— Wikipedian  —
Melissa Abernathy
Born11 August
Current locationBaltimore
Family and friends
Marital status10+ years of committed non-wedded bliss
  • Art in all forms
  • Genealogy
  • Movies
  • Science Fiction
This user has been on Wikipedia for 14 years, 7 months and 7 days.
This user is a member of the Wikipedia Typo Team.
You and MeThis user thinks that if you believe it is incorrect to use "you and me" as the object of a sentence, a little talk needs to be had by you and me...
Majority ≠ right This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.
This user thinks no outfit is complete without cat hair.
This user firmly believes that puppy mill operators should spend some time with this guy.
This user thinks that
Pit Bulls aren't more dangerous than other dog breeds.

This user farts in your general direction. This user also believes that your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
This user listens to The Only Band That Matters.
M*A*S*HThis user understands:
"the M stands for mobile".
NCISThis user deserves a smack upside the head.
Dr WhoThis user has been a
Doctor Who fan since the
Fifth Doctor.
This user knows that the answer is 42.
This user is old enough to remember what a typewriter is, and that's all you need to know.
This user believes that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is as likely as creationism.
This user is an artist who works with a variety of creative media.
This user likes to design clothes.
This user is straight
but not narrow.
This user can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me.
AThis user has type A userboxitis.

General Info


Professional and hobbyist illustrator, 3D artist, animator, and writer. Completely addicted to genealogy for about two and a half years. Happily unmarried to the best beau in the whole of my opinion. Hooman mother to six fabulous kitteh, all rescues or strays who decided to make our home theirs.

Personal Wiki Connections

  • Locust Point - the best neighborhood in Baltimore (personal bias noted).
  • Waterloo, Iowa - my fourth great-grandparents George and Mary Melrose Hanna first settled the town, as mentioned in its history.
  • Henry Clay - my second cousin, six times removed. His great-grandfather Henry Charles Clay was my seventh great-grandfather.
  • Cassius Marcellus Clay - also my second cousin, six times removed, following the same line as Henry Clay. His paternal grandfather, Charles Clay, was the brother of Henry Clay's paternal grandfather, John Clay, and my sixth great-grandfather Henry Clay.
  • Green Clay - Cassius Marcellus Clay's father; my first cousin, seven times removed.
  • Clement Comer Clay - my third cousin, six times removed, through Charles Clay, my eighth great-grandfather and his second.
  • Clement Claiborne Clay - Clement Comer Clay's son; my fourth cousin, five times removed.
  • I could list all the Clays and my relation to them, but I suspect you (a) get the point, and (b) could not care less. I will also mention that while I acknowledge every genetic relation and his or her contribution to the family tree, I take no pride in the family's history of slavery and find that I have to force myself to research individuals after I've found their names on the slave schedule.
  • Nolan County, Texas - my fourth great-grandparents Elisha Elmer and Rebecca Huff Hylton settled here in the 1880s, founding the town of Hylton (population in 2000: 6). My third great-grandmother (different branch) Mary Elizabeth Hight Blair Moore settled in Nolan, and at the time of her death in 1939, she had 142 direct descendants still living in the area. Local politicians curried favor with her because support from her family was enough to carry any vote.
  • Robert I of France - allegedly my 33rd great-grandfather, though I have yet to attempt sorting through supporting evidence.
  • Red Steagall - when I worked at a printing company in Fort Worth, Texas, I got the chance to know Red and his wife, Gail.