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Talk:Herstigte Nasionale Party

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why didnt they manage to gain seats in the parliament? the votes they got (not only in 1981) would have been enough. --Severino 21:30, 16 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

ok that was probably due to the majority voting system. --Severino 22:20, 16 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Several reasons. Majority voting was probably the least of their problems in 1981 - among other factors that I won't go into for now, they were also facing unprecedentedly "verkrampte" NP candidates, which made it more difficult for them to siphon off rightwing voters. Prior to 1981, they really didn't ever have enough votes to win seats - IIRC, they never exceeded 3% of the total popular vote. After 1981, they faced competition not only from the verkrampte wing of the NP, but also from the newly formed KP (Conservative Party), which was formed under conditions that were much more auspicious than those facing the HNP in 1969/70. Smg9y 00:53, 5 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Edit reversal


The English language article was blanked and replaced with another language (Afrikaans?). I have no idea what this means or how NPOV it is but if anyone wants to have a go at translating it and seeing if it is any use then it is included below.

DIE ONTSTAAN: Die Herstigte Nasionale Party het sy oorsprong in die kapitulasie van die NP regering gehad, na die internasionaal-beplande moord op Dr. H.F. Verwoerd op 6 September 1966.

Toegewings aan veral internasionale, linkse druk om die skeidings beginsel te laat vaar in ruil vir integrasie, het onder John Vorster se bewind op sportgebied ‘n aanvang geneem. As voorvereiste om hierdie beleidsverandering te laat slaag, moes Afrikaner-nasionaliste, wat die proses van verandering sou belemmer het, eers uit die NP gedryf word. Die konflik wat dit binne die Regeringsparty veroorsaak het, het Vorster gedwing om ’n onderneming te gee dat die sportbeleid onveranderd sou bly.

Vorster se versekering aan 13 Volksraadslede, wat hom oor die aangeleentheid in sy kantoor gaan spreek het in Februarie 1967, was vals en is kort daarna verbreek toe Maori’s toegelaat is om teen die Springbokke in Suid Afrika te kom speel.

Dit was die dun punt van die liberale wig om die noodsaaklike en bewese suksesvolle beleid van skeiding, wat die voorvereiste vir vreedsame naasbestaan tussen die onderskeie volke van Suid Afrika was, vervang te kry met integrasie en wat onvermydelik sou ly tot uiteindelike anargie en chaos.

Die finale uitdrywing van nasionaliste uit die regeringsparty het na 9 September 1969 begin na die Transvaalse kongres waar die sportbeleid verander is. Volgens die Transvaler van 10 September het minister Ben Schoeman gedreig dat hulle wil weet wie daarvoor, wie teen en wie buite stemming gaan bly. Die implikasie was baie duidelik dat almal wat daarteen sou stem of buite stemming sou bly, se name aangeteken sou word en uiteindelik onder tug van die party sou kom.

Dr. Albert Hertzog wat beswaar gemaak het teen dié katastrofiese wending en aangedui het watter ingryping dit op sosiale en ander terreine sal hê indien gemengde sportspanne in Suid Afrika sou toegelaat word, is op 4 Oktober 1969 uit die NP geskors. Daarna het mnr. Jaap Marais, Louis Stofberg en nog later mnr. Willie Marais gevolg.

‘n Reuse volksvergadering het op 8 Oktober 1969 gevolg waar ‘n aksiekomitee saamgestel is. Die stigtings kongres van die Herstigte Nasionale Party het op 25 Oktober 1969 in Pretoria plaasgevind waar Dr. Albert Hertzog as leier en mnr. Jaap Marais as onderleier verkies is.

Die “GEKAAPTE” Nasionale Party is op hierdie dag herstig om die Afrikanervolk terug te plaas op die pad. Terug na ‘n beleid wat, soos wat dit verklaar is in die program van beginsels van die HNP, “’n voorwaarde is vir die handhawing van ‘n vreedsame orde van organiese eiesoortigheid en die sukses van die beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling,……….Dit is as beleid gestel dat die owerheid daarna moet strewe om die inheemse nie blanke volke in hulle eie gebiede deur christelike voogdyskap tot christeliknasionale beskawingsontwikkeling en selfstandigheid te lei.”

Die toegee aan internasionale druk deur verloopte Afrikanerleiers soos John Vorster, P.W. Botha en F.W. de Klerk, het die NP (Nasionale Party), van Genl. Hertzog, Dr. D.F. Malan, Adv. Strydom en Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, onherroeplik geplaas op die pad van toenemende rassevermenging. Met die Afrikaner se geskiedenis en Afrika as aanskouingsles, behoef dit geen intelligente betoog om die noodsaak vir die herstigting van die NP in 1969 te kon sien nie! Algehele verval, korrupsie en onbeheerbare misdadigheid was die vooruitsig volgens die leiers van die HNP, voortspruitend uit die beleid van toenemende rasvermenging wat deur die NP begin is in 1969!

Opgestel deur Danie Varkevisser Onderleier van die Herstigte Nasionale Party van SUID AFRIKA —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Keresaspa (talkcontribs) 17:12, 12 February 2007 (UTC).[reply]

Google translate: THE ORIGIN: The Re-established National Party had its origins in the capitulation of the NP government, after the internationally planned assassination of Dr. H.F. Verwoerd op 6 September 1966.

Concessions to especially international, left-wing pressure to abandon the separation principle in exchange for integration, began under John Vorster's rule in the field of sport. As a prerequisite for this policy change to succeed, Afrikaner nationalists, who would have hindered the process of change, had to be expelled from the NP first. The conflict it caused within the Government Party forced Vorster to give an undertaking that the sports policy would remain unchanged.

Vorster's assurance to 13 members of the Volksraad, who spoke to him about the matter in his office in February 1967, was false and was broken shortly afterwards when Maoris were allowed to play against the Springboks in South Africa.

It was the thin wedge of the liberal wedge to replace the essential and proven successful policy of separation, which was the prerequisite for peaceful coexistence between the various peoples of South Africa, with integration and which would inevitably lead to eventual anarchy and chaos.

The final expulsion of nationalists from the ruling party began after 9 September 1969 after the Transvaal Congress where sports policy was changed. According to the Transvaler of 10 September, Minister Ben Schoeman threatened to want to know who was in favor of it, who was against and who was out of the vote. The implication was very clear that the names of all those who would vote against or abstain would be recorded and eventually come under discipline from the party.

Dr. Albert Hertzog, who objected to this catastrophic turnaround and indicated what intervention it would have on social and other grounds if mixed sports teams were allowed in South Africa, was expelled from the NP on 4 October 1969. After that, Mr. Jaap Marais, Louis Stofberg and even later mr. Willie Marais followed.

A huge assembly of people followed on 8 October 1969 where an action committee was formed. The founding congress of the Restored National Party took place on 25 October 1969 in Pretoria where Dr. Albert Hertzog as leader and mr. Jaap Marais was elected deputy leader.

The "Hijacked" National Party was re-established on this day to put the Afrikaner people back on the road. Back to a policy that, as stated in the program of principles of the HNP, “is a condition for maintaining a peaceful order of organic distinctiveness and the success of the policy of separate development, ……… It has been stated as a policy that the government should strive to lead the indigenous non-white peoples in their own territories through Christian guardianship to Christian national civilization development and independence. ”

The concession to international pressure by past Afrikaner leaders such as John Vorster, P.W. Botha and F.W. de Klerk, the NP (National Party), of Genl. Hertzog, Dr. D.F. Malan, Adv. Strydom and Dr. H.F. Worn out, irrevocably placed on the path of increasing racial mixing. With the Afrikaner's history and Africa as a lesson, it needs no intelligent argument to be able to see the need for the re - establishment of the NP in 1969! Total decay, corruption and uncontrollable crime were the prospect according to the leaders of the HNP, stemming from the policy of increasing racial mixing started by the NP in 1969!

Compiled by Danie Varkevisser Deputy Leader of the Restored National Party of SOUTH AFRICA

(The author of the above piece of HNP advocacy actually quit the HNP the next year to join an even more dedicated pro-Apartheid party [1]) Ondinegreen (talk) 22:36, 18 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
