Friday, April 17th, running thru Sunday, April 19th, on all three floors of the central nexus of the Lake Charles Civic Center, including the Exhibition Hall, Mezzanine, Rosa Hart Theater, and Contraband, Jean Lafitte and Buccaneer Rooms. This 5th year event represented CyPhaCon's first time to bring back popular major guests. The 'Charity Auction','CyPhaShave' and other donations collectively brought in $1700.00 for the local Women & Children's Shelter.

Appearing Guests, Groups, Authors & Artists


Anime Guest of Honor: Monica Rial Anime Guest: Kyle Hebert Pop-Culture Guest Of Honor: Tony Amendola Sci-Fi Guest of Honor: Nana Visitor Sci-Fi Guest: Aaron Douglass Fantasy Guest of Honor: None Local Guest: Roland Yeomans


Author Guest of Honor: None

Author Guest(s): Michael Moreau Tony Finkelstein Glenda C. Finkelstein Chris Hayes Rob Cerio

Artists: Brent Peeples Johnny Segura III Jessica Von Braun Gavin Michelli Chris 'Oz' Fulton Boon Businelli Emily Rose Romano

Musical Guests: Professor ShyGuy Suzaku 7 The Bedlam Bards

Performing Groups: Orion's Envy Take One Productions


Cosplay Guest of Honor: Marie Doll Miss Marquin Vigilante Justice RCSixtyfour

Fan Groups: Rebel Legion: Degobah Base 501st Legion: Bast Alpha Garrison Starfleet International USS New Orleans / Starfleet International Chapter Hunters Den North American Assassin's Creed Guild Southern Geek The Week in Geek Louisiana Airship Steam Society Carnival Epsilon

Gaming Groups: Louisiana Open Boardgamers Association SLAkings Minds Eye Society

Local Groups: Calcasieu Area Trekkers Society Gulf Coast Roller Girls SWLA Browncoats The Doctor Whooligans LC OTAKU U.S.S. Orleck Navel Museum

Charity Benefited: Hobo Hotel For Cats & Kittens; $ from Charity Auction, $ from CyPhaShave Beard-Off, and $ from other sources.

CyPhaCon 2017


CyPhaCon 2017 kicked off at 5 P.M. on Friday, April 7th at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Headliners included: Actor Julian Glover, (returning to Lake Charles, but attending CPC for the first time) Actress Luciana Carro, returning Voice Actor Chuck Huber, Voice Actor Sonny Strait, returning Star Trek Universe Expert Larry Nemecek, and Artist Jessica Von Braun.

CyPhaCon 2018


CyPhaCon 2018 opened at PM on , again at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Featured guests were Actress Nana Visitor,

CyPhaCon 2019


CyPhaCon 2019 returned to the Lake Charles Civic Center on . Heading up the celebrity guest list were Bruce Boxlightner, Andy whathisname, others. Blah blah blah...





CyPhaCon 2020 is tentatively scheduled for Spring of that year, and expected to remain contained within the confines of the LCCC.


CyPha L.L.C.


CyPha L.L.C. is the legal and corporate personification of all things CyPhaCon, including the convention proper, CyPhaKids, CyPhaGaming, and CyPhaShindigs, as well as other activities and events. It became a legal entity in November of 2014. Chief Executive Officer: Stuart K. Griggs.



CyPhaCafe is a CyPhaCon staple, run by the former owners of "Mary Ann's Cafe", and providing unique gastronomic treats for CyPhaCon attendees and staff during con. Special food items include "The Carl", "The CyPhaBurger" and other tasty items. Always set up in the LCCC Second Floor Mezzanine, under one or both stairwells.



CyPhaKids, formed during the run-up to CyPhaCon 2014, is a child-oriented branch of CyPha L.L.C. meant to address the SFF and gaming interests of youngsters aged 5 thru 11. Director: Adrianne Parker



CyPhaGaming, formed post-CyPhaCon 2014, is a gaming-oriented branch of CyPha L.L.C., meant to address the interests and activities of the CyPhaCon gaming community.

Director: Brandon Demeritt

Co-Director: Troy Hoffpauir



CyPhaShave was an impromptu charity event of CyPhaCon 2015. Born of a misunderstanding between several CyPhaCon staff members, the participants of CyPhaShave went on to raise over $400.00 for the conventions designated charity, the Southwest Louisiana Women And Childrens Shelter / Oasis House.

Participants: Stephan Saunders, Michael Roussel, three others.



CyPhaShindigs are activities and media events, scheduled between CyPhaCon conventions, meant to nurture and bolster the camaraderie and community of SWLA SFF and gaming fandom, including introduction and exposure to persons unaware of, or new to, SFF and gaming. These events are loosely staff and fan coordinated & run, without direct CyPhaCon logistical handling.



The CyPhaCon Pub Crawl, or CyPhaCrawl, is an evening event to raise money for local charities, whilst also providing an eclectic entertainment venue supporting local downtown Lake Charles businesses supportive of CPC and their charity efforts.



The Jambalaya News, Volume 5 No. 26, March 22nd, 2014, Section "The spice Of SWLA", Sub-Section "Event Guide", Page 28, "Fourth Annual CyhPhaColn April 4-6"

The Jambalaya News, Volume 7 No. 23, March 24th, 2016, Section "The Spice Of SWLA", Page 30, "CyPhaCon 2016 Brings Sci-Fi/Fantasy Stars To Lake Charles

Lagniappe Magazine, Volume 31 No. 7, April 4th 2013, Section "What's Happening", Page 67, "CYPHACON 2013"

Lagniappe Magazine, Volume 34 No. 6, March 17th, 2016, Section "Events", Page 88, "CYPHACON RETURNS TO LAKE CHARLES" by Duane Bergeron

Lagniappe Magazine, Volume 35 No. 7, April 6th, 2017, Full Page Advertisement w/Article, Page 83, "CYPHACON"

Lake Charles American Press, Thursday April 11th 2013, Section B "SCENE: Arts & Entertainment", Page 3, "CYPHACON TO TAKE PLACE APRIL 19-21", [Special to the American Press]

Lake Charles American Press, Thursday April 18th 2013, Section B "SCENE: Arts & Entertainment", Page B1, 'MARDI GRAS FOR GEEKS': CyPhaCon event is combination of science fiction, fantasy and convention" by Cliff Seiber

Lake Charles American Press, Thursday April 6th 2017, Section B "SCENE: Arts & Entertainment", Pages B1 & B2, 'CyPhaCon': "Annual event brings multigenre convention to Civic Center" by Lindsay Huth [Special to the American Press]

Lake Charles American Press, Entertainment Calendar, "EDITORS PICKS: SCENE editor Brad Robicheaux's top choices of don't-miss-it entertainment", Page 3, "Embrace your inner geek at CyPhaCon", by Brad Robicheaux

Thrive Magazine For Better Living (www.thriveswla.com), March 2016, pages 12-14 "People & Faces", "DON'T CALL IT A COMIC CON--IT'S CYPHACON IN SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA", by Mitch Thomas













http://www.kplctv.com/story/35023996/cyphacon-coming-to-lake-charles-april-7-9 (March 29th, Modified April 3rd, 2017)

http://www.kplctv.com/story/25176659/cyphacon-costume-organizations-share-tips-on-costume-making (January 4th 2017)












https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha9yA9iDr-Q March 28th, 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N32iYI2fmck&t=2s March 28th, 2017