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Maroto Column

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Maroto Column
Columna Maroto
Country Spanish Republic
Allegiance CNT
Branch Confederal militias
RoleHome defense
Francisco Maroto del Ojo

The Maroto column was a militia column that operated at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.



The column was founded in Alicante, in the summer of 1936, by the Granadin anarchist leader Francisco Maroto del Ojo.[1] At first it was made up of 270 anarchist militiamen.[2] After being formed, on August 6 the column left Alicante and headed for the Granada front; they managed to reach the town of Guadix, where they established their headquarters.[3] In this area they managed to recruit more volunteers, until the column reached a thousand troops.

Their military actions, however, were null. The Maroto column took part in the attack against the nationalist position at Güéjar Sierra, but it was never in a position to retake the city of Granada.[4] At the end of 1936, the attempts to militarize this militia met with the opposition of their commander, Maroto del Ojo.[5]

After its militarization the unit disappeared and its troops integrated into the 89th and 147th mixed brigades, on the Andalusian front.[3]

See also



  1. ^ Gil Bracero 1998, p. 47.
  2. ^ Ramírez Navarro 2018, p. 320.
  3. ^ a b Ramos 1972, p. 114.
  4. ^ Ramírez Navarro 2018, pp. 320–321.
  5. ^ Mainar 1998, pp. 95, 101.


  • Gil Bracero, Rafael (1998). Revolucionarios sin revolución. Marxistas y anarcosindicalistas en guerra: Granada-Baza, 1936-1939 (in Spanish). University of Granada.
  • Mainar, Eladi (1998). De milicians a soldats. Les columnes valencianes en la Guerra Civil Espanyola (1936-1939) (in Catalan). University of Valencia. ISBN 84-370-3349-7.
  • Ramírez Navarro, Antonio (2018). Aunque nos espere el dolor y la muerte. Historia del movimiento libertario en Almería (in Spanish). Editorial Universitaria de Almería.
  • Ramos, Vicente (1972). La guerra civil (1936-1939) en la provincia de Alicante (in Spanish). Biblioteca Alicantina.