Greetings, Bows & Salutations!!!

It is indeed a pleasure to come into your readings, OOOHHSU!


15 OCTOBER 2023 SUNDAY (09 May 2007 - Original Date)

I am Professor Maestro Montalban Sensei PhD, M A S, MA, ThD

I am a Teacher, Student, Disciple, Researcher, Practitioner of the Martial Way (Discipline, Practice, Path) for over 60 years.

This includes but is not limited to all Martial Interpretations: Martial Art, Martial Sport, Martial Science, Martial Combative Studies, Martial Philosophy, Martial History, Martial

Culture and Martial Evolution.

The essence to which I refer as my life's work I call, Martial Anthropology: Man's history, origins, development, evolution and future of Martial Art Science.

As I have stated previously, this is my Sixtieth (60) Year in the Philosophy, Study & Practice of the Art Science.

I have devoted myself to the study of what people call the Martial Arts, the advanced study of Martial Combatives & their Cognates, Self-Defense & Survival:Tactics, Techniques and


Thank you for your time and attention.

Sensei Montalban
