[Roman figures refer to the chapters, Arabic to the articles.]
Chemistry of the sun, xiii. 299–301, 303
Chords, ii. 47 n
Chromosphere, x. 205; xiii. 301, 303
Chronometer, x. 226
Circular motion, ii. 25, 26, 38, 51; iv. 76; vii. 139; viii. 158; ix. 171–173. See also Eccentric, Epicycle
Circumpolar stars, i. 9; ii. 35
Clock. See Pendulum clock and Chronometer
Clustering power, xii. 261. See also Condensation of nebulae
Coelum Australe Stelliferum (of Lacaille), x. 223
Collimation error, x. 225 n
Comets, i. 1; ii. 30; iii. 68, 69; v. 100, 103–105; vi. 127, 129; vii. 144, 146; viii. 153; ix. 190, 192; x. 200, 205, 217, 224; xi. 228, 231, 243, 248, 250; xii. 253, 256, 259; xiii. 272, 291, 304, 305, 307
Comet, Biela's, xiii. 305
Comet, Brooks's, xiii. 305
Comet, Encke's, xiii. 291
Comet, Halley's, vii. 146; x. 200, 205; xi. 231, 232; xiii. 291, 307
Comet, Lexell's, xi. 248; xiii. 305
Comet, Olbers's, xiii. 291
Comet, Pons-Brooks, xiii. 291
Comet, Tebbutt's, xiii. 305
Comet, Tuttle's, xiii. 291
Cometographia (of Hevel), viii. 153
Commentaries on the Motions of Mars (of Kepler), vii. 135 n, 139, 141, 150 n
Commentaries (of Coppernicus), iv. 37; v. 100
Compleat System of Optics (of Smith), xii. 251
Complete induction, ix. 195
Condensation of nebulae, xi. 250; xii. 261; xiii. 318
Conic, conic section, vii. 140 n; xiii. 309
Conjunction, ii. 43, 48 n; iii. 60; v. 110, 111; x. 227
Conservation of energy, xiii. 319
Constant of aberration, x. 209, 210; xiii. 283 n
Constellations, i. 12, 13; ii. 20, 26, 34, 42; x. 223
Construction of the heavens, xii. 257. See also Sidereal system, structure of
Corona, vii. 145; x. 205; xiii. 301, 303
Counter-earth, ii. 24 Crape-ring, xii. 267; xiii. 295
Craters (on the moon), viii. 153; xiii. 296
Curvature of the earth. See Earth, shape of
Daily Motion (of the celestial sphere), i. 5, 8, 9, 10; ii. 23, 24, 26, 33, 38, 39, 46, 47; iii. 67, 68; iv. 78, 80, 83; v. 98, 105; vi. 129; viii. 157
D'Alembert's principle, xi. 232, 237 n
Damascus, iii. 57
Darlegung (of Hansen), xiii. 286
Day, i. 4, 11, 16; ii. 47; xiii. 287, 293, 320
Day-and-night, i. 16 n
Day-hour, i. 16
Declination, ii. 33, 35, 39; x. 213, 218; xiii. 276
Declination circle, ii. 33
De Coelo (of Aristotle), ii. 27
Deductive method, inverse, ix. 195
Deferent, ii. 39, 48, 51; iii. 68; iv. 86, 87
Degree, i. 7
Deimos, xiii. 295
De Magnete (of Gilbert), vii. 150