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p.s PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh here is a story.

The Meeting with Mr H a story based off the Percy Jackson series Prologue:

I was lying in bed having a dream. I saw man 10 stories’ high and wearing suspenders made of steel and big tattoos of fire, axes, pincers and hammers on his arms. His big bushy beard nearly catching alight in the fire from the big sword he was making on his iron anvil. In addition, at his belt, he wielded a big Thor looking hammer that was about as big as a fully-grown elephant. I thought I realised the man from some class in school was it... Greek? I heard a deep voice “Jaaaaaaack” was the man calling him. I could not see his mouth moving. “Come jack your father needs you. Your friend brayden will help you”. Braden was my best friend who hand the emotional temper the size of an atom, but what does he have to do with it?

      I Graduate Bull Fighting                                                                                                    

At school the next morning I told brayden about the dream. BIG MISTKE. As soon as I was finished he ran off to the bath rooms and started ripping of the cubilcle doors and throwing them at the windows which smashed and landed on the cars and people. Brayden was 8 foot 6 had the strenth of a angry bull but he a misty face and you could never look above his mouth. He said it was all his fault that he was giving me nightmares its just a freak coincidence. How wrong he was I didn’t know.

After school Brayden said he would walk home with me because he wanted to talk to his mum. “Ok...” I replied “Its urgent, like really urgent.” We were walking home, a copule of blocks away from my house when a big noise like a bull sounded. “uh ...oh.” “What! whats so bad!?!” I asked in a slightly worried voice “Wha”- but I was interupted by a huge bronze bull, with mechaicial glowing eyes and steam coming out of his nose. He started roughing his hooves on the ground. “He’s gonna-Charge” Brayden finished for me. He was right the bull was running at us at top speed. Brayden ran at the street pole and ripped it out of the ground along with a chunk of concrete. I had an idea “Brayden start spinning round and round with the pole in your hands” Brayden stated getting faster and faster and then suddenly the hunk of concrete flew off and hit the bull in the face and veered him off course just in time so we didn’t get crushed. 

Brayden started jumping up and down banging the bull on the head yelling “DIE! BIG MEANY BROWN COW!!!!!” I came along and saw a panel and flung it open some how he new what to do; I had moments like this sometimes like when my cousins computer crashed I fixed it in uder 30 seconds. Also I’m a wizz at making things I once made a real working alarm clock (it sits beside my bed) with time changing,music and a alarm!-I ripped some wires apart and put them together than looked up an the bull was doing the macarana one maca, two maca,three macarana. I swapped some wires and it tuned off “GOOOOOOOOOOO MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!” yelled brayden at the top of his voice “Go brayden” I said a bit dazed. “What was that thing?” I asked Brayden “ Ummmm... cow?”asked Brayden “Oh hello Brayden” My mother called out to us said with a hint of nervourosity ‘It’s time Tracy” Brayden yelled to her and she went as pale as can be. Going To A Not-so-typical Camp

“WOW” said Brayden as they enterd my pathetic exuse for a home, see we are very poor because Tracy ( my mum) had too look after her father because he got melonoma. The only good thing about them was that he left behind a Ford Falcon XR8 G-T. It was a one story house with tatterd walls smashed windows and no heating “How is this –I signaled to the house –awsome?!?” “I don’t have a house remember? I live in the subway station in a carboard refridgerater box!” replied Brayden slightly offended. “Oh yeah I forgot” feeling irratated for not remebering. “Afternoon tea is on the table Jack” While brayden and mum talked I ate my red cookies and drank my red juice. See my mum made me red food when I was young to make me feel special, and now it’s our thing. When I finished I snuck up to the door and tried to listen to them talk. “he has…now…attacked…camp…Chiron. I had just enogh time to sit back on the table before mum and brayden came out. “Jack we have to leave. NOW.”

It took us half an hour to reach a forest. “We’re here.” Brayden said breaking the ice. “Umm but were is here?” I asked in uttere confusion. “The place you’ll be staying during the summer.” Replied my mum “What the woods? Your abandinong me?” asked I horrified. “No, Camp Half-blood.”she replied. “ A summer camp that makes you donate half your blood?” again confused I said. “No. It’s where your kind goes.” brayden said joining the conversation. “My kind? How am I different from yo- “ROOOOOOAR!!!!!!!!” That’s when I saw a big golden furry lion foot. The rest was coverd by forest. Then then I saw it: a huge lion with wings and the head of a woman. A Spinx. So natrualy I did the normal thing: “AHHHHHHHHH”.

           I Battle A Cat

“Di immortalis there not ment to be that big!” Brayden said some how I under stood it anceint greek cursing, but that bit about the size thing confused me.The giant 50 meter tall spinx swiped with it’s huge claw but my Mum swerved the car avoiding it by milimeters, but we weren’t so lucky with the next paw. It hit the car in the back and we were sent flying meters forward landing up-side down. A pole got struck by lightning and sent falling towards the car. “Isn’t that thing full of eletricity?” said I, my voice full of nervorosity “Yes” his mum replied with big eyes. This is it I thought I’m dead no way can I survive this. I heard the explosion of the pole hitting the engine the gas ignited and exploded KA-BOOM! But it was a mirical I was alive! And when I opened my eyes Brayden was covering us in a nut shell with his own body. As he stood up Brayden looked completely unharmed. “How- “No time to explain” Brayden said in a serious voice. “To the big bolder on top of the hill!” Brayden said bravely, but the spinx blocked our way and we couldn’t get to it. “Can’t go over, Cant go around, Cant go under so we got to go through.” I ran up to the spinx and grabbed on to its fur hoping to climb it but it just kicked me off like a annoying flea. “How do we kill it?” I ponderd. “We cant” said mum. Suddenly I had an idea “Brayden, I have idea” Somehow Brayden understood what I was about to do. I started running towards him “But- “NOW!” I said and he pushed me up I flew twenty, thirty, fourty meters up wards towards the spinx. I landed on its shoulder and gripped its golden fur. “RAAAAAA” it roared in annoyance. It tried to buck me off like a bull but I stayed put my nails digging into its hard skin. I slowly started to climb as it kept trying to shake me off, once it grabbed a tree and nearly swatted me like a bug. Finaly I reached the top and clenched it human hair on the top of the lady head so hard my knuckels turned white. I veered it westwards towards the sea. It spinned around stumbling towards the sea. Eventuly he was right be side the cliff with the sea 50 meters below. Now was the time for the immposible. He jumped pushing as hard as he could while doing a back flip. He sumersulted 2, 3, 4, 5 even 6 times before Brayden some how catched me, I saw Brayden’s forehead and could’ve sworn I saw one eye not two then I passed out from exhaustion and the adreniline left me.

I woke up once in a big wooden hut with lots of beds and a boy looking over at me, but fell back asleep. After a week of being unconsious I woke up to find my self in that room I saw before. I spun around to find my self looking at the boy that I saw when I woke up. Now that I was looking at him clearly I could see he had rough blach messy hair and steel black eyes that were serious, devious and caring all at he same time. He had a pretty ripped body but he was the same size as me. “Where am I and who are you?” A million questions popped up in my mind. “ Your at camp half blood and I’m Robbert, call me Rob” the boy replied. “Ok Rob… whats Camp Half Blood?” the name rang a bell. “Camp Half Blood is a place for us to stay, demigods.”Rob said it like was the most obvious thing in the world. “Demi-whats?”I asked in confusion. “Demigods half god half human” Rob replied “Uhhh, I don’t feel so godly. I said. “So let me get this straight my dad who I never saw before is a god” I asked in with full sarcasticness, however Rob didn’t catch it exactly “Although it could be your mum” mum…mum…MUM! I thought “ Where’s my mum” I asked worriedly “ oh that woman? She’s is fine we took her back home and she is resting, she’s got minor cuts.” “And brayden, he’ll collapse without me!” I almost yelled, Rob however jut snorted “Un-likely we nearly killed him untill we saw him carrying you” he replied “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!” I screamed at him “hmmm… do you know what he is?” “Yeah he’s a defencles boy!” I said angrly “k” he said obviously trying hide a smirk “follow me” he said walking away “ can’t” I said weirly as I tried to sit up “ drink the netar and eat the ambrosia” “nectar and ambrosia?”I said confused “yeah but don’t have to much you’ll burn up. Literly. He said seriously. I gulped and took a sip of drink be sides me asuming It was the nectar, instanly all my wounds healed. It tasted like my mums cookies… I ate some ambosia as well I feeled as if I could battIe a hundred spinxes. I leaped out of bed and ran towards rob but got knocked to the ground “FRIEND IS OK!!!” I looked up to see brayden hugging me tightly “can’t breath, lungs bursting” brayden pulled out of the hug and looked at me with his eye, wait eye? “ your best friends a cyclops” rob said with a stupid lopsided grin slapped on is face.

“WHAT!” I said in confused but more annoyed. “How could I not know?” “ The mist is a poweful thing” he replied moving his fingers up and down slowly “ Are you rob or yoda? Whats the mist?” “ The mist is a powerful force hiding the monsters and gods from the mortals, but since you are part god you can see through it” I looked at my hands. I didn’t feel part god “so how come I couldn’t tell he was a cyclops?” I asked eger to know more “In the mortal world the mist is strong, but since this place is for half gods there’s no mist. Ta-da!”rob replied shimmeing his hands. As we walked he told me all about the gods and aceint greek myths. He also told me that one day im most likely going to be picked by our godly paernts your dad will be either Ares God of war, bloodshed, and violence. The son of Zeus and Hera, Diyonisis (he said this one with disgust) God of wine, parties and festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, drugs, and ecstasy. Hephaestus Crippled god of fire, metalworking, and crafts. The son of Hera by parthenogenesis, he is the smith of the gods and the husband of the adulterous Aphrodite., Hermes God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, thievery, trickery, language, writing, diplomacy, athletics, and animal husbandry. The son of Zeus and Maia, Hermes is the messenger of the gods, and psych pomp who leads the souls of the dead into the afterlife or Apollo! God of light, music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague and darkness, prophecy, poetry, purity, athletism, manly beauty, and enlightenment. He is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis. As brother and sister, they were identified with the sun and moon; both use a bow and arrow”(he said the last one with proud) “ but in the mean time you’ll be staying in Hermes, as god of traverlles he has to” as they were walking to the cabin I asked him” what cabin are you in?” “ Me? Im in Apollo”

When we reached the Hermes cabin a guy walked out and offered his hand “I’m carter head conslouler of Hermes” I shook his hand. He had a firm grip and a hard cold hand. As I pulled away massaging my hand, he turned to rob “ decided or not?” he said with glint of hope in his eyes “ you know the answer to that carter” the glint of hope in his dissappered and his smile turned into a frown, but was quickly replaced by a understanding smile “sadly theres no space on the ground so you have to sleep on the hook”. he walked me to the cabin. I could see it proply now and could see it was a wooden shack with shoes, pickpocketers, doctors, tradecarved in to the wall and in the middle a big cacudeus.as I entered the cabin I could fell the theiving in the air. every body looked at carter but he just shook his head and every body went back to doing his or hers on business. “ your sleeping their to night” rob said pointing at a sleeping bag on a hook. I gulped and climbed into my sleeping bag. It was weird sleeping up right but I maneged. The next day rob gave me my shceduale “hey we’ve got every subject to gether!” rob exclaimed “we have got achery next lets go” as we walked to the achery range I pointed at a guy “ has that guy got goat legs and horns?!?” “ yes sytars they find demigods untill they get their serches licence to find pan” “ what happened to old lord of the wild?” I asked “He dissapered ages ago and sytars have been trying to find him being lord of the wild and all, but no one has ever found him” we walked in silence to achery, which I found I was horribile at after one of the sytars had to pull an arrow out of his butt. Next we had free time for an hour. “hey I just relised you haven’t met chiron” “who’s chiron?” I asked still felling gulity about the arrow acedeint “he’s the camp owner/director”.Chiron, Chiron... hmmm that sounds fimiler. When I arrived I stepped through the door and came face to face with a horse butt. “AHHHHH!” I screamed. The horse butt shot forward and turned around to find out that it was a centuar (Half man half horse) pointing a bow at him.“Why hello there new one whats your name, im Chiron director of camp half blood.” He said as he sethed his bow “ummm… im Jack… son of Tracy and… who knows?” “well Jack what brings you here?” “Jack hasn’t met you yet so I thought I’d introduse him”rob said for me. All of a sudden brayden burst through the door “friend where have you been?” “umm achery” “yes I thought I hered a sytar mumbling about a stupid young demigod called jack shooting a arrow up his butt.”there was a moment of silence “but anny- he butt-anyway have you been decided?” “no” deprresed and angry that my dad diddnt care about me. “yes some don’t ever get decided, but alas they are busy”. Worry filled me. What if I dont ever get decided? What if I have to stay in the Heremes cabin the whole time? (no offence guys). “come on jack we should get prepeared for our next activity.

Did you know that theres a special metal called celestrail bronze that only hurts monsters, gods and us? So if I were to slice a mortal with a celestail broze sword It wouldn’t work but normal metal dosent work on them but it does on us since were half god, half human!

So the rest of the week pretty much went like that…untill Friday after dinner.

As I walked to the pavallion were we dine I admiared the how it had no roof or walls and since the camp is magicail it never rains. I sat down at the Hermes table still unclaimed. Some times I wondered if I would ever get claimed by my father. Thinking about thinking about this made me sad. “ what ya thinking a bout pal?” rob asked, his face full with concern. "notin” I replyed, lying .

When we went for food I walked up to the goblet and scraped some of my food into it. “please father claim me some day soon claim me If you really love me”. I walked away and ate my food. After diiner chiron stood up and made an anouncement “today we will finaly have… Capture the flag!” 

“whats capture the flag?” I asked rob as we walked towards the amoury. “You seriously don’t know what it is?” I shook my haed as a sign of no. “well first we have to go to the amoury and get amour and a wepon.” “are we actually allowed to use these?” I said as I pointed towards a celetairl bronze sword in disbelife. “yep” hes said popping the p as if it wasn’t an completely insane coment. “but your not ment to try and maim”.

We reached a spot we we could see all over camphalf blood. A couple of meters behind us in the middle of the hill was our team flag. Me and rob were with the hephastus cabin. “luckily we teamed up with diyonnisis so we have vine traps that trap the victim in steel hard vines, appollo for billista cannons and trip wiers and last, but not least aphrodite as a deadly lure. If ya know what I mean” he said while nudging me in the elbow and raising his eyebrows. “oh get outa here” I said playfuly pushing him away. A few minutes later with our amour set and our wepons ready the conch horn blew “BOOOOOOOOOOOR!” we saw the other side charge and our half charge as we rand down the hill.

Me and rob stoppeed half way down to defend and portrol the outside. Half a minute later we saw some apphrodite boys and girls seducing the oppisitions left colinaly. They turned there heads and walked to there team mates and started attacking them.” I cant belive im saying this, but aphrodites right love over powers all” I scerwed up my face in disgust , but then backto normal a second later. “DUCK!” “where is the du- he didn’t get to finish before his started shaking and he fell down to a athena boy holding his sword above his head, I reconised him as butch from greek classes. He obiously knoked the butt of his sword on his head. “athena always has a plan” he said not realsing me until it was to late. I stepped closer to him from behind and put my sword to his neck “ were’s the flag and the weak spots calico”. I said in the most threatining voice I could muster. “thewestsideintheoldshackpleasedonthurtme” he said in such a rush I could bearly understand him. I pushed him forward and let him go. “ th-thanks fo- but this time he didn’t finsish before the vins intwirled him “MMMPHMPPMHPMMHPAGGGHMPRRRAARRRRGMHPPPHHGGARGG” was all I heared from him. On the other side I heard the billista fire and I ran up to the top to see what was happening I looked to where the billista was fireingand was expecting a army of half bloods runing up the hill, but I saw them fighting at the bottom fighting to gether, fighting and old friend of mine…

The bronze bull. It was obviouly a different one but still looked excactly the same. As I shaked off my shock I ran down the hill almost tripping over myself a couple of times. I maneged to get all the way down without any injuries so I ran off to help. I saw rob and carter distracting it while the rest of the hermes and heaphstus cabin protceted them. Diyonnisis cabin was trapping it and conjuring wine to launch in a effort to short ciurcit it. The rest of the camp was ethier attacking it or screaming their heads off like the losers they are. I ran behind it and grabbed on to its mechanicail tail. Rob noticed me with worry in his eye, while cater was screaming his head off “GET OFF JACK YOU – he was cut short by rob smacking his face. I climbed his tail to I reached his control panel. I had to use my sword to cut it open. Once I pryed it open I grabbed the wiers to turn it off. But I had a brainwave. Instead of grabbing blue and yellow, I grabbed green and red and fused them to gether. I jumped off and looked at it. It was doing nothing. “jump” I said “ how high?” it said and my jaw dropped to the ground. “Haha just messin with ya” he said and he jumped. All I could say was “ you talk?” “well yea! Of course I do you programed me to talk so your my new master”. All of a sudden a firey hammer floated over my head and the heaphustus cabin burst out in cheers and a few seconds later the whole camp joined in. A minute later after the heaputsus cabin had greeted me a boy walked up to me “welcome im Chad head counserler of the heaphstus cabin.

When it was time for bed I jumped into my top bunk at the back in the couner. I had a nice window to look out at and could see the lake and the night sky. There were thousands of contallations, Archilles, Persues, Thesus, Heracules and even one I didn’t reconise, a little girl that looked she had a bow in her hands. The trees whitselded in the wind and the waves laped up the beach. “beautifuil isnt it?” I looked beneth my bunk to see a guy staring out the window. I rememberd him as joby from the greetings earlyer today. “this is the one time were every thing dosent matter, were every thing goes away, were everything is peaceful and most importantly were everything is perfect”. He said with a thin smile on his mouth. His touseled hair made him look like a mature six year old, if that’s even possible. His emrald eyes looked out at the lake with determanation and admieration. He glanced up at me and his face hardned. “What are you going to do with that bull?’ he asked pounderingly. “Keep it as a pet?” I suggested. “Doubt youd able to fit it in a kennel”. He replied with a smirk on his face. “hmmm I don’t know…” I said looking out the window unkowingly.

In the morning after breakfast I went to the sword fighting arena to visit my new bull (still havent thought of a name). As I entered I saw him playing one of those roman cape rodeo things with rob. “just thought id entertain him”. Rob said as the bull came flying pass, the bulk of him nearly squashing me. “ I know what ill call you.” I said to the bull and he turned around “what is it, wait! Let me guess… FLASH!” “no” I repilied simply. “mr awsome mucle bull that’s gets all the cows and is awsome again and is cool”. He said “no” “Bob?”he replied desperately “no… bulk. I’ll call you bulk.” I said smiling. “little offenceiff, but I like the ring to it. Sounds like im mucley. He said standing on his hind legs flexing, before landing on his front hooves, making a huge thud and causing my skull to rattle. “ ouch, my ears are ringing” said Rob clining onto his ears. “can you possibly be smaller?” I said hopefully. A few seconds later he shrunk down to a normal size bull. “I can go smaller If you want.” “nah. This is perfect!”I said hopping on his back entusyasticly. “oof. Careful there.” He said to rob who was behind me. “hold on to your hats cowboy!” he said then shot of breaking the arena doors. “oops” said bulk looking guilty. We rocketed down to the cabins and ran through a group of diving aphrodite girls. “sorry ladies!” said Rob clining on for dear life. I on the other hand was having the time of my life. “WOOOOOHOOOOO”I yelled. “faster bulk, faster” “Please stop” said Rob looking sick, bulk leaped through the air and dug his hooves into the ground, sending me and Rob into the lake. I could swam up wards and looked behind me to see Rob colour slowly,but surely returning to normal couler “hahahahahah!” said bulk from the shore waist deep in sand from his ultra-mega-kill-stop. “WHY YOU!” said Rob in frutration, his face turning red as he ran after bulk. I just laughed at their child/calfness. I picked myself up off the sand and jogged lightly after them. “any other specail abiltiys?” I asked bulk as I reached him “don’t know, you have to say what you want me to do for me to do it”. I was a bit dissapointed at this, but soon recouverd when bulk sneezed and it sent Rob flying into a bunch of training dummies. “Im all right…” he said holding up his hand before falling unconious. Normal people(and bull) would help him. So we didn’t. We just stood there laughed. “ should we help him?” I asked “nah” he said. I jumped on him and we trotted off to the heaphstus cabin.

As I rode in all of the cabin stepped out of the way like I was royalty. I put him in the forge in the coner to rest. He fell asleep stright away.i slumped on my bed. “what do we do here beside the lessons and games?” I asked Joby . “ you can go on quests…although no one has for ten years…” he looked off knowingly. I just nodded thinking it was best not to ask why. I walked to wards the forges to ask if chad would teach me how to make wepons. As I entered the forges the heat hit me like a brick wall. “Woah” I said cooling my self down using my shirt. “Hey Jack” said chad “Coming to ask for forge lessons?” asked Chad cuorisly “How di- but I didn’t get to finish before I tripped on a loose floor board, knocking all the air out of my lungs. Chad helped me up and too me to the anvil. He tought me all about how you bang it in the right places and why you have to dip it in the water really fast after putting it in the furnace. By the end of the day I made a perfect celetreil bronze sword. “ Good job jack, very impressive”. Chad complemented. “ Maybe next week we’ll do magic wepons”.

The next day I went to the sword fighting arena with my new sword to practice for cature the flag on Friday. After lunch I went to the climbing wall there was no one around. The dangerous thing is that boulders fall down and theres a lava pit below. As I was climbing I had to doge a lava burst when I got to the top I sat on the seat up top and streched my arms. A little trickle of thick orange liquid ran don my arm. I looked at it more closely… “DI IMMORTALS IT’S LAVA!” I cursed shaking my arm and flinging it of my arm. Why dosen’t it hurt me? I poundered. Hmmm. I went to the library and went to the hephatus section. There was a book called aceint heaphtus half bloods. I took it out and looked for a bit about heat recictince. I fpund out that cyclopses are heat recictince (brayden could be a fire fighter!). Finally giving up I closed the book, but saw the word demigod I opened the book agin and read 1666 september 2. The latest and hopefully last child of heaphtus. This child caused the london fire. Bad things happen when these guys appare. I guess I shouldn’t tell anyone then. I put the book on the book on the shelf and glumly walked to dinner. I tried to make a flame in my hand several times but failed. I went to sleep, and being a demigod I had weird dreams.

I saw my dad Heaphstus again. “Tell Chiron to send you on a quest to meet Sampson in Charlotte in North Carolina by the end of summer”. “but da- “no time to explain go”.

I told Rob and Brayden in the morning. This REALLY worried Brayden. “But friend will get hurt”. He said his eye full of concern. “he’ll be fine” said Rob asuringly, although I think it was for me more than him. “Will first things, first we should see chiron”. We walked to chirons desk/office in the main hall. “Ahh. Jack what could i do for you?” “ihadadreamfrommyfatherlastnightaboutgoinonaquesttonorthcarolina” I said in a hurry to tell him. “whoa, whoa calm down jack”Chiron replied. I told him about the dream and the quest. “well... he is a god and if he sent you on a quest you’d be dumb to refuse”. He said his eyes reflecting Braydens concern. “well I’ll drive you there, but first pick two people to go with you” “Rob and Brayden” I said instanly. I swear I heard Brayden whimper.Rob on the other hand pumped his fist in happyness. “oh yeah and can I take bulk, my bull?” “sure, he’s not a real thing technacaily”. said Chiron shrugging brown his horse shoulders. I went to the stabels and told bulk the news. He got really exited and was jumping all around the place, making every thing jump three meters in the air. After he finally setteled down he I shut him down for the night before hopping into my own bed. I was really nervous for the next day when I set off on my big jounerny.

The next day I went to the boulder ontop of the hill and with rob and brayden on bulk I went to go say farewell to chiron. “Berfore you go, have this jack” and he handed me a sword. “ Its name is Harpe, this sword is one of the only ones with a happy ending”. He looked at it as if he had seen it a long time ago. “oh and this” he said handing me a back pack. “ Well its time to go now, but remember this. It will be hard in the real world now, VERY hard”. He said to me like I was 18 and leaving the house. “Ok daddy” I risked some humore in and surprisingly he chuckled a little bit. I hopped up on bulk and tapped his metal sides with my feetb so he could go. After a while of trotting along, rob said to me “You ready to do this?” “Yea and couldn’t you have said that half an hour earlier?” I asked. “Meh” he replied simply. It must have been a strange sight what the humans saw through the mist, because we got lots of strange looks. As if reading my mind rob said “they probably see a horse”. A nodded. That would make sense since we are riding a bull. Ive never really seen this part of NewYork before since we are poor and we took the other way to get to camp. Suddenly the thick canopy cleared and we could see the city more clearly.“PETTY BULIDINGS!” brayden said and I chuckled lightly. They were really pretty and amazing though. Then I saw the Empire State Building. It towerd above us, making me feel like an ant. “hey jack” rob said. “Yeah?”. “ I guess well have to stay the night in some hotel”. “Mmm” I murmed signaling that I agree. We sat in silnce for a while as bulk trotted along the foot path. It started to get dark so we ‘pulled uo bulk’ and I told him to shrink down so I could put him to sleep in my pocket. That night I strange dream. I saw a group of demigods on what seemed to be a field trinp. They were in some sort of forge. All of a sudden a booming voice rangout through over the forge. “ Im Heapastus and welcome to my forge!”. Of course! My dads forge. There were cyclopses banging away on anvils, sending sparks flying everywhere. But there was one cyclops that looked fimiler. He was in the field trip. Wait… that’s brayden! The huge funercaces and water pools were scattered here and there. I saw Heaphstus in the center on his 50 foot throne keeping everybody in check. “Lord Heaphastus” brayden and the other half bloods bowed. I watched from high above as if flying. I leaned forward slightly and I went in that direction. I landed on the arm rest of Hephaestus’s throne. “ welcome to my forges young demigods and a… cyclops?” he said with a couriuous look in his eyes. “are you good on the anvil?” he asked Brayden “yes! I’m very good I can make swords and axes.” He replied happily. “magic swords and axes?” Heaphastus qustetioned. Brayden shook his head couriously. “Hmmm” Hephastus thought out loud. “Αλέξης!” He yelled in Greek. Alexis… hmmmm ancient Greek. Well I did not see that coming. “Take… What’s your name young Cyclops?” “Brayden” “O.K take Brayden to the forges and tell him how to make magic weapons, and if he learns quick maybe automans.” He told Alexis. He talked to Brayden as he walked him towards a rather special looking forge. Just then, the dream started to fade away and I woke up.

I woke up and told the guys about my dream. “ woha that’s weird, aye Brayden, Brayden?”Brayden wasn’t speaking, although he looked… guilty? “We’ll talk about it later then.”I said ending the conversation. I earned a thankyou look from Brayden. We went to a café and oreded some breakfast. I had som B&E while rob had French toat. Brayden of course had about twenty pancakes which he devoured in a minute. I payed the bill using some of the mortal money Chiron gave us. Wow im beginig to get used to this demigod stuff. We walked over to the forest because Brayden saw a bunny and wanted to pet it. Rob went after him to make sure he didn’t get aressted by the SPCA. I was wouder ring around when I heared a hiss. I jumped and turned around looking for the snake when I saw a drachne threw its net at me, but I side stepped it easily. It threw its trident at me and I grabbed it in midair and threw it back. It ducked and lunged at me with its steel-like claws. I unsheathed harpe and slid base ball style swiping it in half. It turned to a pile of dust. I kicked it and yellped “BOOYA!” Wow my first real monster. “Jack!” I spun around to see Rob and Brayden running after me. “We heared the comotion are you all right?” he asked me. “Yea im fine just one ”. I reached into my pockt and pulled out a sleeping Bulk. Huh, heavey sleeper. I tapped his head and told him to wake up. We set off at a steady canter south throught the forest ( we figured out that’s were we need to go to). After about and hour the canopy started to thicken a lot and we could bearly see due to the lack of sunlight. It was annoying. I had to squint to see if it was a another monster or a tree. As we rode through the forest I told them about my fight. “you should’ve let me handle him. Let me give him the old one, two”. Rob and I chuckled at bulks comment. It was quite boring to be honestly, but at least I could talk to Brayden, Rob and Bulk. “ I wounder when we’ll get to North Carolina” I thought outloud. “ we defintly wont get there in time on Bulk” “hey that’s a bit offenceff” bulk said pouting( if a bull can pout). For the of day me and rob talked about things like our old life and shared jokes, while bulk sulked and brayden looked like he was losing to himself at peaknucle. We stopped for dinner at Mc Donalds in wilmington and talked about how we were going to get to Calfornia. “how about a plane?” I suggested. “Money.” Was what Rob replied. I rummeged around the back pack chiron gave us before we left. I pulled out a wad of fiftys. “Solved” I said. “I hate flying” Brayden added. “thoughen up”. “Well...Bulk woudn’t work in the metal detector” he said smirking. “I heard that” Bulk mumbeled from inside my pocket. “the mist could make him look like a statue” I said winning the argument. “fine tommorow we go to the air port!”.

We Ride Optimisprime

We got to the airport at 11:00 the next morning. “I hate planes” Brayden whispered to him self, trying to fit his massive body behind me. We got our tickets and went to customs. I put bulk on the tray and walked through the detectors. The staff seemed alrmed at bulk, but luckily they didn’t pull him apart. We didn’t say anything till we were on the plane. “Whew that was close” I said pretending to wipe my forehead. “You can say that again” replied Rob. As we took off Brayden dug his nails into the arm rest. “Not a flyer?” I asked smiling. He just shook his head. “you should’ove told us before we decide to come.” I said teasing him. He said nothing but his eyes were firey. I rested my head against my shoulder and fell asleep.

I woke up at 1:00 am with a pain in my neck from my sleeping position. As I rubbed my neck I sat up and looked out the window. I saw the ocean, singnaling we were over the ocean. I sat there staring out the window for a while untill I heared a bump on the roof. I unsteathed harpe (don’t ask me how I got it through the metal detectors) and woke up Rob and Brayden. “wha...wha...what is it mom” said rob “wake up theres something on the roof”. Instaly he bolted up-right. “monster?” he said knocking an arrow into his bow. “ I think so”. I replied. In a flash our question was answered by the roof being ripped of showing some sort of demons. The air got sucked out of my lungs, as the air high altitude kicked in. Brayden chose that moment to wake up. “wha-” Rob managed to kill one, but the other doged his arrow and dive bomed us. You would think that chasing a falling areoplane going 100miles a second would be hard, but not for this demon. It swiped its claws at me ripping my shirts to shreds and cutting my chest. I dropped to my knees and swiped the air above me. Brayden grabbed it a ripped it in half . “thanks” I said “don’t mention it” Now to deal with the areoplane. I stumbeled over to the contol panel, because of the rocking plane, and tried to see if there was anyway to pull out of the dive. I cheked the stabilisers, they were going haywire. The alttudie meter was short fused and the comunication panel was dead. “is it working?” rob yelled from the middle of the areoplane. “ive got news and its all bad” I said “the plane is screwed and the communications are stuffed”. I looked out the window and muttered a greek curse under my breath. “ and we got more batty bats in coming at twelve-o’clock”. My brain went into overdrive mode tying to think. I pulled out bulk and tapped him “fly!” I shouted. He did nothing. “bird, aircraft, plane, transfom, chike-” all of a sudden bulk trasformed into a jet plane. I ran over to rob. “we’ve got to jump”. “What!” he screamed. I showed him bulk and he nodded. “ok one, two, three!” we jumped out hurtling down at what felt like a trillion miles-per-hour. I maneged to cry out. “normal size!”. Bulk enlarged, and I climbed inside, pulling Rob and Brayden with me. “Captain speaking and welcome to bulk lux services, I will be you captain today, bulk so sit back and enjoy the ride” bulks voice came through the speakers. “I would, but we’ve got some φρικκεν νυχτερίδες on our tails!” rob said “Greek?” I said giving him that weird look. “I don’t know where that came from!?!” replied rob. I reached over and pressed a button that said WEPONS. I hit the button. Suddenly my seat shot up through a hole in the roof. Popped up and a glass dome covering my head. I looked over to see a surprised Rob. Brayden must have not fit in the domes. I saw a steering wheel like thing and grabbed it. I a 40 mm rotary cannon pop up in front of me. I saw some red buttons were my thumbs would rest. Awesome. I saw that me and rob both had 1,000 rounds each. Like a boss. I aimed it at a demon and fired. It dissolved in to a pile of dust that disappeared in the wind. I looked over at Rob again and saw him mowing them down. I wasn’t going to let him have all the fun. I fired like I had bottomless clip (halo joke). I killed 3, 4, 5 I don’t know how many, but it was over in a few seconds. The seat was lowered back into the cockpit and I let out the breath I had been holding in. “that was awesome,” I said.

            My Bro Is a Goat	

. When we settled down I finally got to take in the details. The metalwork was amazing. There where engravings of Odysseus on his boat, Hercules and his fight with the water god and Perseus killing medusa with harpe, now my sword. I could sense complicated wiring and the powerful magic radiated around the ship. The bronze armour plating looked like it could protect the ship from Zeus lightning bolt. Thunder rumbled in the sky, saying Zeus was annoyed. “Sorry” I mumbled under my breath. “What?” Rob asked. “Notin”. I looked out the cockpit window and, for the second time that week, I feel asleep.

In the morning, I woke up to the sound of bulks voice. “During the night I fell asleep and forgot to re-fuel so…prepare for crash landing”. He said as if it was an everyday thing, and knowing him it probably was. I gripped the armrest and prepared for impact. I heard a crunch. Brayden ripped off the roof obviously fine and helped a bruised and cut rob out of the plane wreck. I got up and walked outside. We were in a ghost town by the looks of it. Great. “we should find someone to repair bulk”. I said. “umm… before that you might want to fix that arm of yours”. I look down and see my arm and blood trickling down it, I evens see my bone out of my poking out of my arm a little. “Di immor-” I fell unconisous before I could finish. I woke up what seemed to be 3 hours later cause of the suns positioning. I looked down to see my arm fixed. “How?” I ask. “Ambrosia squares”. He said handing me one. I took it and rolled the warm taste around in my mouth. I wanted another one but I knew I would burn up. “Why do you burn up if you eat too much?” I wondered. I never had been told. “Its food of the gods, so if we eat too much immortal food we will disintegrate” explained rob. I looked around for an auto repair, or any sign of life for that matter. As we walked around the place, we saw a demon feasting on a harpy. I was about to charge it when Rob put his hand in front of my chest. “I got this one”. He knocked an arrow and stretched the bow he aimed and straightened his fingers. The arrow whizzed past me and hit it between the eyes with record-breaking accuracy. WOW. “I knew you were good but never THAT good!” I complemented him. “Yeah well… there are a lot of things you don’t know about me”. He said with a serious expression, his steel gaze silencing me. I left a mental not to under estimate him anymore. I looked around and saw a repair garage. “Over there” I said pointing towards the garage. I crouch walked over there in case there was another monster. I put my hand up- an obvious sign stop. I peeked around the corner and scanned for monsters. None. I motioned for them to come. “I smell monster,” said Brayden. I ignored him and kept going they were half way through the garage when they heard a sound. I told them let me handle it. I walked up to the door and unsheathed harpe I opened the door and looked around. There was a desk with pencils and pens spilled everywhere, documents had fallen onto the floor. The chair in the corner where ripped to shreds. I looked under the desk and there was a sacred out of his mind satyr munching on a tin can. “P-p-pl-please d-don’t h-h-hurt me” is said backing up. “Don’t worry dude im the good guy”. I reassured him. I opened the door and told Rob and brayden it was safe. I helped the satyr up and questioned him a bit. “How did you get here?” I asked. “A demon chased me here, but I managed to hide from it surviving on tin cans and paper”. He trembled and brushed his horns that were just popping out of his head. “Known your way out of here?” I asked hoping he said yes. “I do, I saw people pass through here, but they were mortals,” he said with a sad face, but it quickly changed to a smile. “But now I have you guys!” “Welcome im Rob son of Apollo.” Rob said holding out his hand. He shook it. “Im Calico, son of Heaphatus”. What?!? “Dude you’re my bro!” I blurted out. “Im jack son of Heaphatus” I said shaking his hand. Suddenly he hugged me. “Yes! I’ve all was wanted a brother!” I told him about our mission and needing to repair bulk. “Do you know where the tools and car lifter controls are kept?” I asked him. He showed me and left me to it as he talked to rob and brayden about the mission. I studied his ‘injuries’ carefully. His suspension was dented, his wires where frayed, his metal was ripped above his main hard drive and his hardware has turned into software soft. Stupid mortal fans. I was trying to get my head around Heaphatus shopping in 3DCOOL when rob poked his head around the corner and said, “How bad?” looking at bulk. “Suspension dented, ripped metal, frayed wires and hardware has melted due to σκατά fans.” I said. “So… piece of cake for a Heaphatus kid”. I said grinning from ear to ear. I got the blowtorch and set to work.

I ride on the taxicab of death

After a good night’s rest, I went for a test run on bulk. He was in good shape and still worked fine and was back to normal. I trotted back to ‘base’ to find out that calico pretty much new our whole life story. I found out that he was looking for pan when that demon chased him and he hid in the garage. “How long have you been here?” I asked worried. “About a month” he whispered just loud enough for me to hear him. “Must have been tough with no food”. I said blank minded. “Satyrs eat junk remember?” asked rob. “Hey it’s not junk its healthy food!” said calico offended. “You call empty soup cans not junk?” asked rob smirking. Calico slugged him in the shoulder for being defeated. “Ow!” said rob rubbing his arm. “Well we better go now that bulk is fixed”. I said grabbing the backpack. We walked outside to bulk. “We definitely won’t be able to use bulk to get to civilisation”. I said. “Any ideas?” I said looking around. “Stand back I got this” Rob said. He stood back and said “Stêthi 'Ô hárma diabolês”. All of a sudden, a taxicab zoomed along and stopped in front of us. There were three old hags looking woman in the front of the cab. They had blueish hair with wrinkles on their wrinkles wrinkles. There was also something strange about them- other than the obvious things-. “Hello and welcome to the Gray sister’s taxicab transporting demigods since 0” they said in unison. We squished in the back seat and the cab set off at a trillion miles an hour. In a few minutes, we were in a city weaving in and out of cars. “Oooggggghhhhhhhhh I feel sick”. I said doubling over. “Not as sick as you’ll be when you see the drivers”. Said rob with a pale face. I looked in the rear view mirror to see the three women, but when I looked closer, I could see that only ONE of them had ONE eye. Egh Brayden all over again. Suddenly we jerked left, and the eye rolled onto my foot. It blinked. “AHHHHHHHH” I screamed and kicked my foot. It flew through the air and out the window. “Curse you fates and making us end up with this μπάσταρδος!” she yelled at me/the fates. “Language!” said the woman on her right. I looked out the window to see the eye playing pinball with the cars. Suddenly I had an idea. I cut off some vines that where hanging from a weeping willow. I used my knot tying skills from camp and mad a rope. Next, I tried to summon fire. I concentrated so hard on all fiery thoughts. I felt a heat coming from my hand signalling it worked! I quickly melted some rubber of the cab tiers with my powers, before anyone saw. I shaped it into a plunger head and got an arrow from robs quiver and stuck it on top. I did this in about 17 seconds. “Do you think you can make the shot?” I asked him, handing him the arrow. He immediately under stood and grabbed the arrow and his bow. He leaned out the window and aimed. He let go and the arrow sailed high. It hit a car sideways .Oops. Suddenly in landed on the eye! He pulled the line up, cleaned it and handed it to the woman in the middle. “Give it to me!” the one on left screeched. “I guess that was part of the plan? “ I said to Rob winking. “You know it”. He said cracking up, causing me, brayden and calico to follow. When we made it to the middle of charlotte I asked rob a question. “Why didn’t we do this earlier?” I asked cocking my head to the side. “I don’t know…” he said looking off into the distance.