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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This user thinks no outfit is complete without cat hair.
This user likes cows.
This user likes the company of hamsters.
This user is interested in
art history.
This user is interested in the Crusades.
This user is interested in the Napoleonic Wars.
This user once wanted to be like Joan of Arc but then read how the story ended.
This user is interested in Pre-Islamic Arab civilizations.
This user is interested in the Vietnam War.
This user is interested in Islamic civilizations.
This user is interested in the First Bulgarian Empire.
This user is interested in the Second Bulgarian Empire.
This user is interested in the Byzantine Empire
This user is interested in Carthage.
This user is interested in the British Empire.
This user is interested in the Portuguese Empire.
This user is interested in the Mongol Empire.
This user is interested in the History of the Balkans.
This user is interested in the
History of Africa.
This user is interested in the history of the English Civil Wars.
This user is interested in the History of France.
This user is interested in the history of Germany.
This user is interested in the history of Pakistan.
This user is interested in the Romanov dynasty
This user is interested in Central European history.
This user is interested in the French Revolution.
This user is interested in the Napoleonic era.
This user is an advanced mathematician.
This user enjoys thinking in Four Dimensions.
This user knows the difference between an integral and an antiderivative; and so should you!
This user knows how to
Find X.
1112This user knows that eleventy-twelve is a real number.
ax2+bx+c=0This user likes algebra.
This user is fascinated by false colour astronomy representations.
FxThis user thinks the moons of the Solar System are more interesting than the planets.
Fx This user is glad that Pluto isn't a planet.
You mess with this user, and they'll
denature your protein.
This user has a keen interest in physics.
This user believes that hippies, celebrities, and politicians are NOT experts on climate change.
This user knows global warming is a reality we are facing.
 This user is interested in animal rights issues.
This user's safety and liberty are threatened by all firearms.
This user opposes the use of capital punishment.
This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
This user finds censorship offensive.
This user wants a
World government.
This user supports a binational solution to the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict.One State
This user doesn't like Nazis.
This user believes in the power of nonviolence.
This user believes that the Republic of China is a legitimate nation.
This user supports a free Burma.

This user supports the Independence of Tibet
This user supports EU enlargement.
This user wants all of Europe to join the EU.
This user wants Turkey
to join the the EU.
This user wants Croatia
to join the the EU.
This user wants Albania
to join the the EU.
This user wants Montenegro
to join the the EU.
This user wants Serbia
to join the the EU.
This user wants Bosnia and Herzegovina
to join the the EU.
This user supports Barack Obama for President in 2008
This user is interested in Chinese culture.
This user is interested in Criminology.
This user is interested in
Greek mythology.
This user is interested in geopolitics.
This user is interested in fantasy.
This user is inked.ʰ
This user's favorite roller coaster is Millennium Force, which this user has ridden 2 times.
This user is a certified scuba diver.
PADI This user is a certified PADI
Advanced Open Water Diver
This user admires all expressions of nature.
This user enjoys reading fiction.
This user listens to
audio books.

This user enjoys geofiction.
This user is interested in Gothic literature.
This user enjoys reading Fantasy.
This user reads science fiction.
This user enjoys reading alternate history fiction.
OSCThis user enjoys the works of Orson Scott Card.
This user reads the horror works of the master H. P. Lovecraft.
Quoth this user, "Nevermore."
CthulhuThis user is interested in the Great Old One.
This user is a friend of Don Quixote.
This user can read an Alethiometer.
Eh up! This user enjoys the
James Herriot series.
This user lives in a warren
on Watership Down.
AM This user is an Animagus.
A This user is an Auror.
PSM This user is a Parselmouth.
This user's Patronus is a Harbor Seal.
O.W.L.This user passed their O.W.L.s.
This user is a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.
DON'T PANIC This user attempts not to panic with the aid of several towels
LotF This user does not want the conch.
This user is a fan of
The Lord of the Rings.
This user stole the Precious. It's ours and we wants it!
LOTR This user likes Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and prefers it to Peter Jackson's film versions.
This user believes Tolkien's Balrogs have wings.
This user likes Horror Movies.
RThis user loves horror films, but hates torture films.
Bowling.jpgThis user once dabbled in pacifism. Not in 'Nam, of course.
Bowling.jpgThis user abides.
This user is in clear and present danger.
This user ran into a bad streak of luck, in Chinatown.
This user is a MSTie.
This user's got Movie Sign!
(-) This user would like to address your general attitude of hopeless negativism.
The BellagioThis user wishes the series had ended with Ocean's Eleven.
This user knows that a boy's best friend is his mother.
This user knows
what was in the case.
This user ate a census taker's liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
This victory belongs to the farmers, not to this user.
This user has had it with mother****ing snakes on mother****ing planes!
This user needs two more kills to qualify for Double-0 status.
This user knows
"...there is no spoon".
ZThis user is a zombie and enjoys watching zombie films.
This user's life occurs in
real time.
BENDER B. RODRIGUEZBite this user's shiny metal ass!
AMY WONGThis user wants to go partyboarding with you.
PHILIP J. FRYThis user is his own grandfather.
TURANGA LEELAThis user is a certified starship captain.
PROFESSOR HUBERT FARNSWORTHThis user would never do that unless you were already having been going to do that!
DOCTOR JOHN ZOIDBERGThis user lives in a maternifuge.
BUREAUCRAT HERMES CONRADThis user is anal 78.36% of the time.
CAPTAIN ZAPP BRANNIGANThis user finds the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.
OP8 This user is from Omicron Persei VIII.
Zapp This user obeys Brannigan's Law!
QThis user is an omnipotent member of the Q Continuum.
7This user would like to be assimilated by Seven of Nine.
UFPThis user is a citizen of the United Federation of Planets
SPThis user killed Kenny. This user is a bastard.
¡This user knows the Chewbacca Defense and is not afraid to use it!
JPRThis user's hero is Jack Ryan.
This user is fascinated by chaos theory.
This user is currently reading Dracula by Bram Stoker.
This user is a minion of Cthulhu.
this userThis user often refers to themselves in real life as "this user"
This user shall be addressed with the following honorifics: His Majesty the Servant of Pan.
This user is a Grammar Nazi!
CoSThis user found the Chamber of Secrets.
PoAThis user escaped from Azkaban prison.
GoFThis user's name came out of Goblet of Fire.
OotPThis user is a member of The Order of the Phoenix.
HBPThis user is the Half-Blood Prince.
DHThis user is the master of the Deathly Hallows.
This user supports the reunification of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.32
This user is thankful that the good guys won the Civil War
This user is against involuntary military service.
yd-0Understand "Yoda" this user can not.
yd-4Almost speak fluent "Yoda" this user can.
ydSpeak fluent "Yoda" this user can.
You.This user won TIME's Person of the Year Award for 2006.
This user supports Cannabis rescheduling
“”“This” “user” “does” “not” “tolerate” “the” “abuse” “of” “quotation marks” “used” “as” “scare quotes” “and” “the” “like,” “and” “will” “remove” “them” “whenever” “necessary.”
This user frequently says DAMMIT! (but prefers the more grammatically correct DAMMIT, CHLOE!)
In order to deal with problematic online relationships, this user has developed sophisticated coping mechanisms.
This user has tested the
buttered cat paradox.
This user wants to tax the rich to provide health care, education and welfare for everyone.$ £
¥ €
This user knows that Christian rock doesn't make Christianity any better, but makes rock and roll worse.
All this user wants is a Fucking sign. WP:UA
This user is fascinated by glaciers.
EvaThis user is an
Evangelion pilot.
This user currently lives in the Orion Arm of the Galaxy.
This user expresses disgust at the way celebrities choose to live their lives.
Amy WinehouseThey tried to make this user go to rehab, but they said NO, NO, NO!
:(This user HATES it when their work or pictures get deleted.
This user walks in fields of gold.
This user is one hard-core Pearl Jam fan.
CSNThis user has seen the Southern Cross.
This user sways to the Symphony of Destruction
This user really likes their tattoos.
This user shall enact the first stage of global domination in 2 days.
Pulp FictionThis user knows that in France, they call a Quarter Pounder a Royale With Cheese because of the metric system.
User:Kyo cat/userboxes/Clinton
This user would spend the whole life eating sushi.
This user drinks cider.
This user enjoys the works of Alexandre Dumas.
Too Many Princesses This user probably has saved Princess Peach too many times.
This user is interested in the Age of Discovery.
W&NThis user is Nerdy in the extreme, Whiter than sour cream
This user loves labradors.