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Mycobacterium heckeshornense

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Mycobacterium heckeshornense
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinomycetota
Class: Actinomycetia
Order: Mycobacteriales
Family: Mycobacteriaceae
Genus: Mycobacterium
M. heckeshornense
Binomial name
Mycobacterium heckeshornense
Roth et al. 2001, DSM 44428

Mycobacterium heckeshornense is a species of the phylum Actinomycetota (Gram-positive bacteria with high guanine and cytosine content, one of the dominant phyla of all bacteria), belonging to the genus Mycobacterium.



Gram-positive, nonmotile and acid-fast rods. Cells are typically rod-shaped, with some coccoid forms.

Colony characteristics Smooth, yellow scotochromogenic colonies appear after 4 weeks of culture.


  • Slowly growing organism, colonies appear after 4 weeks of growth.
  • Able to grow at 37 °C and 45 °C.

Differential characteristics

  • The phylogenetic position of this species is within the cluster defined by M. xenopi and M. botniense.
  • Key differentiating features are negative tests for arylsulfatase and pyrazinamidase and susceptibility to antimycobacterial drugs.



Type strain

  • The type strain was isolated from human lung by bronchoscopy.

Strain S369 = CCUG 51897 = DSM 44428


  • Roth et al. 2000. Mycobacterium heckeshornense sp. nov., a new pathogenic slowly growing Mycobacterium sp. causing cavitary lung disease in an immunocompetent patient. J. Clin. Microbiol.,38, 4102–4107.