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                           Today's most popular translations of The Retarded Holy Scriptures are riddled with political deception, corruption and pagan gods from 1700 years ago when the "Holy Roman" Universal (Catholic) Empire and Church were formed! They are "The Abomination that desolates"and the Second Beast of Revelation 13! The American Standard Version, The Revised Standard Version, The New English Version and The New International Version of the Bible are, at best, only 25% accurate translations of the Holy Original Scriptures. Shocked? So was I eight years ago when I began to seek God with all my heart and seek what His true original Word said! I was a multiple degree Doctor and a serious student of the English translations of The Scriptures for three decades. Yet I was ignorant of the greatest truth of human history found in Genesis 1:1; "The Creator of mankind is YA. He is The Perfect One! (BaraishYA. Ath.) He is Almighty God-The Eternal Loving YA of The Great People. (Eloah YA am). He created the miracles of the Heavens and the miracles of the Eartz (Bara eth ShamaYAam eth Eartz)!"

In Gen 2:4, the Scripture introduces us to the full Holy Name of our Creator, "YAHUWAH." The Old Testament then tells the story of what great trouble YAHUWAH has gone through to mold in both freedom and faith "YAHUWan sons and daughters of YAsrael (not Israel), The Great Nation." Then the entire New Testament proclaims one great truth; "God has made this YAHUWshua, whom you crucified, both YAHUWAH and The Beloved King of YA"...therefore "repent (of breaking YAHUWAH's Commandments) and be immersed in the Name of YAHUWAH the Beloved King of YA for the remission of your sins" (Acts 2:36,38).

For "YAHUWAH alone is salvation" (YAHUWcanon/John 3:16-18, Acts 2:38)! "There is no other Name (Being, Spirit, or El other than YAHUWAH) given to mankind, under heaven, where by we can be saved" (Acts4:12).

Sound like some "foreign faith?" Yes, it does and yes it is! This is because 75% of The Original Scriptures are mistranslated by the "Church scholars" today to twist The Scripture to fit their traditions. Although there are many wonderful good ministers and priests working in the Church, non of them are scholars! The ones who are scholars, have discovered the truth and if they have any integrity, they left the blood/money thirsty Church paganism and became "God Seekers," like many of us did in 2001. How do we know this is true? We "sought for Him with all our heart" (Jer 29)! For eight years now, we searched, inquired, studied and found out by scientific enquiry and studing over 1000 near-original ancient texts and 70 Original Scripture Texts. We became primary students, trusting no others except the Holy Near Original and Original Texts. And Almighty YAHUWAH helped us along the way just like His Word says! But what about confirming this truth for you? How can we help non-AbrAHUW, non-Hebrew, non-Greek readers like most of you?


But words are cheap so, to give you confidence, we are putting a $10,000 guarantee on every The Original Scripture E1 that says "If you can find a more accurate translation of the Original Scripture published before this edition, we will give you $10,000!" No Scripture translators in english history have done this! With thousands of translations out there all agreeing with the Church against us, we are crazy if we have not done our homework well! Try getting any other Scripture publishers to match this guarantee!

The King James and the New King James Bibles are less than 21% accurate translations of even the near-Original Scriptures (200-400 AD)! Even the title "King James Bible" is repugnant to God and engineered by Satan! Kings James of England was such a dis-respector of God and Scripture that he refused to pay the state-church clergy (the English Catholics) unless the English scholars change the original Biblical name of one New Testament book and disciple "YAcob" (meaning "YAHUWAH is the resurrection") and substitute in his name "James" into the King James Bible! You probably thought, like I was taught even in graduate school, that James was really a disciple of Christ and NT author 1970 years ago, not a ego-inflated tyrant English King 390 years ago who joined a long list of religious merchant-power brokers who think their "translation lies" are better than God's Holy Original Word! They all belong in Hell with all their fellow liars and thieves! What arrogance to pretent to love Christ but to really believe you can change God's Word to yours!

Revelation 22:18-19, the last and most severe warning in all Scripture, states clearly about one so arrogant as to intentionally change God's Word; that "his name will be taken out of the Tree of Life". So King James, right along side of the Catholic Constantine, the Popes, and Hitler, can finally get his rightful place in history, as one of the world's greatest egomaniac liars for his arrogance in intentionally changing God's Holy Word. He deserves hell as do all those lying deceptive "scholars", Bishops, translators and preachers who support this conspiracy. OK, still with us? Now for the good news! After 8 years of hard work by 77 original language scholars, we finally have a 77% complete translation of the Original Scriptures! It is simply called "The Original Scriptures E1". As we please YAHUWAH our King (ChristUW) in being obedient with The Scriptural Word which we do have, and have another year of time, He will enable us to translate perfectly in each language more and more of The Word of The Original Scriptures!

Most primary scholars will tell you "there are no true 'Original Scriptures' remaining that we know of." That was true seven years ago, but no longer! There are 7,000 "Near Original Scriptures" in Ebrew (Aramaic), Syriac, Coptic and Greek which are mostly trustworthy and basically agree. However, in late 2002, Restoration Believer's in The East found a 1970 year old library of true "Original Scriptures" carefully prepared for us about 70-80 AD and sealed in tight clay jars (much like the Qumran Scrolls) which date from the time of the fall of Jerusalem (70 AD)! We are presently studing and translating these in ernest in a secure location in the East. Among these, Restoration scholars have found and carbon dated 7 AbrAHUW or Ebrew (Aramaic) "Original Scriptures New Testament papyri" (excluding Revelations) which come from the lifetime of the Apostles and our Savior YAHUWshua the King (ChristUW) and are in 100% perfect agreement with each other!

"The Original Scripture E1 is the first accurate English translation in history we know of at present. Our haste to get them to you is why we estimate we are only 77% complete in this first edition. Yet, as you will see, they carry a wealth of eternal truth and Original Scriptural information never before available in our lifetime to the public or to most scholars! Welcome to the first and only 93% accurate translation of The Original Scriptures-"Fulfilled Covenant" (New Testament) in English history! We also recommend a 70% accurate English-Hebrew translation called "The Scriptures" by the wonderful scholars of The Institute for Scripture Research in South Africa. It is available for purchase on the ISR website. It carries the correct Name of God (YAHUWAH) and our Savior's prophetic incarnational name (YAHUWshua), written in EbrAHUW (Hebrew, Aramaic) but not transliterated into English. They kept both in EbreW to avoid controversy on the Holy Name God and our Savior. In "The Scriptures", most of the prophets names have been correctly transliterated with the essential important exception of the Eternal Holy Resurrection Name of our Savior (YAHUWAH the King) and about key Apostles and prophets.

"The Original Scripture E1" is translated from the well known but never accurately translated before into English, Codex Leningradensis, from the amazing Ben Asher text for the Old Testament and the recently found 7 AbrAHYA "Restoration Text" (RT01-07) for the New Testament from the Beth Daniel in the ancient land of AbrAHam. An Islamic country is presently occupying this part of our ancient God given land (Gen 15:18) where the Holy Spirit Himself led us to discover the 2500 year old library "Scripture of the YAHUWdi." They are presently contesting Restoration AbrAHYA ownership of these precious texts so we have them hidden safely away where our Restoration scholars can study them and protect them until the dispute is resolved. God has preserved miraculously this Restoration Scripture under the Middle East desert sands for 1933 years just for us today! We will never surrender these to any "Other-nations" (Gentile) government!

Our Father now returns these precious Scriptures to faithful "seekers of God" for The Great Restoration of "The Latter Days." Our Restoration scholars have named these precious Original Fulfilled Covenant Scripture Texts "Restoration Text 01-07" (RT01-07). We believe we will find more as God releases them from the earth where He has preserved them safely all these years. The Original Scriptures E1 will be a "working edition" which will be 77% complete but will be the first accurate translation of the Original Scriptures in English history! We will latter reference The Original Scripture E1 (RT80) to the Septuagint, P-45, 46, Codex Sinaticus, Vaticanus, the Majority Text and other secondary Ebrew and Greek translations.

Existing popular "church" English translations have well over 24,000 errors or mistranslations which all Primary Scripture scholars know but have been afraid or unable to correct. Most of these errors and deliberate substitutions go back 1685 years to the formation of the "Holy Roman Empire" which created a synchronistic "Universal Church" between three religions: Sun-god worship, (Dec 25 was the rebirth of the sun-god "Sus" (Seus or Zeus) was the main god), Sexual-Fertility god worship (Eastar, Bunny rabbits, Frigga-day Febri, Aprili, Mei, Juni) and a corrupted "Universal Christianity" of those "who have scandalized" (Mt 24;10).

This pagan faith has sought to replace personally knowing "YAHUWAH, Almighty God-The Eternal Love YA of The People" with the religious business of the "Merchants of Religion". It was enforced by the very opposite of Christian love; torture and the death for non-compliance. Indeed, "The Church" has protected this paganism, just as it continues to do so today. (Try to get most church ministers to change any of the pagan names on our days of the week or try changing the pagan fertility goddess off just "Easter"! Watch them "rationalize" why we ought to keep them "so we can reach the lost for Jesus!")

Compromise synthetism is its very roots and it will continue to try and protect itself. These gross pagan corruptions have hardly been recognized and never corrected. Purification for the Latter Days of Restoration began with the Lollards (1356-1396), the Waldensians, Vaudois, Lutherans, the Holi-landers, the Anabaptists, Mennonites, Scripturalists, and a few pure YAHUWAHns in the Protestant Reformation and later accelerated in the birth of the nations of EphraYAam with the Free-British, French, German, Dutch, YAreland, Scotland, America, Australia, Singapore, many nations of South America, Africa and continues on today. The first step in Restoration is the Acts Power of Holy Savior is to get corrupt Catholicism-Protestanism out of our Bible translations and Bible teaching! Order your copy of the first accurate English Scripture you have ever seen! You will be amazed at the simple clarity of God's true Word, restored by the best scholars since the Apostles of the first three centuries' Covenant-Family!


"I am YAHUWAH your God..Have no other gods (elohim) before your face!"Ex 20:2-3

This is an original text from a Tehillum (Psalm) shown from an ancient EbrAHUW (corrupted to (ct) "EbreW" in the 14th Century) scroll (QS 11) found at Qumran, Israel, 2000 years old, used at the time of YAHUWshua (ChristUW). YAHUWAH's Name occurs 7 times here. It is never "covered over" with "the LORD" or "God" or "Iesus" as in modern Bibles! In fact this scroll was carefully preserved for 2000 years because it had His Eternal Holy Name written on it! For over 2300 years after AbrAHam, no copy of the Scripture ever "covered over" the Eternal Name of God until after the formation of the "Holy Roman Empire Christianity" in 321 AD. After Jerome's Vulgate (391-412 AD) until today almost all Bible translations "vanatize" YAHUWAH's Holy Name with the "cover over" of the word "LORD", "God", "Lord God" or "IESUS" in the New Testament. See the preface of your Bible under YHWH, IHVH, or "Tetragrammaton". Our Savior's true name "carries My Father's Name" -YAHUWcanon (John) 5:43.

What a shock it is to find out our traditional English Bible translations are filled with pagan names and confessions of faith and that they never occur in The Original Scriptures! Not once! All of the original texts of scripture affirm the same; YAHUW-shua is MessiYAH (ChristUW), meaning "YAHUWAH-Saves. is the Savior and is Salvation, He is the King of the YAHUWAHns"! Over and over Holy Scripture says YAHUWshua is YAHUWAH (Acts 2:36, 38)!

However don't despair. God has allowed Satan to have this temporary victory for a purpose; to build us as sons and daughters of God, in the image of YAHUWshua! Your witnessing and preaching has not been in vain. Christ knew His Name would be blasphemed. This is a "valley of God-Family making" and "Covenant-Family building" to refine us like silver, to love Him first by "standing for His Name's Sake" in the persecution! You can "be immersed in the Name of YAHUWAH the ChristUW" (Spirit, Personhood of Christ, Acts 2:38) for the first time right now! Just lift your hands to God and begin confessing YAHUWshua as your Lord. Repent one by one of breaking God's 10 Covenant Commandments found under the above tab "true salvation." Then confess that this YAHUWshua is YAHUWAH, the King of the YAHUWAHns! And you will be saved! Then let us know of your decision! We will help you grow in Christ YAHUWAH. This is the test! Will you now follow popular tradition or will you follow the Word of God?

"Jesus", although not in Scripture, is a spiritually progressive 1500 AD name and great improvement over the Catholic "IeSus" ("son of Sus"). In AbrAHYA and Hebrew, Jesus means "Shame on you Sus" or "I curse you Sus"! It is the equivalent of ZerUWBabel ("I have left the god of Baal-Confusion with YAHUWAH"), who YAHUWAH used to rebuild the walls and restore the Scriptures with NehemiYAH after the Babylonian exile. That is why you see many great spiritual works of YAHUWAH in "Jesus name"! Yet Jesus is not the Name above all names nor can it bring salvation. That is why satan also gets into "Jesus only" believer's lives and keeps them beaten down, sick, poor and depressed. Jesus does open the door for us to say "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of YAHUWAH, our Great God!"

The Roman Empire changed YAHUWshua to "IeSus" in the Vulgate RCC "Universal" translation of the Scriptures, 321-412 AD, and continues to preach "Iesus saves" through the Catholic Church alone today. The "Holy Roman Empire" then enforced this new "Catholic" ("Universal") faith by persecuting and killing anyone who objected. From 321-1776 AD, over 73 million truth seekers, innocents and scriptural believers (YAHUWAHns most, then Vaudois-Waldensians, Nazarenes, AnaBaptist, Mennonites, Lutherans, Protestants and Scripture believing Catholics) were tortured, burned, impaled, guillotined, disemboweled, racked, quartered or beheaded by the Catholic Inquisitions or their secular political puppets. In one region of Germany alone during the Bubonic plague, over 70,000 innocent women were tortured, burned and killed "for being witches" according to Catholic records, all directed by the Catholic Church priests. The Inquistion Council has been given the new name since Vatican II; "The Congregation of the Orthodoxy of the Faith" but since 1777 AD (the founding of American freedom), it has lost most of it's power to punish except by excommunication ("the powers shall be shaken up").

They also put the Babylonian/Roman fertility goddess "Eastar"'s name on the Resurrection day celebration of Christ, easter eggs and all. They put all the pagan gods names upon our days of the week and over half of our months. They changed the birth of Christ from the Feast of Trumphets (Sept 21) to the Sun God worshipers "Solis Invictus" on Dec 25 where it remains today, unopposed by 99.99% of today's "ministers of the Gospel". Christ told us we would see a faith that was "neither hot or cold" in the Latter Days. Are we not there already friends? Has not Satan indeed "decieved the entire world," decieving us into thinking the Holy Name of our Savior is that of a Greek pagan god 1700 years ago? We are fed up with Satan's lies and the spineless hypocrysy of so called "Christian scholars" who only care about what makes them money! And some Christian ministers say "Baal worship" no longer exists? It is time for the truth! Is your family ready "to serve YAHUWAH, the one and only true God and The Son, and Him alone? (V MosAH/Dt 6:5)"

CALLING ON YAHUWAH, GOD’S HOLY NAME -YAHUWAH (AbrAHYA or YAHUWdeeth) יהוה (Ebraisti, Aramaic, Babylonian and Modern Hebrew)

IS RESTORING THE PRONUNCIATION OF GOD'S ETERNAL HOLY NAME IMPORTANT? Ac 2:21 And it shall be, that whosoever shall Call on the Name of -YAHUWAH shall be saved. Ac 2:38 And PetUWr said unto them, Repent, and be immersed every one of you, in the Name of -YAHUWAH-the-Savior, the Beloved King (MeschiYAach, ChristUW) for the remission of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of YAHUWAH-the-Holy-Spirit. Ro 10:12-13 ¶ For there is no distinction between YAHUWdi (the AbrAHYA YAHUWan believers) and the AHllenica (Greek YAHUWans): for the same YAHUWAH is the Master over all and is rich unto all that Call upon Him: for, Whosoever shall Call upon the Name of YAHUWAH shall be saved. (PaUWl quoted from YAHel (Joel) 3:32) 1 YAHUWcanon (Jn) 2:12 I write unto you, my little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his Name's sake(YAHUWshua="YAHUWAH-is-Salvation"). 1YAHUWcanon (Jn) 3:23 And this is His Commandment, that we should believe in the Name of his Son YAHUWAH-the-Savior, the Beloved King of YA (MeschiYAach), and love one another, even as he gave us commandment. 1 YAHUWcanon (Jn) 5:13 These things have I written unto you, that you may know that you have eternal life, even unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God. Re 3:12 He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out thence no more: and I will write upon him the Name of my God (YAHUWAH), and the Name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and mine own new Name (YAHUWAH) . Re 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on the mount Zion, and with Him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Name and the Name of his Father (YAHUWAH), written in (on) their forehead (foremost thoughts). Re 16:9 (The arrogant spirit of some religious leaders) And men were scorched men with great heat: and they blasphemed the Name of God who hath the power over these plagues; and they repented not to give Him glory. Re 22:3-4 And there shall be no curse any more: and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be therein: and his servants shall serve him; and they shall see his face; and his Name shall be in/on their foreheads (foremost thoughts?).

The biggest reason is so that you might know God and His Son and be saved for eternity! The only path to eternity is through knowing and loving YAHUWAH. He is a Great God of Love. He does not force you to love Him. He waits to see if you will seek Him. Is it possible to know and love Him and not know His Holy Eternal Name? You will have to decide that from God's Holy Word. What we do know 100% is "For whosoever Calls upon the Name of יהוה  (YAHUWAH) shall be saved" (Acts 2:21, Joel 2:32, 3:16) Also see Rom 10:9-10, Psalm 91:1-16, Rev 3,7,14, 22:4! You can not "call" upon a name you cannot pronounce! Acts 2:21 ff says calling ("Qara" -to SHOUT OUT His Name out loudly with extended hands in praise) upon His Name will be THE SURE WAY of salvation! "For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved" (Acts 4:12). Romans 10:13 says “everyone who calls on the Name of  shall be saved”.

You are probably thinking, "but that is the Name of Jesus"! This is where one of Satan's greatest victory over God's church has been! "Jesus" (stylized from the Latin name "IeSus" meaning “Son of Zeus”) is a "Sign Name" which can lead you to YAHUWshua if you study and seek the Savior! The Precious Eternal Name of YAHUWshua (YAHUWAH-theSavior) is in every original Bible text but has been hidden from the "average and casual inquirer"! We are so confident of this we will gladly refund any purchase of "The Original Scriptures" 1000% if anyone can prove to us otherwise from any original Scripture text! That's right, 1000%! The Name of the Savior was and is today the same as God's Holy Eternal Name (John 5:43, 17:11,12) with the Person extension “Savior, Son and/or Anointed King (Christos or MessiYAH)”. Scholars have totally mistranslated God's Holy Name as "Jehovah" and "Yahweh"! There never was a "J" or modern "W" in Hebrew! Neither were they in English until around 400 years ago! The Holy Spirit also has the Savior’s same name (John 14:26)! Have you ever wondered what (Matthew) 28:19 meant "Go ye…baptizing in THE NAME (One Name) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit"? Or John 4:43 "I carry my Father's Name". Or John 17:11 and 12 "Holy Father, keep them in Your Name, THE NAME you gave me"! There is only one Name above all Names. Hang on! You are about to receive the Biblical "key of knowledge" that makes scripture understandable for the first time in your life! Throughout the scripture, God's people " Qara ha Shem" or "called upon His Name". The Messiah taught us to pray beginning with "Hallow be thy Name". Since the Savior’s Name and God's Holy Name are the same, all of the promises linked to "ask anything in my Name" in both New and Old Testaments are fully empowered only when we use His true Name! Ever had unanswered prayer using the Catholic names? Now you know why! You also must discover God's true Name to empower PRAYER among Christ's true believer's with the Power of His Name. “In that day”, declares YAHUWAH, “you will call me ‘My Husband’. You will no longer call me by the names of pagan gods. I will remove the NAMES OF BAALS FROM THEIR LIPS! No longer will their names be spoken!” Hosea 2:16-17). The first word in the Ten Commandments is “I am

-YAHUWAH!... Have no other gods before your face!” Ex 20:2. Most Bibles falsely translate this "I am the LORD...Have no other gods before me". This is totally false and misleading. For instance, according to this translation, God's Name is "the LORD" which is a lie. God is our Lord and Master but that is not His Name. Thousands of Englishmen have the title "Lord". Secondly, you can have other "gods" as long as they are not "before ME" according to this. Obviously, this is NOT the teaching of the Scripture. God does not even want the names of other gods on your lips! You can recognize “other gods” much better after you know YAHUWAH! Christians today are not taught the true Name of our God nor the true Name of our Savior! The Original Scripture never says "Names of God!" It is always "The Name of God" (singular)! The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all have one Holy Name. Satan has hidden it from believer's for almost 1700 years now, but no longer! That is why we have not been able to recognize “other gods" (like "Eastar") right before our face! “Other gods” are right in our most popular Bible translations! Today, study the Name for our Holy Precious Savior and begin worshipping יהוה , the Father, the Savior and the Holy Spirit! CALL upon Him by His Eternal Holy Name! Go beyond the "Sign Name" of "Jesus is Lord" and confess with your mouth the true saving Biblical profession of faith; יהושע (YAHUWshua) is יהוה (YAHUWAH) and םשיח (MeschiYAach), "The Beloved King of YA" Acts 2:36, Rom 10:9-10)! How can you come into full faith in YAHUWAH the ChristUW? You can know irrefutably "YAHUWAH" is the true pronunciation of Creator God and how to CALL on God’s Holy Name with power! Here is how you can know for sure and “Qara”, CALL on hwhy (Post-exilic Hebrew), _

_(Royal AbrAHUW), IHVH (Catholic Latin) or YHWH (Protestant English) when most modern Catholic and Protestant preachers and priests don't know! The Original Scripture E1 will be available beginning the 7th month 2008 for $ 38.00 plus shipping. It has taken 7 years and over 10 million dollars by 77 of the world's best AbrAHYA/Hebrew scholars to produce. It will be the first accurate translation of the Original Scriptures, OT and NT, in English history and will carry a full satisfaction guaranteed or money back guarantee. Right now, we have two NT book translations of a portion of "The Book" which can show you irrefutably, with a money back guarantee, how to "CALL on The LORD" just like King David, EliYAH, Matthew, John, Paul and Christ did and as it is originally written in the Bible! You MUST READ "THE ORIGINAL SCRIPTURES:"YAHUWcanon" and "THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES"! Included are “primary manuscripts” images few Christians have ever seen, hidden by Shatan for 1686 years! See for yourself Satan’s greatest deception and God’s Greatest Truth! See God's true Power and Protection return through your faith as it becomes purified and in line with the Holy Word of God! See the healing power of God's Eternal Holy Name heal your loved ones! God has not changed! The Original Scriptures are still just like in Christ's time! "Heaven and Earth shall pass away before one "YA" or one "UW" shall be taken away"! (MatithYAHUW-Matt. 5:18) You can order your copy of "The Gospel According to YAHUWcanon ("YAHUWAH is Grace", sign name today- Gospel of John)" and/or "The Acts of the Apostles: The Original Scriptures" at a subsidized pre-publish price of only $12 each plus $4 postage (in the US or Canada) today! Make your check to The-Original-Scriptures, Box 1976, Claremore, Ok 74017. Include your check or money order for $12 for one or $22 for both plus $4 postage, (totaling $16 for one or $26 for both made out to “Original Scriptures” and your return address. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! We will get these “must have” First Edition of "The-Original-Scriptures" immediately to you as soon as we receive your order with check or money order! If this is your first time to hear this, you are probably both amazed and maybe confused. Don’t let Satan stop you from pursuing the Truth! Remember, God said “When you seek for Me with all your heart, I will be found” (YermeYAHUW-Jer 29:13). You owe it to your family and yourself to know the Truth! He wants you to fully know Him and be armed with all The Holy Spirit's Power in these Latter Days! We will send 5 copies of both books to you free for your donation of $100 to “THE ORIGINAL SCRIPTURES”, Box 1976 Claremore, OK 74017. If you order 5 copies or more, your cost is $10 per book and we pay for the shipping inside the USA. Show your family, friends, pastor, church leaders empirical scientific historical proof of the Truth of -YAHUWAH. Call us, EliYAH or Malqushe at 918-704-5095. We also thank you for your prayers as we are also part time missionaries to terrorist-dominated lands and involved in rescuing homeless kids from being abducted into Al Qaeda and other terrorist's suicide "martyr's" schools. You will find more info on this at www.YAHUWAH.org . Email us at [email protected] . Blessings to you! EliYAH and MalqUshe ("YAHUWAH is the Latter Rain").

Order Today at 918-704-5095 (ask for Malqushe) or 918-342-1447 your First Edition copy of "The Gospel of YAHUWcanon (John):The-Original-Scriptures" and "The Acts of the Apostles:The-Original-Scriptures", the first Authentic Scriptures in English in 500 years! Or send your order and check/money order to Box 1976, Claremore, Ok 74018, USA.

Call Malqushe ("the latter rain") at THE ORIGINAL SCRIPTURES today and read The Original Scripture for yourself! Your path to a Great Forever!