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User:Dr. Blofeld/Word of the Day Archive

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This is currently halted due to learning a great deal daily with individual languages and this being excessive on top of that. I will resume with this when I'm not going through intense periods of learning offline.
February 18
General word of the day : "rambunctious" - boisterous
Spanish word of the day : "termómetro" - thermometer
French word of the day : "neige" - snow
February 19
General word of the day : "tasimeter" - device for measuring small temperature changes.
Spanish word of the day : "manifestante" - demonstrator
French word of the day : "pluvieux" - rainy
February 20
General word of the day : "petrichor" - a pleasant earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.
Spanish word of the day : "confiado" - trusting
French word of the day : "se gratter" - to scratch
February 21-22
General word of the day : "malwa" - a Ugandan drink brewed from millet.
Spanish word of the day : "bruja" - bitch
French word of the day : "adroit" - skilful
February 23
General word of the day : "drogher" - a long-masted boat used in the West Indies.
Spanish word of the day : "deslizarse"- to slide
French word of the day : "rejeter" - to reject
February 24
General word of the day : "cypseia" - The dry one-seeded fruit of the daisy and related plants
Spanish word of the day : "gesto"- gesture
French word of the day : "camion" - truck
February 25
General word of the day : "takahe" - a flightless bird of New Zealand
Spanish word of the day : "sopa"- soup
French word of the day : "gentille" - kind
February 26
General word of the day : "qintar" - a monetary unit of Albania
Spanish word of the day : "cejas"- eyebrows
French word of the day : "heureux" - happy
February 27
General word of the day : "profligate" - recklessly wasteful
Spanish word of the day : "asteroide"- asteroid
French word of the day : "étoile" - star
February 28
General word of the day : "fenestra" - small opening between bones, such as of the middle and inner ear, or outside window of building
Spanish word of the day : "cohibido"- self-conscious
French word of the day : "fraude" - fraud
February 29
General word of the day : "minacious" - threatening
Spanish word of the day : "año bisiesto"- leap year
French word of the day : "fonder" - to found
March 1
General word of the day : "sepoy" - the term given to an Indian infantryman armed with a musket in the armies of the Mughal empire and in British colonial times.
Spanish word of the day : "nacionalismo"- nationalism
French word of the day : "Pays de Galles" - Wales
March 2
General word of the day : "kirtan" - Hindu devotional singing.
Spanish word of the day : "melodía"- melody
French word of the day : "durer" - to last
March 3
General word of the day : "heliozoa" - commonly known as sun-animalcules, are microbial eukaryotes (protists) with stiff arms (axopodia) radiating from their spherical bodies.
Spanish word of the day : "encanto"- spell
French word of the day : "directeur" - manager
March 4
General word of the day : "pectase" - an enzyme in certain ripening fruits.
Spanish word of the day : "enmascarado"- masked
French word of the day : "vent" - wind
March 5
General word of the day : "pandowdy" - an American fruit pie.
Spanish word of the day : "guijarro"- pebble
French word of the day : "imaginer" - to imagine
March 6
General word of the day : "jupati" - a tall Brazilian Palm tree.
Spanish word of the day : "prestigio"- prestige
French word of the day : "voisin" - neighbour
March 7
General word of the day : "stasimon" - in Greek tragedy, a stationary song, composed of strophes and antistrophes and performed by the chorus in the orchestra
Spanish word of the day : "para evitar"- to avoid
French word of the day : "puissant" - powerful
March 8
General word of the day : "yukata" - a Japanese cotton summer kimono
Spanish word of the day : "acantilado"- cliff
French word of the day : "comter" - to count
March 9
General word of the day : "fennec" - a small nocturnal Fox found in Arabia and North Africa
Spanish word of the day : "elegir"- to elect
French word of the day : "gros mot" - swear word
Italian word of the day: "scherzando" - joking
March 10
General word of the day : "Caddoan" - a family of Native American languages
Spanish word of the day : "obediente"- obedient
French word of the day : "chapeau" - hat
Italian word of the day: "cucina" - cuisine
March 11
General word of the day : "Senescence" - deteriation with age
Spanish word of the day : "trono"- throne
French word of the day : "parfait" - perfect
Italian word of the day: "soggiorno" - living room
March 12
General word of the day : "splenetic" - bad tempered
Spanish word of the day : "secuestrar"- to kidnap/hijack
French word of the day : "le devant" - front
Italian word of the day: "gentile" - kind
March 13
General word of the day : "chakai" - informal Japanese tea ceremony
Spanish word of the day : "abismo"- abyss
French word of the day : "loin" - far
Italian word of the day: "scortese" - rude
March 14
General word of the day : "libation" - the pouring of wine
Spanish word of the day : "destrozar"- to vandalize
French word of the day : "proche" - near
Italian word of the day: "altezza" - height
March 15
General word of the day : "saxatile" - growing or living on rocks
Spanish word of the day : "ritmo"- pace
French word of the day : "universaire" - academic
Italian word of the day: "puro" - pure
March 16
General word of the day : "pauldron" - shoulder armour
Spanish word of the day : "espejo"- mirror
French word of the day : "romancier" - novelist
Italian word of the day: "sottile" - thin
March 17
General word of the day : "rivlin" - Old Scots shoe made out of rawhide
Spanish word of the day : "immediato"- immediate
French word of the day : "perdre" - to lose
Italian word of the day: "amico" - friend
March 18
General word of the day : "caruncle" - fleshy outgrowth on head of bird
Spanish word of the day : "sirviente/criado"- servant (Mi sirviente entró en el comedor - My servant entered the dining room)
French word of the day : "matin" - morning (C’est une belle mati née aujourd’hui ! - It's a fine morning today)
Italian word of the day: "divertito" - amused (Sono stato divertito dal comico. - I was amused by the comedian)
German word of the day: "stolz" - proud (Gerda ist stolz auf mich. - Gerda is proud of me)
March 19
General word of the day : "Lebbek" - a large deciduous tree
Spanish word of the day : "almuerzo"- lunch (El almuerzo está servido - Lunch is served)
French word of the day : "vérité" - truth (La vérité est là-bas - The truth is out there)
Italian word of the day: "prossimo/venturo" - next (Finirà la ventura/prossima settimana - It will end next week)
German word of the day: "angenehmen" - pleasant (Der Blumengarten ist ein angenehmer Ort. - The flower garden is a pleasant place)
March 20
General word of the day : "Frazil" - ice that forms in turbulent water
Spanish word of the day : "embarazada"- pregnant (La mujer tenía seis meses de embarazo - The woman was six months pregnant)
French word of the day : "stupide" - stupid (Quelle stupide erreur - what a stupid mistake)
Italian word of the day: "perfetto" - perfect (Un sorriso perfetto - A perfect smile)
German word of the day: "sicher" - safe (Der Junge kam sicher nach Hause - The boy arrived home safely)
March 21
General word of the day : "Hydronaut" - a person trained to operate deep submergence vessels.
Spanish word of the day : "variedad"- variety (Una variedad de aperitivos variados - A variety of assorted snacks)
French word of the day : "pauvre" - poor (Elle a aidé les pauvres et les malades - she helped the poor and the sick)
Italian word of the day: "per soddisfare" - to satisfy (Il poliziotto fu soddisfatto dalla spiegazione dell'uomo. - The policeman was satisfied by the man's explanation)
German word of the day: "mouth/trap" - Mund/Klappe (Er hatte eine große Klappe - He had a big mouth)
March 22
General word of the day : "dizygotic" - (of twins) derived from two separate ova
Spanish word of the day : "maratón"- marathon (Hoy corrí un cuarto de maratón - I ran a quarter of a marathon today)
French word of the day : "visiter" - to visit (J'ai rendu visite à ma tante - I visited my aunt)
Italian word of the day: "Sole" - Sun (Il Sole splend. - The sun is shining)
German word of the day: "faul" - lazy (Sehr faul - Very lazy)
March 23
General word of the day : "saprotroph" - an organism that feeds on or derives nourishment from decaying organic matter.
Spanish word of the day : "cucharada"- spoon (Una cucharada de mantequilla de maní - A spoon of peanut butter)
French word of the day : "arbre" - tree (Les arbres du parc - The trees in the park)
Italian word of the day: "cielo" - sky (Il cielo di notte - The sky at night)
German word of the day: "Stadtmitte" - town centre (Die Stadtmitte - the town centre)
March 24
General word of the day : "macromolecule " - a very large molecule, such as protein, commonly composed of the polymerization of smaller subunits called monomers.
Spanish word of the day : "arcoiris"- rainbow (Puedo ver un arcoiris - I can see a rainbow)
French word of the day : "pratiquer" - to practice (J'aime pratiquer le piano - I like to practice the piano)
Italian word of the day: "passeggiata" - walk (Una passeggiata nel parco - A walk in the park)
German word of the day: "stark" - strong (Ein starker Mann - a strong man)
March 25
General word of the day: "furlana" - a Venetian dance
Spanish word of the day : "primitivo"- primitive (Los lugareños vivían en condiciones primitivas - The locals lived in primitive conditions)
French word of the day : "chauffer" - to heat (J'ai chauffé les haricots - I heated the beans)
Italian word of the day: "strepitoso" - Awesome (Strepitoso! - Awesome!)
German word of the day: "hair" - haar (Sie hatte schwarze Haare - she had black hair)
March 26
General word of the day: "pangolin" - a mammal of East Asia and Africa, severely poached for Chinese medicine and cuisine
Spanish word of the day : "sendero"- footpath (El sendero público conduce a la playa - The footpath leads to the beach)
French word of the day : "tomate" - tomato (sauce tomate aux haricots - tomato sauce with beans)
Italian word of the day: "eccelente" - excellent (Era un'eccellente violinista classica - She was an excellent classical violinist)
German word of the day: "zuhause" ("zu Hause") - home (Sie arbeitet von zu Hause aus - she works from home)
March 27
General word of the day: "alizarin" - an organic compound, red brownish powder used to make dyes.
Spanish word of the day : "rescatar"- to rescue (El socorrista rescató a la niña atrapada debajo del muelle - The lifeguard rescued the girl trapped underneath the pier)
French word of the day : "chapitre" - chapter (J'ai lu cinq chapitres de mon livre d'histoire en une journée - I read five chapters of my history book in one day)
Italian word of the day: "di talento" - talented (È un giovane chitarrista di grande talento siciliano - he is a very talented young guitarist from Sicily)
German word of the day: "Komposition" - composition (Ein wunderbares Rezital einer Bach-Komposition - a wonderful recital of a Bach composition)
March 28-9
General word of the day: "boojum" - geometric pattern found on surface of helium or a tree of Baja California
Spanish word of the day : "refugio"- shelter (El vagabundo buscó refugio debajo del puente - The tramp sought shelter under the bridge)
French word of the day : "ennuyeux" - boring (Le livre était ennuyeux. - The book was boring)
Italian word of the day: "freddo" - cold (Oggi è una giornata fredda - It is a cold day today)
German word of the day: "Freitag" - Friday (Ich bin am Freitag in der Stadt angekommen - I arrived in the town on Friday)
March 30
General word of the day: "Nkosi" - Southern African term of address to a superior or master
Spanish word of the day : "farola"- lamppost (Las farolas al costado de la calle - the lampposts at the side of the street)
French word of the day : "bruit" - sound (Pas un bruit! - don't make a sound!)
Italian word of the day: "manos" - hand (Lavati sempre le mani - Always wash your hands)
German word of the day: "neu" - new (Ein sehr raffiniertes neues Design - A very sophisticated new design)
March 31
General word of the day: "muscarine" - a poisonous alkaloid found in certain mushrooms
Spanish word of the day : "cejas"- eyebrows (Grandes cejas peludas - big hairy eyebrows)
French word of the day : "vide" - empty (Les avenues de Paris étaient vides - the avenues of Paris were empty)
Italian word of the day: "felice" - happy (Non felice - Not happy)
German word of the day: "geschlossen" - closed (Der Supermarkt ist geschlossen - The supermarket is closed)
April 1
General word of the day: "jazerant" -coat of armour with metal plates sown into the cloth
Spanish word of the day : "broma"- joke (Él contó una broma grosera - He told a rude joke)
French word of the day : "blague" - joke (Il a raconté une blague grossière - He told a rude joke)
Italian word of the day: "scherzo/battuta" - joke/gag (Ha raccontato una battuta maleducata - He told a rude joke)
German word of the day: "Witz/Scherz" - joke (Er erzählte einen unhöflichen Witz. - He told a rude joke)
April 2
General word of the day: "Chunjie" - Chinese festival held in New Year
Spanish word of the day : "elección"- election (Las elecciones fueron manipulados - the elections were rigged)
French word of the day : "positif" - positive (Tout le monde doit demeurer positif à un moment comme celui-ci. - Everybody needs to stay positive at a time like this)
Italian word of the day: "montagna" - mountain (Le montagne sono nella parte occidentale della provincia - The mountains are in the west of the province)
German word of the day: "Stein" - stone (Am Eingang lagen mehrere Steine - Several stones lay by the entrance)
April 3-4
General word of the day: "Púca" or "pooka" -creature in Celtic folklore
Spanish word of the day :  "vitamina" - vitamin
French word of the day : "laboratoire" - laboratory
Italian word of the day: "vocabulario" - vocabulary
German word of the day: "Kiefer" - jaw
April 5
General word of the day: "nakfa" - currency of Eritrea
Spanish word of the day :  "adorar" -to worship/adore
French word of the day : "monstre" - monster
Italian word of the day: "to go" - andare
German word of the day: "Kartoffel" - potato
April 6
General word of the day: "uniparous" - producing one offspring at birth
Spanish word of the day :  "amenazar" - to threaten
French word of the day : "tête" - head
Italian word of the day: "trenta" - thirty
German word of the day: "oft" - often
April 7
General word of the day: "Sessile" - in botany, flowers attached directly by its base without a stalk
Spanish word of the day :  "divino" - divine
French word of the day : "vouloir" - the want
Italian word of the day: "camminare" - to walk
German word of the day: "hilfe" - help
April 8
General word of the day: "Coronis" - symbol in Greek grammar which resembles an apostrophe
Spanish word of the day :  "sencillo" - straightforward
French word of the day : "lamentable" - pathetic
Italian word of the day: "cambiare" - to alter/change
German word of the day: "friedrich" - peaceful
April 9
General word of the day: "hacqueton" - upholstered garmant for the upper body worn under chainmail
Spanish word of the day :  "volante" - steering wheel
French word of the day : "comter" - the count
Italian word of the day: "leggere" - to read
German word of the day: "Trauer" - grief
Portuguese word of the day: "como" - how
Dutch word of the day: "hij" - he
April 10-11
General word of the day: "shickered" - Aussie slang for drunk
Spanish word of the day :  "amigdalitis" - tonsilitis
French word of the day : "patron" - boss
Italian word of the day: "folla" - crowd
German word of the day: "Sham" - shame
Portuguese word of the day: "pagar" - to pay
Dutch word of the day: "zwart" - black
April 12
General word of the day: "quango" - semi public organisation but financed by the government
Spanish word of the day :  "arrepentirse" - to regret
French word of the day : "mettre" - to put on
Italian word of the day: "malefatta" - mischief
German word of the day: "wecken" - to awaken
Portuguese word of the day: "verdade" - truth
Dutch word of the day: "wit" - white
April 13
General word of the day: "panton" - a soft horseshoe
Spanish word of the day :  "paja" - straw
French word of the day : "mois" - month
Italian word of the day: "sentire" - to feel
German word of the day: "billig" - cheap
Portuguese word of the day: "rapaz" - lad
Dutch word of the day: "na" - after
April 14
General word of the day: "ractopamine" - a feed additive, banned in many countries, to promote leanness in animals raised for their meat.
Spanish word of the day : "inconsiente" - unconscious
French word of the day : "chanter" - to sing
Italian word of the day: "lavoro" - labour
German word of the day: "Paar" - pair
Portuguese word of the day: "sim" - yes
Dutch word of the day: "blauw" - blue
April 15
General word of the day: "meretritious" - tawdry
Spanish word of the day : "espantoso" - appalling
French word of the day : "toit" - roof
Italian word of the day: "confessare" - to confess
German word of the day: "Gott" - God
Portuguese word of the day: "estranho" - odd/strange
Dutch word of the day: "groen" - green
April 16
General word of the day: "Karamu" - tree of New Zealand
Spanish word of the day : "descubrir" - to discover/figure out
French word of the day : "fiable" - reliable
Italian word of the day: "fuori" - out
German word of the day: "frisch" - fresh
Portuguese word of the day: "anjo" - angel
Dutch word of the day: "rood" - red
April 17
General word of the day: "Gourami" - Asian fish
Spanish word of the day : "sencillamente" - simply
French word of the day : "rien" - nothing
Italian word of the day: "bugiardo" -liar
German word of the day: "Geruch" - smell/odor"
Portuguese word of the day: "esfomeado" - hungry
Dutch word of the day: "oranje" - orange
April 18
General word of the day: "Varroa" - Parasite of honeybee
Spanish word of the day : "establecimiento" - establishment
French word of the day : "moral" - moral
Italian word of the day: "nascita" - birth
German word of the day: "gesamt" - total
Portuguese word of the day: "culpar" - to blame
Dutch word of the day: "geel" - yellow
April 19
General word of the day: "Adespota" - Anon writings
Spanish word of the day : "chocar" - to crash
French word of the day : "ces" - these
Italian word of the day: "legno" - wood
German word of the day: "verwundbar" - vulnerable
Portuguese word of the day: "mãe" - mother
Dutch word of the day: "purper" - purple
April 20
General word of the day: "perfidious" - deceitful
Spanish word of the day : "desmentir" - to deny
French word of the day : "rouge" - red
Italian word of the day: "arrabbiato" - angry
German word of the day: "Stift" - pen
Portuguese word of the day: "pai" - father
Dutch word of the day: "roze" - pink
April 21-22
General word of the day: "Sargassum" - type of frogfish
Spanish word of the day : "sacudiendo" - shaking
French word of the day : "jaune" - yellow
Italian word of the day: "sbagliare" - to make a mistake
German word of the day: "Bleistift" - pencil
Portuguese word of the day: "irmão" - brother
Dutch word of the day: "bruin" - brown
April 23
General word of the day: "Méchoui" - a lamb's dish of North Africa
Spanish word of the day : "padecido" - suffered
French word of the day : "bleu" - blue
Italian word of the day: "morbido" - soft
German word of the day: "Fluss" - river
Portuguese word of the day: "irmã" - sister
Dutch word of the day: "zilver" - silver
April 24
General word of the day: "primaquine" - synthetic drug used to treat malaria
Spanish word of the day : "huella" - footprint
French word of the day : "violet" -purple
Italian word of the day: "scena" - scene
German word of the day: "winzig" - tiny
Portuguese word of the day: "eu quero" - I want
Dutch word of the day: "donker" - dark
April 25
General word of the day: "thuja" - coniferous tree of North America
Spanish word of the day : "cumbre" - summit
French word of the day : "chemin" - path
Italian word of the day: "rispondere" - to respond
German word of the day: "Teich" - pond
Portuguese word of the day: "bravo" - brave
Dutch word of the day: "daar" - there
April 26
General word of the day: "Kairos" - an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment.
Spanish word of the day : "fábula" - fable
French word of the day : "ciel" - sky
Italian word of the day: "pane" - bread
German word of the day: "Straße" - street
Portuguese word of the day: "dar" - to give
Dutch word of the day: "kopen" - to buy
April 27
General word of the day: "cogon" - a tropical grass, used for thatching in the Philippines
Spanish word of the day : "grosero" - rude
French word of the day : "trottoir" -pavement
Italian word of the day: "miglio" - mile
German word of the day: "Dach" - roof
Portuguese word of the day: "achar/encontrar" - to find
Dutch word of the day: "thee" - tea
April 28
General word of the day: "pericón" - an Argentine dance with waving of flags
Spanish word of the day : "pijo" - posh
French word of the day : "printemps" - Spring
Italian word of the day: "sottile" - thin
German word of the day: "jung" - young
Portuguese word of the day: "famoso" - famous
Dutch word of the day: "soms" - sometimes
April 29
General word of the day: "sharinga" -Brazilian tree which yields rubber
Spanish word of the day : "suministro" - supply
French word of the day : "Hiver" - Winter
Italian word of the day: "piovoso" - rainy
German word of the day: "Frage" -question
Portuguese word of the day: "pontiagudo" - pointed/sharp
Dutch word of the day: "het vliegveld" - airport
April 30
General word of the day: "pterygoid" - wing-shaped
Spanish word of the day : "pulgar" - thumb
French word of the day : "nager" - to swim
Italian word of the day: "dall'altro lato di/attraverso" - across/through
German word of the day: "Menschlich" - human
Portuguese word of the day: "letra" - letter
Dutch word of the day: "dorp" - village
May 1
General word of the day: "ozaena" - chronic inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane
Spanish word of the day : "tatuaje" - tattoo
French word of the day : "naufrage" - shipwreck
Italian word of the day: "coda" - queue
German word of the day: "Zeichen" - signal
Portuguese word of the day: "buraco" - hole
Dutch word of the day: "raam" - window
May 2
General word of the day: "temerarious/temerous" - audacious
Spanish word of the day : "azotar" - to whip
French word of the day : "astéroïde" - asteroid
Italian word of the day: "polmoni" - lungs
German word of the day: "Baum" - tree
Portuguese word of the day: "planeta" - planet
Dutch word of the day: "muur" - wall
May 3

General word of the day: "Mizuna" - a type of Japanese lettuce

Spanish word of the day : "apretar" - to squeeze
French word of the day : "montre" - watch
Italian word of the day: "cuore" - heart
German word of the day: "Arm" - arm
Portuguese word of the day: "terra" - land
Dutch word of the day: "venster" - window
May 4-5
General word of the day: "Hamerkop/Umbretta" - a mid-sized wading bird of Africa
Spanish word of the day : "pavo real" - peacock
French word of the day : "donc" - therefore
Italian word of the day: "veicolo" - vehicle
German word of the day: "Geburtstag" - birthday
Portuguese word of the day: "vivar" - cheer
Dutch word of the day: "vandaag" - today
May 6
General word of the day: "Poori" - unleavened Indian bread
Spanish word of the day : "vanidoso" - vain
French word of the day : "insignifiant" - trivial
Italian word of the day: "mattino" - morning
German word of the day: "Halbinsel" - peninsula
Portuguese word of the day: "ouro" -gold
Dutch word of the day: "rundvlees" - meat
May 7-8
General word of the day: "Rhagamys" - an extinct rodent endemic to Corsica and Sardinia
Spanish word of the day : "monitorizar" - to monitor
French word of the day : "sourire" - smile
Italian word of the day: "sera" - evening
German word of the day: "Küste" - coast
Portuguese word of the day: "prata" -silver
Dutch word of the day: "koe" - cow
May 9
General word of the day: "Lansquenet" - a gambling game of chance
Spanish word of the day : "orgullo" - pride
French word of the day : "large" -wide
Italian word of the day: "vano" - vain
German word of the day: "Nuss" - nut
Portuguese word of the day: "cogumelo" - mushroom
Dutch word of the day: "toen" -then
May 10
General word of the day: "Tocsin" - an alarm or warning signal
Spanish word of the day : "tiritar" - to shiver
French word of the day : "publier" - to publish
Italian word of the day: "pettegolezzi" - gossip
German word of the day: "Wanderung" - hike
Portuguese word of the day: "velocidade" - speed
Dutch word of the day: "toerist" - tourist
May 11
General word of the day: "Chichi" - affectably stylish or a person of mixed British and Indian descent
Spanish word of the day : "muestra" - sample (mostrar/muestro = to show/show)
French word of the day : "heureusement" - fortunately
Italian word of the day: "perfetto" - perfect
German word of the day: "Mitleid" - pity
Portuguese word of the day: "estado" - state
Dutch word of the day: "slecht" - bad
May 12
General word of the day: "Trebuchet" - a large catapult used in sieges in history
Spanish word of the day : "tobillo" - ankle
French word of the day : "occupé" - busy
Italian word of the day: "ombra" - shadow
German word of the day: "Krankenhaus" - hospital
Portuguese word of the day: "vento" - wind
Dutch word of the day: "veld" - field
May 13-14
General word of the day: "Äggakaka" - a traditional Scanian fried pork belly dish
Spanish word of the day : "damas" - draughts
French word of the day : "étonnement" - astonishment
Italian word of the day: "immagine" - picture
German word of the day: "Hemd" - shirt
Portuguese word of the day: "como" - as
Dutch word of the day: "Vogel" - bird
May 15
General word of the day: "opprobrious" - expressing scorn or criticism
Spanish word of the day : "envase" - container
French word of the day : "stade" - stadium
Italian word of the day: "scappare/fuggire" - to escape
German word of the day: "Inserat" - advert
Portuguese word of the day: "perguntar" - to ask
Dutch word of the day: "lucht" - sky
May 16
General word of the day: "Jor" - a formal section of composition in Hindustani music
Spanish word of the day : " abuchear " - to boo/jeer
French word of the day : "regarder" - to watch
Italian word of the day: "Colore" - colour
German word of the day: "Zug" - train
Portuguese word of the day: "belo" - beautiful/lovely
Dutch word of the day: "zeil" - sail
May 17
General word of the day: "Gopik" - monetary unit of Azerbaijan
Spanish word of the day : "perejil " - parsley
French word of the day : "carotte" - carrot
Italian word of the day: "patata" - potato
German word of the day: "Gemüse" - vegetable
Portuguese word of the day: "maçã" - apple
Dutch word of the day: "banaan" - banana
May 18
General word of the day: "Waldrapp" - migratory bird of Africa
Spanish word of the day : "submarino " - submarine
French word of the day : "panier" - basket
Italian word of the day: "vendita" - sale
German word of the day: "obgleich" - though
Portuguese word of the day: "escolha" - option
Dutch word of the day: "koken" - to cook

May 19

General word of the day: "Auceps" - a person who catches hawks
Spanish word of the day : "pomo " - handle
French word of the day : "lavabo" - wash basin
Italian word of the day: "probabile" - likely
German word of the day: "Fabrik" - factory
Portuguese word of the day: "jantar" - supper
Dutch word of the day: "welk" - which
May 20
General word of the day: "Spectrin" - a class of fibrous proteins found in the membranes of red blood cells
Spanish word of the day : "inestable" - unstable
French word of the day : "envoyer" - to send
Italian word of the day: "prossimo" - next
German word of the day: "Erde" - soil
Portuguese word of the day: "jornal" - newspaper
Dutch word of the day: "sluiten" - to shut
May 21
General word of the day: "Namaycush" - a freshwater trout found in North American lakes
Spanish word of the day : "mofarse" - to scoff
French word of the day : "ces" - these
Italian word of the day: "spezia" - spice
German word of the day: "Gurke" - cucumber
Portuguese word of the day: "senhora" - lady
Dutch word of the day: "schrijven" - to write
May 22
General word of the day: "Oedometer" - device for measuring soil composition
Spanish word of the day : "voltaje" - voltage
French word of the day : "roux" - red haired
Italian word of the day: "bugiardo" - liar
German word of the day: "Dschungel" - jungle
Portuguese word of the day: "immediato" - instant
Dutch word of the day: "ober/kelner" - waiter
May 23-4
General word of the day: "Skelf" - splinter of wood
Spanish word of the day : "tarea" - task
French word of the day : "pyramide" - pyramid
Italian word of the day: "panico" - panic
German word of the day: "Brieftasche" - wallet
Portuguese word of the day: "som" - sound
Dutch word of the day: "stem" - voice
May 25
General word of the day: "Saz" - a group of Middle Eastern instruments resembling the lute
Spanish word of the day : "valor" - courage
French word of the day : "courir" - to run
Italian word of the day: "negozio" - shop
German word of the day: "die Geduld" - patience
Portuguese word of the day: "jogar" - to play
Dutch word of the day: "roeien" - to row/rowing
May 26
General word of the day: "Lambada" - an erotic dance originating from Brazil
Spanish word of the day : "apretar" - to press
French word of the day : "sommeil" - sleep
Italian word of the day: "matrimonio" - wedding
German word of the day: "Baum" - tree
Portuguese word of the day: "velho" - old
Dutch word of the day: "moe" - tired
May 27
General word of the day: "Trichina" - parasitic worm
Spanish word of the day : "desenrollar" - to unroll
French word of the day : "soupirer" - to sigh
Italian word of the day: "orologio" - clock
German word of the day: "Reptil" - reptile
Portuguese word of the day: "gasolina" - petrol
Dutch word of the day: "compleet" - complete
May 28
General word of the day: '"Brahui" - language of Balochistan, Pakistan
Spanish word of the day : "tomo" - volume
French word of the day : "vapeur" - steam
Italian word of the day: "cortese" - polite
German word of the day: "Anfang" - to start
Portuguese word of the day: "uso" - use
Dutch word of the day: "zaken" - business
May 29
General word of the day: '"Dyspareunia" - abnormal pain during sexual intercourse
Spanish word of the day : "hinchado" - swollen
French word of the day : "velours" - velvet
Italian word of the day: "ragazzacio" - badboy
German word of the day: "angeschafft" - purchased
Portuguese word of the day: "molhado" - wet
Dutch word of the day: "sla" - lettuce
May 30-31
General word of the day: '"Hyaloid" - clear and transparent
Spanish word of the day : "hormiga" - ant
French word of the day : "nuage" - cloud
Italian word of the day: "pazza" - crazy
German word of the day: "Plastik" - plastic
Portuguese word of the day: "livro" - book
Dutch word of the day: "vrede" - peace

June 1

General word of the day: '"Lavandin" - another name for lavender
Spanish word of the day : "gusano" - worm
French word of the day : "apaiser" - to alleviate
Italian word of the day: "chiedere" - to ask
German word of the day: "geben" - to give
Portuguese word of the day: "chorar" - to cry
Dutch word of the day: "werken" - to work
June 2
General word of the day: '"Protasis" - the introductory part of a play
Spanish word of the day : "bulbo" - bulb
French word of the day : "confiance" - trust
Italian word of the day: "basso" - low
German word of the day: "sagenhaft" - terrific
Portuguese word of the day: "quem" - who
Dutch word of the day: "toneelstuk" - play (theatre)

June 3

General word of the day: '"Carburet" - mixed gas and carbon or carbon compounds
Spanish word of the day : "envidia" - envy
French word of the day :"se asseoir " - to sit
Italian word of the day: "quali" - which
German word of the day: "Eisbahn" - ice rink
Portuguese word of the day: "ameaça" - threat
Dutch word of the day: "muntgeld" - coins/currency
June 4
General word of the day: '"Docimology" - theory of the art of testing
Spanish word of the day : "sustituir" - to replace
French word of the day :"expression" - phrase
Italian word of the day: "chiudere" - to shut
German word of the day: "lecker" - to taste
Portuguese word of the day: "vale" - valley
Dutch word of the day: "zwager" - brother-in-law
June 5
General word of the day: '"Sepak takraw" - Southeast Asian kick volleyball
Spanish word of the day : "correctamente" - properly/correctly
French word of the day :"recevoir" - to receive
Italian word of the day: "povero" - poor
German word of the day: "laufend" - running
Portuguese word of the day: "segredo" - secret
Dutch word of the day: "kussen" - to kiss
June 6-7
General word of the day: "chléb" - a type of Czech bread
Spanish word of the day : "radiación" - radiation
French word of the day :"piètre" - poor
Italian word of the day: "pesante" - heavy
German word of the day: "Handschrift" - handwriting
Portuguese word of the day: "floresta" - forest
Dutch word of the day: "luisteren" - to listen
June 8
General word of the day: "Legong" - a type of Balinese dance performed by young women
Spanish word of the day : "onza" - ounce
French word of the day :"qualité" -quality
Italian word of the day: "numero" - number
German word of the day: "Wasser" - water
Portuguese word of the day: "escada" - staircase
Dutch word of the day: "dieet" - diet
June 9
General word of the day: "Transmogrify" - to change into a different shape or form, particularly a grotesque or bizarre one
Spanish word of the day : "obsesionado" - obsessed
French word of the day : "énergique" - energetic, forceful
Italian word of the day: "baracca" - shed (garden)
German word of the day: "Volumen/Ausmaß" - volume
Portuguese word of the day: "perguntar" - to ask
Dutch word of the day: "naast" - beside
June 10
General word of the day: "Gonfalon" - type of Italian heraldic flag or banner, often pointed, swallow-tailed, or with several streamers, and suspended from a crossbar
Spanish word of the day : "acero" - steel
French word of the day : "tourner" - to turn
Italian word of the day: "sciapa" - scarf
German word of the day: "Trinkgeld" - tip (money)
Portuguese word of the day: "cabelo" - hair
Dutch word of the day: "ui" - onion
June 11
General word of the day: "Coprolalia" - use of obscene or offensive language in an uncontrollable way
Spanish word of the day : "percataron" - They noticed
French word of the day : "lourd" - heavy
Italian word of the day: "trovare" - to find
German word of the day: "Ihr Fragt" - You ask
Portuguese word of the day: "roda" - wheel
Dutch word of the day: "plaatsen" - place
June 12
General word of the day: "Helophyte" - any type of perennial marsh plant with overwintering buds underwater
Spanish word of the day : "planicies" - plain
French word of the day : "ailleurs" - elsewhere
Italian word of the day: " leggere" - to read
German word of the day: " zuversichtlich" - confident
Portuguese word of the day: "revelar" - to reveal
Dutch word of the day: "maar" - but
June 13
General word of the day: "Tetralogy" - group of four dramatic acts in a play
Spanish word of the day : "mariposa" - butterfly
French word of the day : "bien que" - though
Italian word of the day: " sentire" - to feel
German word of the day: " Kost" - diet
Portuguese word of the day: "melhor" - better/the best
Dutch word of the day: "drinken" - to drink
Russian word of the day: "Прощай" (Proshchay -prushai) - goodbye
June 14
General word of the day: "Verruciform" - wart shaped
Spanish word of the day : "atormentar" - to torment
French word of the day : "mur" - wall
Italian word of the day: "freddo" - cold
German word of the day: " Mehl" - flour
Portuguese word of the day: "cameiro" - sheep
Dutch word of the day: "naam" - name
Russian word of the day: "Добро пожаловать" (Dobro pozhalovat) - Welcome
June 15
General word of the day: "Ouma" - South African term for grandmother or elderly woman of repute.
Spanish word of the day : "linterna" - torch
French word of the day : "veuf" - widower
Italian word of the day: "privato" - private
German word of the day: "versichen" - to assure
Portuguese word of the day: "reconhecer" - to recognize
Dutch word of the day: "trap" - stairs
Swedish word of the day: "kloster" - monastery/abbey
Finnish word of the day: "suu" - mouth
Russian word of the day: "Cегодня" (Cegodnya) (sehvodknee-ah) - Today
June 16
General word of the day: "Coo-Coo (Coucou)" - A Barbadian food made from mashed okra and cornmeal.
Spanish word of the day : "pasmar" - to astonish
French word of the day : "lancer" - to throw
Italian word of the day: "colpetto" - jog
German word of the day: "Wann" - when
Portuguese word of the day: "golfinho" - dolphin
Dutch word of the day: "arm" - poor
Swedish word of the day: "sju" - seven
Finnish word of the day: "taide" - art
Russian word of the day: "школа" (shkola) - school
June 17
General word of the day: "Lampuki" - Large fish found in the Gulf of Mexico, also known as Mahi-mahi and Dorado.
Spanish word of the day: "disponible" - available
French word of the day : "bruit" - sound
Italian word of the day: "spedito" - fluent
German word of the day: "Imbiss" - snack
Portuguese word of the day: "falar" - to speak
Dutch word of the day: "vakantie" - holiday
Swedish word of the day: "Adjö" - goodbye
Finnish word of the day: "ruoka" - food
Russian word of the day: "Страна" (strana) - country
June 18
General word of the day: "Corniche" - coastal road, particularly on cliff
Spanish word of the day: "chillar" - to squeak
French word of the day : "venin" - poison
Italian word of the day: "stagione" - season
German word of the day: "Hof" - court
Portuguese word of the day: "com" - with
Dutch word of the day: "houden" - to keep
Swedish word of the day: "av" - of
Finnish word of the day: "sairaala" - hospital
Russian word of the day: "аэропорт" (aeroport) - airport
June 19
General word of the day: "Magot" - Chinese or Japanese figurine in crouching position
Spanish word of the day: "equivocarse" - to slip up
French word of the day : "singulier" - singular
Italian word of the day: "parola" - word
German word of the day: "Landkarte" - map
Portuguese word of the day: "fome" - hunger
Dutch word of the day: "lopen" - to walk
Swedish word of the day: "natt" - night
Finnish word of the day: "rakannus" - building
Russian word of the day: "машина" (mashina) - car
June 20
General word of the day: "Swale" - Moist depression in tract of land
Spanish word of the day: "defectuoso" - faulty
French word of the day : "cord" - rope
Italian word of the day: "medicinali" - medication
German word of the day: "fertig" - ready
Portuguese word of the day: "arrepio" - thrill
Dutch word of the day: "gelukkig" - happy
Swedish word of the day: "elva" - eleven
Finnish word of the day: "matka" - journey
Russian word of the day: "Здание" (zdaniye) - building
June 21
General word of the day: "Nagana" - parasitic disease affecting animals in West Africa
Spanish word of the day: "párroco" - vicar
French word of the day : "nageur" - swimmer
Italian word of the day: "stringere" - to tighten
German word of the day: "schwer" - heavy
Portuguese word of the day: "banho" - bath
Dutch word of the day: "precies" - exactly
Swedish word of the day: "krig" - war
Finnish word of the day: "suuri" - large
Russian word of the day: "и" (i) - and
June 22
General word of the day: "Ratel" - another name for the Honey badger
Spanish word of the day: "inestable" - unstable
French word of the day : "cercueil" - coffin
Italian word of the day: "odore" - scent
German word of the day: "Netz" - network
Portuguese word of the day: "doente" - sick
Dutch word of the day: "plat" - flat
Swedish word of the day: "sigill" - seal
Finnish word of the day: "paikka" - place
Russian word of the day: "солнце" (solntse) - sun
June 23
General word of the day: "Bannaret" - knight who commanded other knights
Spanish word of the day: "estremecerse" - to flinch/shudder
French word of the day : "bois" - wood
Italian word of the day: "soggetto" - subject
German word of the day: "Garantie" - guarantee
Portuguese word of the day: "dentro de" - within
Dutch word of the day: "slapen" - to sleep
Swedish word of the day: "seg" - tough
Finnish word of the day: "veri" - blood
Russian word of the day: "Луна" (luna) - moon
June 24-5
General word of the day: "Maximaphily" - the study or collection of postcards
Spanish word of the day: "desliz" - slip (mistake)
French word of the day : "singe" - monkey
Italian word of the day: "spacco" - slit
German word of the day: "Vorort" - suburb
Portuguese word of the day: "ralhar" - to scold
Dutch word of the day: "na" - to after
Swedish word of the day: "idag" - today
Finnish word of the day: "pilvi" - cloud
Russian word of the day: "Oни" (oni) - they
June 26
General word of the day: "Gralloch" - the entrails of a deer, or a deer killed in a hunt
Spanish word of the day: "sabor" - to taste
French word of the day : "mouillé" - wet
Italian word of the day: "prezzo" - price
German word of the day: "heilig" - holy
Portuguese word of the day: "sujeito" - subject
Dutch word of the day: "bezoek" - visit
Swedish word of the day: "spel" - game
Finnish word of the day: "olla" - be
Russian word of the day: "голова" (golova) - head
June 27
General word of the day: "Ushabti" - or "shabti", funery statue used in Ancient Egypt
Spanish word of the day: "abeto" - fur
French word of the day : "printemps" - spring
Italian word of the day: "ostile" - hostile
German word of the day: "Erfolg" - successful
Portuguese word of the day: "rejeitar" - to reject
Dutch word of the day: "binnen" - inside
Swedish word of the day: "restaurang" - restaurant
Finnish word of the day: "koira" - dog
Russian word of the day: "глаз" (glaz) - eye
June 28
General word of the day: "Aecium" - (plural aecia) - a specialised reproductive structure found in some plant pathogenic rust fungi that produce aeciospores.
Spanish word of the day: "ruibarbo" - rhubarb
French word of the day : "gagner" - to win
Italian word of the day: "'quindi" - then/therefore
German word of the day: "Molkerei" - dairy
Portuguese word of the day: "escandaloso" - scandalous
Dutch word of the day: "sneeuw" - snow
Swedish word of the day: "olja" - oil
Finnish word of the day: "postimerkii" - stamp
Russian word of the day: "увидеть" (uvidet) - to see
June 29
General word of the day: "Suiplap" - a South African slang term, meaning drunkard in Afrikaans
Spanish word of the day: "avestruz" - ostrich
French word of the day : "imiter" - to imitate
Italian word of the day: "pungere" - to sting
German word of the day: "eifrig" - zealous
Portuguese word of the day: "decisão" - decision
Dutch word of the day: "sleutel" - key
Swedish word of the day: "nummer" - number
Finnish word of the day: "joki" - river
Russian word of the day: "республика" (respublika) - republic
June 30
General word of the day: "Saphrozoic" - animals or plants feeding on dead organic matter
Spanish word of the day: " inversión" - investment
French word of the day : "justifier" - to justify
Italian word of the day: "frutteto" - orchard
German word of the day: "seite" - page
Portuguese word of the day: "tingir" - to dye
Dutch word of the day: "voorjaar" - spring
Swedish word of the day: "svag" - weak
Finnish word of the day: "nuori" - young
Russian word of the day: "церковь" (tserkov') - ( tserkisch) - church
July 1-2
General word of the day: "Gaskin" - part of a horse's thigh
Spanish word of the day: " farola" - street lamp
French word of the day : "plonger" - to dive
Italian word of the day: "enucleare" - to single out
German word of the day: "sportlich" - sporty
Portuguese word of the day: "thus" - assim
Dutch word of the day: "wereld" - world
Swedish word of the day: "daglig" - daily
Finnish word of the day: "vanha" - old
Russian word of the day: "Мечеть" (Mechet') - ''meetchit) - mosque
July 3
Spanish word of the day: " incargado" - warden
French word of the day : "maman" - mummy (Egypt)
Italian word of the day: "vomito" - vomit
German word of the day: "kunststoff" - plastic
Portuguese word of the day: "atrasado" - late
Dutch word of the day: "voorzichtig" - careful
Swedish word of the day: "Ned" - down
Finnish word of the day: "koripallo" - basketball
Russian word of the day: "лето" (leto) - lieta) - summer
July 4
General word of the day: "Eolienne" - type of cloth
Spanish word of the day: "descarrilar" - to derail
French word of the day : "tissu" - tissue
Italian word of the day: "il male" - evil
German word of the day: "Wolke" - cloud
Portuguese word of the day: "biscoito" - biscuit/cookie
Swedish word of the day: "upp" - up
Finnish word of the day: "stadion" - stadium
Russian word of the day: "автобус" (avtobus) - bus

July 5
General word of the day: "Lavatera" - plant with purple and white flowers
Spanish word of the day: "cacharro" - wreck
French word of the day : "pouce" - thumb
Italian word of the day: "prodigioso" - prodigious
German word of the day: "Arbeit" - work
Portuguese word of the day: "maçante" - tedious
Swedish word of the day: "vila" - rest
Finnish word of the day: "vene" - boat
Russian word of the day: "Счастливый" (schastlivyy) - happy
July 6
General word of the day: "tropocollagen" - the molecular unit which forms collagen
Spanish word of the day: "espumillón" - tinsel
French word of the day : "souffrant" - poorly
Italian word of the day: "socialmente" - socially
German word of the day: "frisch" - fresh
Portuguese word of the day: "dente" - tooth
Dutch word of the day: "gebak" - cake
Swedish word of the day: "bord" - table
Finnish word of the day: "meri" - sea
Russian word of the day: "Новости" (novosti) - newspaper

July 7
General word of the day: "entrechat" - a leap in ballet in which the dancer leaps and crosses the legs before and behind
Spanish word of the day: "sencillo" - straightforward
French word of the day : "déclassé" - relegated
Italian word of the day: "pepe" - pepper
German word of the day: "Rettung" - rescue
Portuguese word of the day: "valioso" - valuable
Dutch word of the day: "roken" - to smoke
Swedish word of the day: "kalkon" - turkey
Finnish word of the day: "talo" - house
Russian word of the day: "Новости" (novosti) - newspaper
July 8
General word of the day: "sticharion" - a liturgical vestment or robe worn in the Orthodox Church
Spanish word of the day: "encogerse de hombros" - to shrug one's shoulders
French word of the day : "plouf" - splash
Italian word of the day: "veicolo" - vehicle
German word of the day: "Nasenbluten" - nose bleed
Portuguese word of the day: "audição" - audition
Dutch word of the day: "bakker" - baker
Swedish word of the day: "kyss" - kiss
Finnish word of the day: "miksi" - why?
Russian word of the day: "радио" (radio) - radio
July 9
General word of the day: "aubade" - a song or poem related to the dawn
Spanish word of the day: "ampolla" - blister
French word of the day : "étagère" - shelf
Italian word of the day: "ampiezza" - breadth
German word of the day: "Kino" - cinema
Portuguese word of the day: "responda" - answer
Dutch word of the day: "slager" - butcher
Swedish word of the day: "mun" - lips
Finnish word of the day: "kun?" - when?
Russian word of the day: "какие" (kakiye) - what
July 10
General word of the day: "Chitin/chitinous" - a long-chain polymer that is a primary component of cell walls in fungi, the exoskeletons of arthropods
Spanish word of the day: "destrozar/hundir" - to wreck
French word of the day : "nettoyant" - cleaner/cleanser
Italian word of the day: "occupato" - busy
German word of the day: "soldat" - soldier
Portuguese word of the day: "chorar" - to cry
Dutch word of the day: "bibliotheek" - library
Swedish word of the day: "hår" (hore) - hair
Finnish word of the day: "miksi?" - why?
Russian word of the day: "театр" (teatr) - theatre
July 11
General word of the day: "kopiyka" - monetary unit of the Ukraine
Spanish word of the day: "desafiar" - to challenge
French word of the day : "laisser" - to leave
Italian word of the day: "fianco" - side
German word of the day: "stuhl" - chair
Portuguese word of the day: "dorado" - silver
Dutch word of the day: "altijd/steeds" - always
Swedish word of the day: "ansikte" - face
Finnish word of the day: "kuntosali" - gymnasium
Russian word of the day: "банка" (banka) - bank
July 12
General word of the day: "boerbul" - South African cross-breed mastiff
Spanish word of the day: "instaurar" - to set up
French word of the day : "camionneur" - trucker
Italian word of the day: "perfezione" - perfection
German word of the day: "Band" - tape
Portuguese word of the day: "mudar" - to change
Dutch word of the day: "tomaat" - tomato
Swedish word of the day: "vän" - friend
Finnish word of the day: "syntymä" - birth
Russian word of the day: "небо" (nyeeba) - sky

July 13
General word of the day: "curmudgeonly" - bad tempered and difficult (particularly old)
Spanish word of the day: "atropellar" - to run over
French word of the day : "pleurer" - to cry
Italian word of the day: "ora" - hour
German word of the day: "versuchen" - to attempt
Portuguese word of the day: "areia" - sand
Dutch word of the day: "Gefeliciteerd!" - congratulations!
Swedish word of the day: "irriterande" - annoying
Finnish word of the day: "käsi" - hand
Russian word of the day: "веселая" (veselaya) (veesolah) - funny
July 14
General word of the day: "lassitude" - weariness
Spanish word of the day: "retorcerse" - to squirm
French word of the day : "ouragan" - hurricane
Italian word of the day: "credere" - to believe
German word of the day: "verboten" - forbidden
Portuguese word of the day: "burro" - donkey/ass
Dutch word of the day: "recentelijk" - recently
Swedish word of the day: "samfund" - society
Finnish word of the day: "poliisi" - police
Russian word of the day: "грубый ('grubyy) - rude
July 15
General word of the day: "pitahaya" - giant cactus of Central America
Spanish word of the day: "serón" - a large basket
French word of the day : "fier" - proud
Italian word of the day: "bastone" - stick
German word of the day: "gesellig" - sociable
Portuguese word of the day: "urubu" - vulture
Dutch word of the day: "zwak" - weak
Swedish word of the day: "vete" - wheat
Finnish word of the day: "matala" - low
Russian word of the day: "футбол" (futbol) - football
July 16
General word of the day: "serdab" - secret chamber of an Ancient Egyptian tomb.
Spanish word of the day: "reinsertar" - to rehabilitate
French word of the day : "mariage" - marriage
Italian word of the day: "tessile" - textile
German word of the day: "ganz" - whole
Portuguese word of the day: "atirar" - to toss
Dutch word of the day: "aardappel" - potato
Swedish word of the day: "fem" - five
Finnish word of the day: "sokeri" - sugar
Russian word of the day: "жесткий" (zhestkiy) (josky) - hard