This user prefers that the subjunctive mood be used. Were this user you, he would use it.
"There's" with a plural subject | This user knows that "there's" with a plural subject is a pervasive grammatical error. There's There are too many people making this mistake. Don't be one of them. |
Latin Plurals: "Data is are..."
This user uses "data", "media", "memoranda", "criteria", and "agenda" as the plurals of "datum", "medium", "memorandum", "criterion", and "agendum".
This user mourns the apparent death of the adverb, a loss that this user feels most serious.
; | This user is addicted to semicolons; they use them frequently. |
| This user thinks good grammar is sexy. |
AmE-0 | This user does not understand the American "English" "language" artificially created by Noah Webster in 1828 for no other reason than just to be "different" and bloody well doesn't want to. |