Difference between Atropine and Hyoscine
Selective muscarinic blocker Selective muscarinic blocker
Obtained from Atropa belladonna Obtained from Hyoscyamus niger.

Datura stramonium

Racemic mixture of alkaloids Levo-isomer of alkaloids
CNS Stimulant CNS Depressant
More actions on heart, bronchial smooth ore action on eyes, exocrine 

muscles and GIT. glands- Salivary glands, sweat,and  tracheo-bronchia

Long duration of action Short duration of action
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Difference between Atropine and Hyoscine
Selective muscarinic blocker Selective muscarinic blocker
Obtained from Atropa belladonna Obtained from Hyoscyamus niger.

Datura stramonium

Racemic mixture of alkaloids Levo-isomer of alkaloids
CNS Stimulant CNS Depressant
More actions on heart, bronchial smooth ore action on eyes, exocrine 

muscles and GIT. glands- Salivary glands, sweat,and  tracheo-bronchia

Long duration of action Short duration of action
ATC code Name Compound Use
R02AA10 myristyl-benzalkonium Benzalkonium Compound Throat treatment