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Comments:Google to discontinue social networking application Google Wave

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Bring Back Google Wave!!!000:23, 24 February 2014
Eh?309:32, 31 October 2010
Facebook!112:37, 6 August 2010
Comments from feedback form - "Very good. Nice article"004:12, 6 August 2010

Bring Back Google Wave!!!

Today Google+ is a bad social networking site that integrated with YouTube!!!!! Google, discontinue Google+ and relaunch Google Wave!!

Sonny Don Wilkes, Editor (talk)00:23, 24 February 2014

Didnt even realise google had this service. Was never properly advertised.. No wonder why (talk)08:38, 6 August 2010

I tried to use it once but never understand its functionality and still don't know how it works actually.

Saki (talk)12:34, 6 August 2010

Wave is (was) pretty awesome, the problem was it was jack of all trades and master of none. It worked very well for collaborative work, however, groups want to collaborate to write documents or spreadsheets etc. Wave isn't a very good word processor which means users have to use some other program or web app to collaboratively work together.

Further, why would I want to chat in the web browser when I can already use msn, skype, irc, etc?

In the i/o conference they mentioned that bloggers could write posts as a wave which others could connect to, comment on and keep track of. None of this functionality is currently available because it is only offered in the wave app. Shame, cause this would have been great to see working.

Lastly, why would any one want yet another email address or another form of communication? Communication overload. It's a shame they have discontinued wave so soon without even attempting to address its issues. (talk)13:36, 9 September 2010

Yes, I like Wave a lot. During the group assignment at the university, we use Wave. It gives lots of possibilities, which other sites do not give.

To Google developers, why do not you just forget your idea of discontinue this site. There are many many users, who actively use. Why do not you advert more??? I am sure, it will attract millions of people, not even thousands.

from Mongolia09:32, 31 October 2010

But seriously, google and Facebook should be partners. Easiest way for them to take over the world.

Bye the way, this extra coding stuff, and 'radical' things should be considered for Facebook, but only to make it more awesomer. (talk)01:46, 6 August 2010

Do you know that many Google executives moved to Facebook recently.

Saki (talk)12:37, 6 August 2010

Comments from feedback form - "Very good. Nice article"

Very good. Nice article (talk)04:12, 6 August 2010