
Unexploded WW2 Bomb discovered at Schiphol Airport

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Friday, October 7, 2005

An undetonated bomb, reportedly from World War II, has been discovered at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. One runway, the closest to the bomb, has been closed as a result, and delays are expected on all flights. Heavy fog has compounded the problem and is expected to cause further delays.

The 255kg bomb was discovered by workers from the town of Vijfhuizen, which is about 5km from the airport. According to the Dutch national traffic bureau, ANWB, "The projectile is sensitive to vibrations, is not in a settled position, and is possibly live."

Automobile traffic near the area has been stopped and several houses have been evacuated. Schiphol Airport is Amsterdam's primary airport and one of Europe's largest hubs.

Bombs and mines continue to be found throughout the Netherlands even though World War II ended sixty years ago. Earlier this year in April, three fishermen were killed when their ship exploded from hauling an old bomb onboard that had been caught in the net.

