I N D E X.

Addresses of Eliot and Marsh 473
Air, Compressed, in Coal-Mining 638
Air and Health 216
American Biology, Progress of 624
American Contributions to Electrical Science 744
Ancient Ruins of Colorado 120
Andaman-Islanders 120
Ants, The Slaves of 116
Ants, how they stand Heat and Cold 763
Apparatus, Electrical, for Beginners 506
Arachnidan, A Formidable 254
Archer-Fishes. (Illustrated.) 302
Artificial Ice 508
Artificial Respiration 252

Bagehot, W., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 489
Bain, A., Language and Civil Service 152
Beavers in Colorado 766
Bees, Duration of Flight of 119
Belief in Hell 627
Belt, T., Man and the Glacial Period 61
Bevington, L. S., Teachings of a Day 327
Biology, American, Progress of 624
Blast-Furnace Slag 762
Blood, Local Temperatures of the 252
Books noticed:
"Holy Roman Empire" (Bryce) 111
"Physiology of Mind" (Maudsley) 111
"Lightning-Protection" (Spang) 112
"Lithology of the Adirondacks" (Leeds) 112
"Naturhistoricher Verein von Wisconsin" 113
"Ages of Sun and certain Fixed Stars" (Kirkwood) 113
"Locust-Plague" (Riley) 113
"Compendium of Facts" (Emery) 113
"General History of Connecticut" 113
"Weighing and Measuring" (Chisholm) 114
"Bible of Humanity" (Michelet) 114
"Lectures and Essays" (Blanchard) 114
"Fishes of Upper Georgia" (Jordan) 114
Metallurgical Review 115
"Rest for Women" (Putnam-Jacobi) 241
"Fifteen-Cent Dinners" (Corson) 244
"Telegraphic Determination of Differences of Longitude" 244
"Civilization and Duration of Life" (Lewis) 245
"Physical Geography" (Geikie) 246
"Survey of Colorado" 246
"Fur-bearing Animals" (Coues) 246
"The Polaris Expedition" 247
"Methods of Ethics" (Sidgwick) 368
"Isis Unveiled" (Blavatsky) 369
"United States Entomological Commission" 370
"Outlines of Chemistry" (Wheeler) 370
"Through Rome on" (Waters) 370
"The World's Progress" (Putnam) 371
"The Ottoman Turks" (Creasy) 371
"The Hidatsa Indians" (Matthews) 371
"Survey of the Territories" 371
"New York Meteorological Observatory" 372
"Central Park Menagerie" 372
"Geyser-Basins" 372
"The Two-Ocean Water" (Comstock) 372
"American Palaeozoic Fossils" (Miller) 373
"Serpent and Siva Worship" 373
"Scientific Course of Study" (Bessey) 373
"Davenport Academy of Sciences" 373
"Boston Society of Natural History" 373
"Insects of Missouri" (Riley) 373
"Savings-Banks" (Townsend) 374
"Egypt as it is" (McCoan) 374
"Heredity" (Brush) 374
"Heredity" (Parker) 374
"Criminality" (Stevenson) 374
"Elements of Geology" (Le Conte) 501
"Deterioration and Race-Education" (Royce) 503
"Notes on Leather" (Lyle) 503
"Kansas Academy of Sciences" 503
"A, B, C, of Finance" (Newcomb) 504
"Robinson Crusoe's Money" (Wells) 504
"Steam-Engineering" (Nystrom) 504
"Public-Health Papers" 504
"Smithsonian Report" 505
"Religious Feeling" (Smyth) 505
"Sanitary Condition of Houses" (Waring) 505
"How to use the Microscope" (Phin) 505
"Anales del Museo de Mejico" 505
"Pessimism" (Sully) 630
"Ancient Life-History of the Earth" (Nicholson) 631
"An American Girl" (Sola) 632
"Money" (Walker) 632
"Money and Legal Tender" (Linderman) 633
"The Positive Philosophy and Religion" 633
"Gerrit Smith" (Frothingham) 634
"Transcendentalism" (Cook) 634
"Physiography" (Huxley) 749
"Chauncey Wright's Letters" (Thayer) 750
"Freethinking and Plain Speaking" (Stephen) 751
"Source of Muscular Power" (Flint) 751
"The Kabala" (Pancoast) 752
"What was He?" (Denton) 752
"North American Ethnology" 753
"Heating and Ventilation" (Schumann) 753
"Inorganic Chemistry" (Thorpe) 753
"Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club" 753
"The Silver Country" (Anderson) 753
"Determination of Rocks" (Jannetaz) 753
"Volumetric Analysis" (Muir) 754
"Philosophic Ideas" (Wilmshurst) 754
"Peabody Museum of Archaeology" 754
"Relations of Pain to Weather" (Mitchell) 754
"Birds of Connecticut" (Merriam) 755
"The Glacial Period in the Southern Hemisphere" (Belt) 755
"Poisonous Mushrooms" (Ott) 755
"White Mountains of New Hampshire" 755
Young Scientist 755
Brain, A Low Mammalian 124
British Association Papers 117
Buckland on the Berlin Gorilla 253
Buckland, A. W., on Stimulants 117
Building-Stones of St. Lawrence County 255

Caoutchouc, Mineral 508
Carnivorous Plants 758
Castor-Oil 511
Cerebellum, Functions of the 119
Ceremonial Government, Evolution of 385
Ceremonial Government, Evolution of 545
Ceremonial Government, Evolution of 641
Chemistry of Fruit-Ripening 460
Chinese Famine, Causes of 759
Chinese Medicines 762
Chloroform 738
Clairvoyance, Wallace and 745
Coinages, Debasement of 580
Color, Distribution of, in Animals 761
Colorado, Ancient Ruins of 120
Colors, Simultaneous Contrast of 118
Comparative Stupidity of Politicians 162
Compressed Air in Coal-Mining 638
Concerning Belief in Hell 627
Congo, Stanley's Exploration of the 635
Constitution of the Nebulæ 118
Continuity, The Law of 29
Cook and his "Biology" 495
Cooking 760
Corals, Living 737
Counting by the Aid of the Fingers 430
Cyclone in Bengal 192

Dallinger on Minute Animal Forms 122
Damon, W. E., Corals 737
Davis, E. W., Magnetic Observatory at Madison, Wisconsin 455
Dawkins, B., on Museums 125
Debasement of Coinages 580
Differences, The, of Things 53
Digestion, Recent Observations on 123
Dissipation of Energy 701
Doctoring Darwin 363
Doses, Size of. 126
Draper, J. W., Evolution 175
Drowning-Accidents 510
Duration of Flight of Bees 119
Dynamical Theory of Heat, I. (Illustrated.) 206
Dynamical Theory of Heat, I. (Illustrated.) 330

Earthquakes in Japan 507
Earthworms in Agriculture 510
Edison's Phonograph. (Illustrated.) 719
Edison's Phonograph 748
Education, Technical 570
Electrical Apparatus 506
Electricity in War 382
Electrical Science, American Contributions to 744
Electro-plating 252
Eliot, President, his Address 473
Embalming, New Process of 639
Energy, Dissipation of 701
Environment, Influence of 122
Epidemics and Ablution 639
Ethnological Specimens, Interesting 377
Eucalyptus, The, in the Future. (Illustrated.) 662
Evolution, History of 175
Evolution of Ceremonial Government 385
Evolution of Ceremonial Government 545
Evolution of Ceremonial Government 641
Extirpation of Injurious Insects 123
Eyesight, Effects of Study on 74

Famine, Chinese, its Causes 759
"Farewell" 509
Filters of Spongy Iron 379
Fish-Breeding, Impure Water fatal to 637
Fish-Culture, Notes on 249
Fishes, Marine, in Lake Nicaragua 380
Flammarion, C, System of Sirius 47
Flight of Bees 119
Florida Lizards 249
Florida Lizards 363
Formidable Arachnidan 254
Formosa, Travels in 761
Fossil Reptiles, New 757
Fruit-Ripening, Chemistry of 460
Functions of the Cerebellum 119

Garden-Schools 757
Gas as a Fuel 637
Gas-Well, A, in Kansas 376
Gases, Liquefaction of. (Illustrated.) 616
Gases, The last of the 635
Gassiot, J. P., Death of. 117
Generation, Spontaneous 476
Germ-Theory 743
German Handicraft 636
Geysers, and how they are explained. (Illustrated.) 407
Glacial Period, Man and the. (Illustrated.) 61
Gorilla, Buckland on the 253
Government, Ceremonial 545
Gratacap, L. P., The Ice Age 319
Graves of Mound-Builders 638
Growth of the Steam-Engine. (Illustrated.) 129
Growth of the Steam-Engine. (Illustrated.) 257
Growth of the Steam-Engine. (Illustrated.) 446
Growth of the Steam-Engine. (Illustrated.) 528

Handicraft, German 636
Health-Matters in Japan 280
Heat, Dynamical Theory of. (Illustrated.) 206
Heat, Dynamical Theory of. (Illustrated.) 330
Heliotype Process 639
Hell, Belief in 627
Honey, Production of 765
Horse, The, in America 743
Human Stature 508
Huxley, T. H., Technical Education 570
Hygiene, Individual 380
Hygienic Influence of Plants 417

Ice Age 319
Ice, Artificial 508
Iles, G., Law of Continuity 29
Iles, G., Dissipation of Energy 701
Illuminating Gas, Purification of 765
Illustrations of the Logic of Science 1
Illustrations of the Logic of Science 286
Illustrations of the Logic of Science 604
Illustrations of the Logic of Science 705
Improvements in Photography 509
Impure Water fatal to Fish-Breeding 637
Inaudible Vibrations 119
Individual Hygiene 380
Influence of Environment 122
Insanity, Modern Life and 432
Insects, Injurious, Extirpation of. 123
Intensity of Different-Colored Lights 759
International Scientific Service 249
Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America. (Illustrated.) 513
Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America. (Illustrated.) 672

Japan, Ancient Man in 377
Japan, Health-Matters in 280
Japanese Fruit-Tree, A New 378
Jeffreys, J. G., on Evolution 117

Kansas Gas-Well 376

Language in Education 238
Language and the Civil Service 152
Laryngoscope and Rhinoscope. (Illustrated.) 166
Law of Continuity 29
Law of Continuity 495
Law of Continuity 623
Le Conte, Prof. Joseph, Sketch of 358
Le Conte, Joseph, Geysers 407
Leland, E. R., Debasement of Coinages 580
Leverrier, Death of 117
Lightning-Rods, do they attract 760
Liquefaction of the Gases. (Illustrated.) 616
Living Corals 737
Living out-of-Doors 509
Lizards of Florida 249
Lizards of Florida 363
Local Temperatures of the Blood 252
Lockwood, S., The Eucalyptus 662
Logic of Science, Illustrations of the 1
Logic of Science, Illustrations of the 286
Logic of Science, Illustrations of the 604
Logic of Science, Illustrations of the 705
Loomis, Prof., on Rain Areas 250

McLean, W., Effects of Study on Eyesight 74
Magnetic Observatory at Madison, Wisconsin 455
Man in Japan 377
Man and the Glacial Period. (Illustrated.) 61
Man, was He preglacial? 381
Marbleized Utensils 381
Marpingen Miracles 724
Marsh, Prof., his Address 473
Marsh, O. C, Vertebrate Life in America 513
Marsh, O. C, Vertebrate Life in America 672
Mauna Loa, Eruption of 125
Mayer, A. M., Edison's Talking-Machine 719
Mechanics of Nature 763
Medicines, Chinese 762
Men of Science, Narrowness among 108
Mind-Reading 362
Mineral Caoutchouc 508
Mineral Oils, Origin of 124
Moa-Bird, The Gigantic. (Illustrated.) 87
Modern Life and Insanity 432
Modern Superstitions 232
Modern Troglodytes 37
Monkey, New Species of 507
Mont Blanc, Discovery of 506
Moral Sense, Origin of 378
Morse, E. S., Health-Matters in Japan 280
Mound in Utah, Contents of a 123
Muscular Power, Source of 729
Museums of Natural History 501

Narrowness among Men of Science 108
Nebulæ, their Constitution 118
Nicaragua, Lake, Marine Fishes in 380
Niemeyer, Dr. P., Air and Health 216
Non-Poisonous Coloring for Preserved Vegetables 638
Notes 127
Notes 255
Notes 383
Notes 511
Notes 640
Notes 767

Oils, Mineral, Origin of 124
Open Air and Health 216
Open Air and Health 494
Opening of the Museum 501
Opium and its Antidote 555
Optical Experiment, A New 122
Oswald, F. L. Modern Troglodytes 37
Our Six-footed Rivals 196
Our Six-footed Rivals 349

Peirce, C. S., Logic of Science 1
Peirce, C. S., Logic of Science 286
Peirce, C. S., Logic of Science 604
Peirce, C. S., Logic of Science 705
Peppermint-Culture 511
Pettenkofer, M. von, Hygienic Influence of Plants 417
Pharmacopœia, The United States 247
Phonograph, Edison's. (Illustrated.) 719
Phonograph, Edison's 748
Phonograph, Edison's 756
Photographs, New Solar 748
Photography, Improvements in 509
Plague of Rats 376
Plants, their Hygienic Influence 417
Pneumatic Clock Regulator 251
Poinier, P., Dynamical Theory of Heat 206
Poinier, P., Dynamical Theory of Heat 330
Poisonous Leguminous Plants 764
Poisons of the Intelligence 738
Political Economy in Law-Schools 121
Prescott, A. B., Fruit-Ripening 460
Preservation of Wood 383
Preservation of Wood 510
Proctor, R. A., Star or Star-Mist 148
Pumpkins, Composition of 376

Railroad-Strike, The Great, of 1877 107
Rankine, Prof., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 236
Rats, A Plague of 376
Reptilia, New Order of Extinct 378
Respiration, Artificial 252
Rest for Woman 492
Rheumatism, Salicylic Acid in 248
Richet, C., Opium and its Antidote 555
Richet, C, Chloroform 738
Ring Nebula," To the 90
Rivals, Our Six-footed 196
Rivals, Our Six-footed 349

Salicylic Acid in Rheumatism 248
Sauvage, E., Archer-Fishes 302
Savings-Banks and State Control 238
Saxon, J. W., The Differences of Things 53
Schneider, E., The Tides 226
Science, Denationalizing 126
Science, Logic of 1
Science, Logic of 286
Science, Logic of 604
Science, Logic of 705
Seasons, Alternation of, and Tree-Growth 382
Secchi, Prof., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 742
Seeger, Dr. S., Laryngoscope and Rhinoscope. (Illustrated.) 166
Servetus, Michael, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 91
Shaw, G. M., Telephone 559
Simultaneous Contrast of Colors 118
Singing-Flames and Inaudible Vibrations 119
Sirius, The System of. (Illustrated.) 47
Six-footed Rivals, Our 196
Six-footed Rivals, Our 349
Slag, Utilization of 762
Slaves of Ants 116
Smell, Extraordinary Development of Sense of 125
Society, The Science of 367
Solar Photographs 748
Source of Muscular Power 729
Spencer, H., Ceremonial Government 385
Spencer, H., Ceremonial Government 545
Spencer, H., Ceremonial Government 641
Spiders, how they spin 766
Spongy Iron Filters 379
Spontaneous Generation 476
Spontaneous Generation 591
Stagnation of Trade, The Present 106
Stanley's Trip down the Congo 635
Star, or Star-Mist 148
Stature, Human 508
Steam-Engine, Growth of the. (Illustrated.) 15
Steam-Engine, Growth of the. (Illustrated.) 129
Steam-Engine, Growth of the. (Illustrated.) 257
Steam-Engine, Growth of the. (Illustrated.) 446
Steam-Engine, Growth of the. (Illustrated.) 528
Steam-Engine, A New Type of 115
Stoddard, J. L., To the "Ring Nebula" 90
Study, Effects of, on the Eyesight 74
Stupidity, Comparative, of Politicians 162
Style 340
Sugar-Manufacture, New Process of 759
Sun-Spots and their Effects 365
Superstitions, Modern 232

Talking-Machine, Edison's. (Illustrated.) 719
Taste-Perceptions 250
Teachings of a Day 327
Teasel, Common, Sensitiveness of its Leaves 637
Technical Education 570
Telephone, The, and how it works. (Illustrated.) 559
The Telephone anticipated 116
The Telephone, Teachings of 625
Temperaments 306
Theine, Proportions of, in Different Kinds of Tea 760
Thurston, E. H., Growth of the Steam-Engine 15
Thurston, E. H., Growth of the Steam-Engine 129
Thurston, E. H., Growth of the Steam-Engine 257
Thurston, E. H., Growth of the Steam-Engine 446
Thurston, E. H., Growth of the Steam-Engine 528
Tides 105
Tides 226
Tides 491
Tissandier, G., Liquefaction of the Gases 616
Topographical Surveys and Health 253
Torpedo, Invention of the 507
Travels in Formosa 761
Tree-Growth, Alternation of Seasons and 382
Trees and Health 758
Troglodytes, Modern 37
Trowbridge, J., Counting by the Aid of the Fingers 430
Tuke, D. H, Modern Life and Insanity 432
Tyndall, J., Spontaneous Generation 476
Tyndall, J., Spontaneous Generation 591

Underground Clock-Regulator 251
United States Pharmacœpia 247

Van de Warker, E., Temperaments 306
Vegetables, Preserved, Non-Poisonous Coloring for 638
Vertebrate Life in America 513
Vertebrate Life in America 672
Vibrations, Inaudible, and Singing-Flames 119

Wakefulness, Remedy for 121
Wallace and Clairvoyance 745
War, Electricity in 382
Waste of Wire-Works 379
Waters, A. W., on the Shifting of the Earth's Axis 118
Weasel, The Wicked 697
Weather-Observations, Value of 764
Weights and Measures 375
Whitney Glacier 636
Wood, Preservation of 383
Wood, Preservation of 510
Wright, T. H., Style 340