List of neo-Nazi organizations

The following is a list of organizations, both active and defunct, whose ideological beliefs are categorized as neo-Nazism. This includes political parties, terrorist cells/networks, radical paramilitary groups, criminal gangs, social clubs, organized crime syndicates, websites, internet forums, football hooligan firms, religious sects, and other organizations alike.

Various white power skinhead groups as well as select factions of the Ku Klux Klan are listed only if they espouse neo-Nazi ideals as a whole.

This list does not include pre-1945 organizations founded either before or during World War II; "neo-Nazi" literally means "new Nazi".

Additionally, this list does not include musical artists, record labels or music festivals associated with the neo-Nazi movement.


Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)

Organization Translation Ref.
  Rhodesian White People's Party N/A

South Africa

Organization Translation Ref.
  Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Afrikaner Resistance Movement
  Afrikaner Studentebond Afrikaner Student Federation [1][2]
  Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging White Liberation Movement
Boere Weerstandsbeweging Boer Resistance Movement [3][4][5][6][7]
South African National Front N/A [8][verification needed]

The Americas

North America


Organization Translation Ref.
  Aryan Guard N/A
  Aryan Nations N/A
Black Shirts Gang N/A [9][10]
Canadian Nazi Party N/A [11][12][13][14]
Heritage Front N/A
National Socialist Party of Canada N/A
Northern Order N/A
Resistance Records N/A
Tri-City Skins N/A [15][16]
White Boy Posse N/A [17][18][19]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Partido Nacional Socialista de México Mexico National Socialist Party [20][21][22]
  Frente Nacionalista de México Nationalist Front of Mexico [23]
  Frente Iberoamericano Ibero-American Front [24][25][26][27][28]
  Visión Blanca White Vision [29][30][31][32]

United States

Organization Translation Ref.
Aryan Freedom Network N/A
  Atomwaffen Division Atomic Weapons Division [33]
  American Front N/A
  American Nazi Party N/A
  Anti-Communist Action N/A [34][35][36]
Aryan Brotherhood of Texas N/A
  Aryan Brotherhood N/A
Aryan Circle N/A
  Aryan Nations N/A
Aryan Republican Army N/A
Battalion 14/Connecticut White Wolves N/A [37][38]
Blood Tribe N/A
The Daily Stormer N/A
Endangered Souls RC/Crew 519 N/A [39][40][41][42]
  Goyim Defense League N/A
  Identity Evropa N/A
  Imperial Klans of America N/A
Keystone United [43][44]
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party N/A [45][46][47]
  Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan [48][49]
Maryland National Socialist Party N/A [50][37]
  National Alliance N/A
National Socialist Alliance of Oklahoma N/A [51][52][53][54][55]
National Socialist Kindred N/A [56][57][58]
National Socialist League N/A [59][60][61]
  National Socialist Liberation Front N/A
  National Socialist Movement N/A
National Socialist Party of America [62][63][64]
National Socialist Vanguard N/A
  National Renaissance Party N/A [65][66]
  National Vanguard N/A
  Nationalist Front N/A
Nationalist Social Club N/A
  National States' Rights Party N/A
NSDAP/AO National Socialist German Workers' Party/Development and Foreign Organization
  Patriot Front N/A
  Pine Tree Gang [es] N/A [67][68][69][70]
Renegade Tribune N/A
Tempel ov Blood Temple of Blood [71][72][73]
The Right Stuff N/A
Rise Above Movement N/A
Soldiers of Aryan Culture N/A
The Order N/A
  Traditionalist Worker Party N/A
Vanguard America N/A
Nazi Lowriders N/A
Universal Aryan Brotherhood N/A [74]
Vanguard News Network N/A [75][76][77]
Werewolf 88 N/A [78][79]
White Aryan Resistance N/A
White Devil Social Club N/A [79][80]
White Order of Thule N/A [81]
White Patriot Party N/A [82][83][84][85]
White Revolution N/A [86][87][88][89]

Caribbean and South America


Organization Translation Ref.
Dignidad Popular Popular Dignity [90][91][92]
  Frente Nacional Socialista Argentino [es] Argentine National Socialist Front [93]
  New Triumph Party New Triumph Party [94][95][96]
  Frente Patriota Patriot Front
  Movimiento Nacionalista Tacuara Tacuara Nationalist Movement [97]
  Unión de Estudiantes Nacionalistas Secundarios [es] [98][99][100][101]


Organization Translation Ref.
Brazilian National Socialist Party N/A [102]
Partido Nacionalista Revolucionário Brasileiro Brazilian Revolutionary Nationalist Party [102]
  Carecas do ABC ABC Region Skinheads
Ciudad Libertad de Opinión Freedom of Opinion City [103][104][105]
Impacto Hooligan [106][107][108][109][110]
Imperial Klans of Brazil N/A [111][112][113]
Kombat RAC Combat RAC
Neuland New Land .[114][115][116]
Partido Nacional-Socialista dos Trabalhadores Brasileiros National Socialist Brazilian Workers' Party [110][117][118][119][120][121]
Soberanos da Revolução [122][123]
Valhalla88 [pt] N/A [124][125][126]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Frente Orden Nacional [es] National Order Front [127][128][129]
La Vanguardia (Chile) [es] The Vanguard (Chile) [130][131][132]
  Movimiento Nacional Socialista de los Trabajadores Chilenos [es] National Socialist Movement of Chilean Workers [133][134][135]
  Movimiento Revolucionario Nacional Sindicalista National Revolutionary Syndicalist Movement [136][137][138]
  Social Patriot Movement Social Patriot Movement [139][140][141]
  Partido Nacional Socialista Obrero de Chile [es] National Socialist Workers' Party of Chile [142][143][144]
  Patria Nueva Sociedad [es] New Fatherland Society [145][146][147]


Organization Translation Ref.
Movimiento Latino Nacional National Latin Movement [148][149][150][151][152][153]
  Tercera Fuerza Third Force [154][155]

Costa Rica

Organization Translation Ref.
Partido Nacional Socialista de Costa Rica National Socialist Party of Costa Rica [156][157][158]
Sociedad Costa Rica de la Lanza Hiperbórea Costa Rica Society of the Hyperborean Spear [159][160][161]


Organization Translation Ref.
Legión Blanca White Legion [162][163]
  Nacional Socialismo Ecuatoriano Ecuadorian National Socialism [164][165]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Partido Nacional Socialista Paraguayo Paraguayan National Socialist Party [160][166][167]


Organization Translation Ref.
Andean Peru National Socialism Movement N/A [168][169][170]
  Movimiento Nacional Socialista Despierta Perú Mational Socialist Movement Awake Peru [171][172][173]
Tercios Nacional Socialista de Nueva Castilla National Socialist Tercios of Nueva Castilla [174][175][176]


Organization Translation Ref.
Movimiento Joseph Goebbels Joseph Goebbels Movement [177][178][179]
Orgullo Skinhead Skinhead Pride [180]
Frente Nacional Revolucionario del Uruguay National Revolutionary Front of Uruguay [180][181]
Poder Blanco White Power [180]


Organization Translation Ref.
New Order (Venezuela) New Order (Venezuela) [182][183][184]
Partido Nacional Socialista Venezolano Venezuelan National Socialist Party [185][186][187][188]



Organization Translation Ref.
  国家社会主義日本労働者党 National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party


Organization Translation Ref.
Azure Party Azure Party [189]
  NASKA Party Iran National Socialist Workers Party [190][191][192][193]
  SUMKA National Socialist Workers Party of Iran


Organization Translation Ref.
  HAWPA [ku] Kurdish National Socialist Party [194][195][196][197]


Organization Translation Ref.
Патруль 36 Patrol 36


Organization Translation Ref.
Darah & Maruah Tanah Melayu Blood & Honour of the Malay Land [198][199][200][201]


Organization Translation Ref.
Mongolian National Union [202][203][204][205][206]
Tsagaan Khas White Swastika


Organization Translation Ref.
國家社會主義學會 National Socialism Association


Organization Description Ref.
  Blood and Honour Founded in England but with international presence and banned in Germany, Russia and some other European countries. [207][208]
European Liberation Front [209][210]
European White Knights of the Burning Cross [de] Previously headquartered in Germany before relocating to England. Has additional chapters in Sweden, France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. [211][212][213]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Հոսանք Hosank [214][215][216][217]


Organization Translation Ref. [de] [218][219][220][221][222]
Nationaldemokratische Partei National Democratic Party
Objekt 21 [de] [223][224][225]
  Identitäre Bewegung Identitarian movement
Volkstreue außerparlamentarische Opposition [de] [226][227][228][229][230][231]

Belgium and the Netherlands

Organization Translation Country Ref.
Blood and Honour Vlaanderen [fr] Blood and Honour Flanders Belgium [232][233][234]
Centrumpartij '86 Centre Party '86 Netherlands [235][236][237]
Nationaal Europese Sociale Beweging National European Social Movement Netherlands [238][239]
Nederlandse Volks-Unie Dutch People's Union Netherlands
  Vlaamse Militanten Orde Order of Flemish Militants Flanders
  Nationale Alliantie National Alliance Netherlands
Bloed, Bodem, Eer en Trouw Blood, Soil, Honour and Loyalty Flanders
L'Assaut (organisation) [fr] The Assault Belgium
Racial Volunteer Force N/A Belgium and the Netherlands [240]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Organization Translation Ref.
Bosanski pokret nacionalnog ponosa Bosnian Movement of National Pride [241][242][243]


Organization Translation Ref.
Бял фронт White Front [244][245][246][247][248]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights [249]

Czech Republic

Organization Translation Ref.
  Dělnická strana Workers' Party [241][242][243]
  Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti Workers' Party of Social Justice


Organization Translation Ref.
  Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Bevægelse National Socialist Movement of Denmark
Dansk Front Danish Front [250][251][252][253][254][255]
  Den nordiske modstandsbevægelse Nordic Resistance Movement
Danskernes Parti Party of the Danes/the Danes' Party


Organization Translation Ref.
Estland88 Estonia88 [256]
  Feuerkrieg Division Fire War Division


Organization Translation Ref.
Atomwaffen Division Finland "Siitoin Squadron" Atomic Weapons Division Finland "Siitoin Squadron" [257][258][259]
  Pohjoismainen Vastarintaliike Nordic Resistance Movement
  Kohti Vapautta! Towards Freedom!


Organization Translation Ref.
Devenir européen [fr] Becoming European [260]
  Combat 18 France N/A [261][262]
  Groupe Union Défense Defense Union Group [263][264][265][266]
  Parti Nationaliste Français et Européen French and European Nationalist Party
  Fédération d'action nationale et européenne Federation of National and European Action
L'Œuvre The Masterpiece [267]
Nomad 88 [fr] N/A [268][269][270][271]
Strasbourg Offender [fr] N/A [272][273][274][275]
White Wolf Klan [fr] N/A [276][277][278][279][280]
Zouaves Paris [fr] N/A [281][282][283][284]


Organization Translation Ref.
Aktion Sauberes Deutschland [de] Clean Germany Initiative [285][286][287][288]
Aktionsbündnis Mittelhessen [de] [289][290][291][292]
Aktionsbüro Mittelrhein [de] Middle Rhine Action Office [293][294][295][296]
  Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten/Nationale Aktivisten Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists [261]
ANSDAPO [de] Alternative National Strausberger DArt-, Piercing and Tattoo Offensive [297][298][299][300][301]
Aryan Circle Germany [de] N/A [302][303][304][305]
Aryan Defense Jail Crew [de] N/A [306][307][308][309]
  Atomwaffen Division Deutschland Atomic Weapons Germany
  Autonome Nationalisten Autonomous Nationalists
  Artgemeinschaft Racial Community [310][311]
Besseres Hannover Better Hanover [312][313][314][315][316]
Bewegung Neue Ordnung [de] New Order Movement [317][318]
  Blood & Honour Deutschland Blood & Honour Germany [319]
Bund Deutscher Nationalsozialisten [de] League of German National Socailists [320][321][322]
Burschenschaft Normannia Jena [de] [323][324][325]
Calenberger Bande [de] Calenberger Gang [326][327][328][329]
Club 88 [de] N/A [330][331][332][333]
Collegium Humanum [334][335][336]
Combat 18 Deutschland Combat 18 Germany [337][338][339]
Combat 18 Pinneberg [de] N/A [340][341][342]
Deutsche Aktionsgruppen [de] [343][344][345][346]
Deutsche Arbeiter Jugend [de] German Worker Youth
  Deutsche Heidnische Front German Heathens' Front
  Der Dritte Weg The Third Way
Deutsches Rechtsbüro [de] German Bureau of Rights [347][348][349]
  Die Rechte The Right
Die Zeitberichter [de] [350][351][352]
  Freiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Free German Workers' Party
Frankfurter Brettl [de] [353]
Freie Kräfte Schwalm-Eder [de] [354][355][356]
Freies Netz Hessen [de] [357][358][359]
Freies Netz Süd [de] [360][361][359][362][363]
Frontbann 24 [de] [364][365][366][367][368]
Deutsch-Soziale Union German Social Union [369][370]
Deutsche Alternative German Alternative
  Deutsches Kolleg [de] [371][372][373][374]
Freie Kameradschaften [de] [375][376][377][378]
Freie Kameradschaft Dresden [de] [379][380][381]
Freundeskreis Freiheit für Deutschland [de] [382][383][384]
Freundeskreis Rade [de] [385][386]
FSN (Medienportal) [de] [387][388][389][390]
Gefangenenhilfe (rechtsextreme Organisation) [de] [391][392][393]
Gesellschaft für biologische Anthropologie, Eugenik und Verhaltensforschung [de] [394][395][396]
Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front Community of thought of the New Front
Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend [de] [397][398][399][400]
Hepp-Kexel-Gruppe Hepp-Kexel-Group [401][402][403][404]
Hilfsorganisation für nationale politische Gefangene und deren Angehörige [de] [405][406][407][408][409]
HooNaRa Hooligans-Nazis-Racists [410][411][412]
  Identitäre Bewegung Identitarian movement [413][414]
Jagdstaffel D.S.T. [de] Fighter Squadron G.P.L. [415][416][417][418][419]
Junge Landsmannschaft Ostdeutschland Young Homeland Association of East Germany [420][421][422][423][424]
  Junge Nationalisten [de] Young Nationalists [425][426][427][428]
Kameradschaft Hauptvolk [de] [429][430][431][432]
Kameradschaft Süd [de] Comradeship South [433][434][435][436]
Kameradschaft Tor [de] Comradeship Goal [437][438][439]
Kameradschaft Walter Spangenberg [de] [440][441][442]
Kampfbund Deutscher Soldaten [de] [443][444]
  Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten Combat League of German Socialists [445][446][447][448]
Kampfgruppe Priem [de] [449][450][451][452]
Komitee zur Vorbereitung der Feierlichkeiten zum 100. Geburtstag Adolf Hitlers [de] [453][454][455][456][457]
Ku-Klux-Klan West Germany [de] N/A [458][459][460]
National Socialist Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Deutschland National Socialist Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Germany [461][462][463][464]
  Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands National Democratic Party of Germany [465]
Nationale Alternative [de] [466][467]
Nationale Deutsche Befreiungsbewegung [de] [468][469][470]
Nationale Sammlung (Deutschland) [de] [471][472]
Nationale Sozialisten Chemnitz [de] National Socialists Chemnitz [473][474][475]
Nationaler Widerstand Dortmund [de] National Resistance Dortmund [476][477][478]
  Nationaler Widerstand [de] National Resistance [479][480][481][482][483][484]
Nationales und Soziales Aktionsbündnis Mitteldeutschland [de] [485][486][487]
Nationales und Soziales Aktionsbündnis Norddeutschland [de] [488][489]
Nationalistische Front Nationalist Front [490]
Nationale Offensive National Offensive [491]
Nationalsozialistische Kampfgruppe Großdeutschland [de] [492][493][494]
Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund National Socialist Underground
Naumann-Kreis Naumann Circle [495][496][497]
NSU 2.0 [de] National Socialist Underground 2.0 [498][499][500][501][502][503][504]
Neue Ordnung New Order [505][506]
Nordadler [de] Northern Eagles [507][508][509][510][511]
Nordkreuz [de] [512][513][514]
Oldschool Society [de] N/A [515][516][517][518][519]
Reichsjugend [de] Realm Youth [520][521][522][523][524]
Revolution Chemnitz [de] [525][526][527]
Schutzgruppe (terroristische Vereinigung) [de] [528][529][530][531][532]
Skinheads Sächsische Schweiz [de] Skinheads Saxonian Swiss [533][534][535][536]
  Sozialistische Reichspartei Deutschlands Socialist Reich Party [537]
Sturm 27 [de] Assault 27 [538][539][540][541]
Sturm 34 [de] Assault 34 [542][543][544][545]
Turonen (Neonazi-Organisation) [de] [546][547][548][549]
Unsterbliche (Rechtsextremismus) The Immortals (neo-Nazis) [550][551][552][553]
  Unabhängige Arbeiter-Partei (Deutsche Sozialisten) Independent Workers' Party (German Socialists) [370][554][555]
Volk in Bewegung & Der Reichsbote [de] [556][557][558]
Widerstand West [de] Resistance West [559][560]
Widerstand Süd [de] Resistance South [561][562]
  Wiking-Jugend Viking-Youth
Vandalen – Ariogermanische Kampfgemeinschaft [de] Vandals – Aryan Germanic Combat Association [563][564][565][566][567]
  Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit People's Socialist Movement of Germany/Labour Party [568][569][570][571]
Wehrsportgruppe [de] Military Sports Group [572][573]
Wehrsportgruppe Hengst [de] Military Sports Group Hengst [574][575][576][577]
Wehrsportgruppe Rohwer [de] Military Sports Group Rohwer [578][579][580][581]
White Youth [de] N/A [582][583]
Widerstandsbewegung in Südbrandenburg [de] Resistance Movement in South Brandenburg [584][585][586]
Wolfsbrigade 44 Wolfsbrigade 44 [587][588][589][590]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Χρυσή Αυγή Golden Dawn [591]


Organization Translation Ref.
Erő és elszántság Force and Determination [592][593]
  Magyar Hungarista Mozgalom [hu] Hungarian Hungarista Movement [594][595]
  Magyar Népjóléti Szövetség [hu] Hungarian Welfare Association [596][597][598]
  Hungarian National Front Hungarian National Front [599][600]
  Pax Hungarica Movement Pax Hungarica Movement [601][602]


Organization Translation Ref.
National Socialist Federation N/A [11]
  National Socialist Irish Workers Party N/A [603][604]
National Socialist Union of Ireland N/A [11]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Avanguardia Nazionale National Avantgarde [11]
Comunità Militante dei Dodici Raggi Militant Community of the Twelve Rays [605][606][607][608]
Milizia Militia [609]
Nuovo Ordine Sociale New Social Order [610][611][612][613]
  Ordine Nuovo New Order
Ordine Ario Romano Roman Aryan Order [614][615][616]
  Ordine Nero Black Order
Befreiungsausschuss Südtirol South Tyrolean Liberation Committee [617]
Veneto Fronte Skinheads [it] N/A [618][619][620]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Feuerkrieg Division Fire War Division


Organization Translation Ref.
  Unified Lithuanian National Workers Movement Lithuanian Alliance of Nationalist-Socialist Unity [621][622][623][624]
  Feuerkrieg Division Fire War Division [625]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Imperium Europa Empire of Europe [11]


Organization Translation Ref.
Alliance (Norway) Alliance – Alternative for Norway [626][627][628][629]
Nordisk Styrka Nordic Strength [630][631]
Norges Germanske Armé Norwegian Germanic Army [632][633][634]
Norges Nasjonalsosialistiske Bevegelse National Socialist Movement of Norway
  Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen/Nordiske motstandsrørsla Nordic Resistance Movement
Norsk Front Norwegian Front [635][636][637]
Vigrid N/A
  Allgermanische Heidnische Front All-Germanic Heathen Front
Boot Boys N/A


Organization Translation Ref.
  Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski National Revival of Poland [638]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Blood & Honour Portugal [pt] Blood & Honour Portugal
Grupo 1143 [pt] Group 1143 [639][640][641][642]
  Nova Ordem Social New Social Order [643][644][645]
Portugal Hammerskins [pt] N/A [646][647][648][649][650]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Atomwaffen Division Russland Atomic Weapons Division Russia
  National Socialism / White Power N/A
Боевая организация русских националистов Battle Organization of Russian Nationalists [651][652][653]
Боевая террористическая организация Combat Terrorist Organization [654][655]
  Этническое национальное объединение Ethnic National Union
  Формат18 Format18 [656]
  Фронт национал-революционного действия Front of National Revolutionary Action [657]
линкольн-88 [ru] Lincoln-88
  Национал-социалистическое общество National Socialist Society
  Национал-социалистическая русская рабочая партия National Socialist Russian Workers' Party
Общество Нави [ru] Navi Society
  Narodnaya natsionalnaya partiya People's National Party [658]
РКЦ ИПХ [ru] Russian Catacomb Church of True Orthodox Christians
  Russkoe imperskoe dvizhenie Russian Imperial Movement
  Russkoe natsionalnoe edinstvo Russian National Unity [659][660]
  Russky Natsionalny Soyuz Russian National Union [661]
  Новое Русское национальное единство New Russian National Unity
Русский образ [ru] Russian Image [662][663][664]
Russkaya Natsional'naya Sotsialisticheskaya Partiya Russian National Socialist Party
Банда Рыно — Скачевского Ryno-Skachevsky gang
Чистильщики The Cleaners
Шульц-88 [ru] Schultz-88
  Славянский союз Slavic Union [665][666][667]
United Brigade 88 N/A [668][669][670]
Общество белых-88 [ru] White Society-88
  ДШРГ «Ратибор» [uk] DShRG "Ratibor" [671][672]
  Rusich Group DShRG "Rusich"
  WotanJugend [uk] Odin Youth [673][674][675]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Pokret Levijatan Leviathan Movement [676]
  Krv i čast Blood & Honour [677][678]
  Pokret 1389 1389 Movement [679]
  Nacionalni stroj National Alignment [680][681]
Rasonalisti Rationalists [682]


Organization Translation Ref.
Acción Nacional Revolucionaria [es] Revolutionary National Action [683]
Acción Radical Radical Action [684]
Alianza Nacional National Alliance
Alternativa Europea [es] European Alternative [685][686]
  Bases Autónomas Autonomous Bases
  Blood & Honour España Blood & Honour Spain [687][688][689]
Círculo de Estudios Indoeuropeos [es] Circle of Indo-European Studies [690]
  Círculo Español de Amigos de Europa Spanish Circle of Friends of Europe
  Democracia Nacional National Democracy
Devenir Europeo European Becoming [691][692][693]
División Azul Blue Division [694][695][696][697]
  Estado Nacional Europeo European Nation State
  Frente Antisistema [es] Anti-Systemic Front [698]
Hermandad Nacional Socialista Armagedón Armageddon National Socialist Brotherhood [699]
Hispania Verde Green Hispania [700]
Hogar Social Madrid Social Home Hadrid [701]
Lo Nuestro Ours [702]
Nación y Revolución Nation and Revolution [703]
Respuesta Estudiantil Students' Counterattack [704]


Organization Translation Ref.
Anti-AFA [sv] Anti-AntiFa [705][706][707][708][709]
Ariska brödraskapet [sv] Aryan Brotherhood (Sweden) [710][711]
Fria nationalister [sv] Free Nationalists [712][713][714][715][716]
Göteborgs fria nationalister [sv] Gothenburg's Free Nationalists [717][718]
Konservativa Partiet Conservative Party [719][720][721][722][723]
Info-14 N/A [724][725][726][727][728]
Legion Wasa
  Nationell Ungdom National Youth [729][730][731][732][733]
Nationella Alliansen National Alliance (Sweden) [734][735]
Nationellt Motstånd [sv] National Resistance [736][737][738]
  Nationalsocialistisk front National Socialist Front
Nordiska förbundet [sv] The Nordic Confederation [739][740][741][742]
  Nordiska rikspartiet The Nordic Realm Party
  Nordiska motståndsrörelsen Nordic Resistance Movement
Nordiska nationalsocialister [sv] Nordic National Socialists [743][744][745][746]
Nordland (tidning) [sv] Northland (newspaper) [747]
Nordland (tidskrift) [sv] Northland (journal)
Storm (nazistisk tidskrift) [sv] N/A
  Svenskarnas parti Party of the Swedes
  Vitt Ariskt Motstånd White Aryan Resistance


Organization Translation Ref.
  Junge Tat [fr] Young Action [748][749][750][751]
  Partei National Orientierter Schweizer Swiss Nationalist Party [752][753][754]
Volkspartei der Schweiz People's Party of Switzerland [755]


Organization Translation Ref.
  Ľudová strana naše Slovensko People's Party Our Slovakia
  Slovenská pospolitosť – Národná strana Slovak Togetherness – National Party [756][757][758]


Organization Translation Ref.
Ataman Kardeşliği Ataman Brotherhood [759][760][761][762]
Nasyonal Aktivite ve Zinde İnkişaf National Activity and Vigorous Development [763]

United Kingdom

Organization Translation Ref.
  British Movement N/A
  British National Front N/A
  British People's Party N/A
Column 88 N/A
Greater Britain Movement [764][765][766]
International Third Position N/A
  League of St. George N/A
Northern League N/A
  November 9th Society N/A
  National Action N/A
National Labour Party (UK, 1957) N/A [767]
National Socialist Action Party N/A
National Socialist Movement (1960s) N/A
National Socialist Movement N/A
  Patriotic Alternative N/A
  Sonnenkrieg Division Sun war Division
NF Flag Group N/A
Racial Volunteer Force N/A
Scottish Dawn N/A [768][769][770][771]
  White Defence League N/A
White Nationalist Party N/A
White Wolves N/A


Organization Translation Ref.
  S14 (Ukrainian group) S14
  Ukrainian: Соціал-Національна Асамблея Social-National Assembly
  Ukrainian: Соціал-національна партія України Social-National Party of Ukraine
  Українська націонал-трудова партія [uk] Ukrainian National Labor Party [772][773][774][775]



Organization Translation Ref.
Australian Nationalist Movement N/A
  Antipodean Resistance N/A
Aryan Girls N/A [776]
Australian National Socialist Party N/A
Crew 38 N/A [777][778][779][780]
Lads Society N/A [781][782][783][784][785]
  National Action N/A
  National Socialist Network N/A
  National Socialist Party of Australia N/A
Patriotic Youth League N/A
Southern Cross Hammerskins N/A [786][787][788][789]
United Patriots Front N/A

New Zealand

Organization Translation Ref.
Black Order of Pan Europa N/A [790][791][792]
Fourth Reich Fourth Realm [793][794][795]
National Socialist Party of New Zealand N/A
  New Zealand National Front N/A
Right Wing Resistance N/A
Unit 88 N/A


Organization Translation Active in Ref.
Altermedia [de] N/A Internet-based (online website) [796][797][798][799][800]
Aryan Strikeforce N/A Germany, Serbia, United Kingdom and the United States [801][802][803][804]
  Atomwaffen Division Atomic Weapons Division United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Baltic States, Russia, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, Ireland and other European countries, as well as Argentina and Brazil
  The Base N/A Australia, Canada, Europe, South Africa and the United States
The Black Order of Pan Europa N/A Australia, England, Ireland, New Zealand, and Scandinavia
  Blood & Honour N/A Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States [805]
  Combat 18 N/A Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States [806]
  Creativity Alliance N/A Australia, Eastern Europe, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States
Daily Stormer N/A Internet-based (online website)
Greenline Front N/A Argentina, Belarus, Chile, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine [807][808][809]
Hammerskins N/A Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States
  Iron March N/A Internet-based (online web forum) [810][811][812][813]
New European Order Europe-wide
  Order of Nine Angles Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom, Argentina and the United States
  Sadistic Souls Motorcycle Club N/A Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States
Stormfront N/A Internet-based (online website)
  Volksfront People's Front Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States
Terrorgram N/A Internet-based (online web forum) [814][815][816][817]
V7-Versand [de] V7 Shipping Internet mail-order company for neo-Nazi paraphernalia. [818][819][820][821][822]
Women for Aryan Unity N/A Argentina, Canada, Italy, Spain and the United States [823][824]
World Union of National Socialists N/A Argentina, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Rhodesia (formerly), Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States and Venezuela [825][826][11][827]

See also


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