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and welcome to my page.

I'm a lifelong learner who teaches English and Humanities at an Urban University in the Eastern United States. I have a Masters Degree with honors in Anthropology from the New School for Social Research and a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where I studied, among others, with Marc Shell. While obtaining the PhD, I survived for eight years by working as a Housepainter. I've published over 16 articles in peer reviewed journals, including Review of English Studies, The Shakespeare Yearbook, Notes and Queries, Critical Survey, Cahiers Élisabéthains, and The Rocky Mountain Review of Languages and Literature, University of Tennessee Law Review, and The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review. I debated Stanley Wells on the authorship question in the Washington Post. He has since seemed reluctant to cross swords again.

My heroes include J. Thomas Looney, Leslie Howard, Sir Derek Jacobi, Sir George Greenwood, T.S. Elliot, George Orwell and John Stuart Mill.

Wise Words of T.S. Eliot

But on giving the matter a little attention, we perceive that criticism, far from being a simple and orderly field of beneficent activity, from which impostors can be readily ejected, is no better than a Sunday park of contending and contentious orators, who have not even arrived at the articulation of their differences. Here, one would suppose, was a place for quiet co-operative labour. The critic, one would suppose, if he is to justify his existence, should endeavour to discipline his personal prejudices and cranks—tares to which we are all subject— and compose his differences with as many of his fellows as possible, in the common pursuit of true judgment. When we find that quite the contrary prevails, we begin to suspect that the critic owes his livelihood to the violence and extremity of his opposition to other critics, or else to some trifling oddities of his own with which he contrives to season the opinions which men already hold, and which out of vanity or sloth they prefer to maintain. We are tempted to expel the lot. -- TS Eliot

These wise words were sent to me today -- what day, you ask? - today -- by Dr. Heward Wilkinson. Read them and weep at how little in our world has changed. Or else pretend not to understand them.

Current Projects 11-11

This user is a member of
the Guild of Copy Editors.

You may view my participation in this project here:


And Now a Quote from one of our Sponsors


Let it work,

For ’tis the sport to have the engineer

Hoist with his own petard. And ’t shall go hard,

But we will delve one yard below their mines,

And blow them at the moon. Oh, ’tis most sweet

When in one line two crafts directly meet.

My Work on the Web


I am primarily responsible for two websites,Shakespeare's Bible, and Shakespeares Tempest

I am the General Editor of Brief Chronicles, an interdisciplinary journal of early modern authorship studies.

Past Editing Projects


I seeded these pages:

George Greenwood
The Shakespeare Fellowship
Pasquill Cavaliero
Hershel Parker
Andrew Cairncross
Cahiers Élisabéthains
Charlton Ogburn
Angel Day
True Reportory
Decades of the New World
Hamlet Q1
Brief Chronicles
The Shakespeare Yearbook
Carole Chaski
Critical Survey (added 3-5-10, in fulfillment of promise past due to myself)
Famous Victories of Henry V
Lynne Kositsky
Biographical criticism
Charlton Greenwood Ogburn

And contributed actively, among others, to

Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare Authorship
Oxfordian theory - Parallels with Shakespeare's Plays
Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford
William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby
Shakespeare Authorship
Oxfordian theory
The Tempest
William Jaggard
William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley
George Gascoigne
Francis Meres
Palladis Tamia
Thomas Underdowne
Queen Elizabeth's Men
Ida B. Wells
Delia Bacon
Thomas of Woodstock
John Dover Wilson
Thomas of Woodstock (play)
sources of Hamlet
Pimpernel Smith (film)
Leslie Howard (actor)
Anne Cecil
biographical fallacy
Bruce Edward Ivins