Battle of Wireless Ridge

The Battle of Wireless Ridge was an engagement of the Falklands War which took place on the night from 13 to 14 June 1982, between British and Argentine forces during the advance towards the Argentine-occupied capital of the Falkland Islands, Port Stanley.

Battle of Wireless Ridge
Part of Falklands War
Date13 - 14 June 1982
Result British victory
 United Kingdom  Argentina
Commanders and leaders
United Kingdom Lt. Col. David Chaundler Argentina Lt. Col. Omar Giménez
Units involved

3 Commando Brigade

United Kingdom Royal Navy
7th Infantry Regiment
10th Cavalry Squadron
2 Scorpion light tanks
2 Scimitar light tanks
12 light guns
1 frigate
Casualties and losses
3 killed
11 wounded
25 killed
125 wounded
37 captured

Wireless Ridge was one of seven strategic hills within five miles of Stanley at 51°40′14″S 57°55′55″W / 51.67056°S 57.93194°W / -51.67056; -57.93194 (Wireless Ridge) that had to be taken in order for the Island's capital to be approached. The attack was successful, and the entire Argentine force on the Islands surrendered later that day.

The British force consisted of 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment (2 Para), a troop of the Blues & Royals, with two FV101 Scorpion and two FV107 Scimitar light tanks, as well as artillery support from two batteries of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery and naval gunfire support provided by HMS Ambuscade's 4.5-in gun.

The Argentine force consisted of the 7th Infantry Regiment as well as detachments from other units. The first Argentine unit to arrive in the sector was the 10th Brigade Headquarters Company commanded by Major José Rodolfo Banetta that took up residence inside the Moody Brook Barracks,[1] but this unit had to evacuate the area on 11 June when British Harriers struck the building, killing three Argentine soldiers (Privates Mario Gustavo Rodríguez, Carlos Gustavo Mosto and Ignacio María Indino[2]) and wounding their company commander. At first, the 7th Regiment on Wireless Ridge was relatively comfortable, shooting sheep and roasting them on old bed frames the soldiers had found nearby.[3]The soldiers of the supporting 10th Armoured Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, according to Private Sergio Díaz, also had a fairly comfortable time at first, enjoying a huge barbecue and cans of beers while commemorating Argentine Army Cavalry Day on 23 April.[4]Private Guillermo Vélez from the 7th Regiment's Headquarters & Support Company maintains that he personally shot and killed 50 sheep during his time on Wireless Ridge.[5]



After heavy losses during the Battle of Goose Green, including their commander, Lieutenant Colonel 'H' Jones, command of 2 Para passed to Lieutenant-Colonel David Chaundler, who was in England at the time of the battle. Chaundler flew to Ascension Island on a Vickers VC10 and then to the Falklands on a C-130 Hercules that was dropping supplies by parachute. Chaundler jumped into the sea, where he was picked up by helicopter and eventually delivered to HMS Hermes for a briefing with Admiral Sandy Woodward and then to Major General Jeremy Moore's headquarters.

Four days after Goose Green, Chaundler joined 2 Para. After debriefing the battalion's officers about Goose Green and the events following, he vowed that the unit would never again go into action without fire support.

From Fitzroy, 2 Para were moved by helicopter to Bluff Cove Peak where they were held in reserve. The first line of hills: Two Sisters, Mount Longdon and Mount Harriet, were taken. Three other hills were then slated to be captured: Mount Tumbledown by the Scots Guards, Mount William by the Gurkhas and Wireless Ridge by 2 Para. The final phase of 3 Commando Brigade's campaign, the battle for Stanley, would follow the capture of these hills.

On the morning of 13 June, it became clear that the attacks on Tumbledown had been successful, so 2 Para marched around the back of Mount Longdon to take up their positions for the assault on Wireless Ridge. As the action was expected to be concluded quickly, they took only their weapons and as much ammunition as possible, leaving most other gear behind in the camp. On Bluff Cove Peak, the Battalion's mortars and heavy machine guns were attacked by Argentine A-4 Skyhawks, which delayed their planned move forward, although they suffered no casualties.

Initial assault

Final Actions, 13 to 14 June 1982

In the closing hours of 13 June, D Company (Coy) began the attack sequence, advancing upon 'Rough Diamond' hill north-west of Mount Longdon. It had been hit by an intense barrage from British guns, from land and sea.

In the softening-up bombardment, British artillery had fired 6,000 rounds with their 105 mm pieces, and as the British paratroopers began their push, they were further backed by naval fire and the 76 and 30 mm guns mounted on the light tanks. The approximately 80 casualties sustained by 2 Para two weeks earlier at the Battle of Goose Green (including the loss of their commanding officer), had induced them not to take any unnecessary chances the second time around. The Argentine commanding officer, Lt.Col. Omar Giménez, says that three or four times he was nearly killed by a direct hit during the softening-up bombardment.[6]

When D Coy reached the hill, they found that the Argentine compañía C of the 7th Infantry Regiment had withdrawn due to the heavy bombardment. As Major Philip Neame's D Coy started to consolidate their position, the Argentine 7th Regiment launched a series of heavy recoilless rifle, rocket and mortar attacks on Mount Longdon, causing casualties to the 3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment (3 Para).[7]

With this massive fire support, A and B Coys were convinced the enemy on the 'Apple Pie' feature had been defeated, and began to advance confidently, but they met fierce resistance when they left their trenches. They came under heavy machine-gun fire; massive retaliation was initiated by the British machine-gunners and the guns of the Blues and Royals light tanks.

One Mount Longdon survivor from 3 Para recalled the British attack which was initially repulsed by the Argentines:

They tried going over the top first, but the incoming fire was too heavy so they went back behind the peat and waited for more artillery to soften them up.[8]

The Argentine defenders there eventually withdrew in the face of such withering fire, and A and B Coys took their objective. By this stage of the battle, there were not many experienced Argentine officers left; the Forward Artillery Observation Officer (Major Guillermo Nani), the Operations Officer (Captain Carlos Ferreyra) and the compañía A and C commanders (Captains Jorge Calvo and Hugo García) and at least three senior platoon commanders (First Lieutenants Antonio Estrada, Jorge Guidobono and Ramon Galíndez-Matienzo) were wounded. C Coy then moved down from their northern start line to advance to a position east of Wireless Ridge where they found a platoon position was unoccupied.

By about 4.30am, Lieutenant-Colonel Gimenez knew that the 7th Infantry Regiment had been decisively defeated; Communications are lost, my whole regiment is finished,[9] but other attached units continued to fight.

SAS diversionary raid


The Special Air Service, along with men from the Special Boat Squadron, carried out a diversionary raid immediately north of Port Stanley on the night of 13–14 June. The plan was, as 2 PARA attacked the northern half of Wireless Ridge, 30 SAS and SBS commandos aboard 4 Rigid Raiders would speed across the Murrell River entrance and attack the oil storage facilities on Cortley Ridge. However, before it could reach its objective, the assault force was illuminated by a spotlight on the Argentine Almirante Irízar hospital ship (illegally preparing to collect Major José Ricardo Spadaro's 601 National Gendarmerie Special Forces Squadron on Navy Point[10] for a major insertion behind 2 PARA).[11] A massive amount of fire, including 30mm anti-aircraft guns arched down onto the SAS/SBS force from positions along the northern shore, caused the British raiders to withdraw. Three British commandos were wounded and all the Rigid Raiders involved were damaged beyond repair. Thus the raid achieved its aim of convincing the defenders that a major sea-borne landing was about to happen.

Final assault


Led by Captain Rodrigo Alejandro Soloaga, two platoons (under Lieutenant Luis Bertolini and Second Lieutenant Diego Bianchi-Harrington) from the Argentine 10th Armoured Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (which normally operated the Panhard AML) arrived on foot as reinforcements and took over the abandoned positions of the 7th Regiment Reconnaissance Platoon (under Lieutenant Francisco Ramón Galindez-Matienzo) in the western rocks of Wireless Ridge.[12]

Maj. Philip Neame's D Coy (2 Para) then began the final assault from the western end of Wireless Ridge, under the cover of fire from HMS Ambuscade's 4.5 inch gun, four light tanks, twelve 105 mm artillery pieces, several mortars and anti-tank rockets. As the Argentine 7th Infantry absorbed the attack, Soloaga's squadron with around 30 hand-picked conscripts and NCOs having received Commando training the year before,[13] were able to engage the British forces on "Apple Pie", including the tanks, a Milan platoon and a machine gun platoon. Over the course of two hours the 10th Squadron suffered six dead and 50 wounded.[14]

D Coy took the first half of their objective after a hard fight with a platoon of Argentine paratroopers under 2nd Lt Gustavo Alberto Aimar of the 2nd Airborne Infantry Regiment.[15] While Neame's company was able to overrun the Argentine paratroopers, wounding Aimar and several of his men, the British suffered two killed (Privates David Parr and Francis Slough) in the process. Neame's men then came under fierce attack from Maj. Guillermo Berazay's Compañía A, 3rd Regiment which had tried to move forward to Mt Longdon during the fighting two nights earlier but had only reached Moody Brook valley. With Lt José Luis Dobroevic's 81mm Mortar Platoon providing fire support, the company, in the form of the platoons of Subteniente (Sub-Lieutenant) Carlos Javier Aristegui and 2nd Lt Víctor Rodriguez-Pérez advanced to contact. Private Patricio Pérez from Aristegui's platoon, recalled the unnerving experience of 66 mm rockets coming straight at them like undulating fireballs.[16] He believed he shot a British paratrooper, possibly 12 Platoon's commander, and became enraged when he heard that his friend, Horacio Benítez from his platoon, had been shot.[17]

According to Private Horacio Benítez from Aristegui's platoon:

The first of them to be hit was Private Eduardo Rinaldi, hit in the knee. Then Lieutenant Carlos Aristegui was hit in the neck, the bullet hitting his rosary beads. While that was happening, we moved up. There was a machine-gun position which I got behind; I was only a few metres away from them but I was able to climb up under the fire because of the slope of the ground. Sergeant Juan Vallejos told me to open fire with my FAP [Fusil Automático Pesado, or heavy automatic rifle]. I fired a magazine of twenty rounds; when I was replacing the magazine, it seemed to me that the British were laughing. I opened fire again. Then the British rushed at us. I fired another magazine and then got into some cover. They started throwing grenades at us. Next to me was another boy called Jorge Aumassanne. A grenade fell near him, and the force of the explosion blew him up into the air. He was badly hurt; he had six lumps of metal in his back. He walked across to me ― he didn't know what he was doing ― and told me he was going back. He gave his rifle to one man, his ammunition to another and off he went. Then another grenade came, a phosphorus one, and his clothes were on fire. We told him to get away because he was like a torch. He started to roll over the ground and tear his clothes off. I don't know how he saved himself. We did crazy things ― we were so desperate. One of our men, Private Ricardo Barrios, was also in the rocks not far from the British and was firing anti-tank grenades at them with his rifle. Perhaps the British thought there were many more of us but we were only a few. On our side, we thought it was only a patrol in front of us. but it was the whole of that Parachute Battalion, and we didn't know it. We had no communications with our headquarters. We were isolated. I was trying to get some ammunition from a dead man. I got a handful but, when I had filled my magazine and loading my weapon, I looked up and the British were right in front of me; one was pointing his rifle at me and he opened fire. The bullet hit the side of my helmet, entered and ripped my ear and lodged at the back of my head. That finished me off.[18]

Some forty Argentine soldiers from both platoons after initially going to ground were rallied and with 2nd Lt Rodriguez-Pérez at the head [19]delivered a frontal assault and in fact closed in with the British 12 Platoon, under the command of Lt Jonathan Page (following the death of Lt Barry at Goose Green). The fight surged back and forth. Lt Page managed to hold the line, but only just with Major Neame's company practically having run out of ammunition seizing and defending their last objective.[20]

Commenting later on the action, retired Major-General John Frost (who in 1944 as a lieutenant-colonel had commanded 2 Para during the Battle of Arnhem) describes the attack on 12 Platoon: "For two very long hours the company remained under pressure. Small-arms fire mingled with all types of HE [high explosive rifle-grenades] fell in and around 12 Platoon's position as the men crouched in the abandoned enemy sangars [a type of fortification] and in shell holes."[21] According to Neame: "Then from the east we got this counterattack. Jon Page, whose platoon I had left up that end did a really bloody good job. He managed to get hold of our artillery by flicking his radio onto their net, as we were still without our FOO. That broke up their attack."[22] Private Graham Carter from D Coy confirms that several men in Aristegui's platoon had managed to sneak into the rocks through which 12 Platoon had come earlier: "We were out in the open on limb, and it looked like 10 and 11 Platoons were shooting at us. We asked the OC [Neame] to come over and check our position. He bimbled across seeming oblivious to tracer all around him, then wandered back. We thought, 'silly bugger'. Then our platoon commander [Lt Jonathan Page] stood up, shouted to everyone to keep down and was knocked over himself, hit in the leg. He was screaming and shouting, but when the medic stripped him off there was no wound, just massive bruising where the round had hit his ammunition pouch."[23]

Neame's officers and NCOs rallied the men to capture the final part of their objective and in the face of heavy fire, the Argentines having run out of ammunition, broke and retreated, covered by supporting machine gun fire, controlled by Lt Horacio Alejandro Mones-Ruiz of Berazay's compañía. Privates Esteban Tríes and José Cerezuela of Rodriguez-Pérez's platoon, volunteered to stay behind and rescue their wounded platoon sergeant, Manuel Villegas, laboriously carrying him to Port Stanley.[24]With both Argentine rifle platoons having suffered 4 killed and 23 wounded in 2 hours of night combat, Rodriguez-Pérez's force had suffered nearly 50% casualties.[25]

Private Michael Savage and other survivors from Compañía C were the first 7th Regiment troops to reach the relative safety of Port Stanley, only to be greeted with shock and disdain, he recalls, by immaculately dressed staff officers: "They had been sleeping in houses, in warm beds. They had shiny shoes, pristine ironed uniforms and waxed moustaches. They even had heating in their cars. I was so furious with them."[26]

The battle was not yet over. Lt-Col. Eugenio Dalton, an Argentine 10th Brigade staff officer, during the pre-dawn darkness of 14 June, was seen driving around in a jeep, marshalling tired, panicky and dazed soldiers from various units into a company and leading them into Stanley's western sector, under heavy fire.[27] Some 200 survivors from Wireless Ridge had been rallied by Dalton to form, under heavy gunfire, a last-ditch defensive line in front of the now silenced guns of the 4th Airborne Artillery Group near the racecourse. Near the church in Stanley, intent on helping Berazay, Maj. Carrizo-Salvadores, Second-in-command of the 7th Regiment, helped by the chaplain Father José Fernández,[9] mustered about 50 Wireless Ridge survivors and led them on a bayonet charge, with the soldiers chanting their famous 'Malvinas March', but were stopped by heavy artillery and machine-gun fire.[28] The Paras were momentarily alarmed and watched surprised, with Neame describing it as "quite a sporting effort, but one without a sporting chance".[29] Neame later gave more details: "Then as daylight began we got another counter-attack, this time from the Moody Brook side onto Sean Webster's platoon. I thought 'bloody hell, what's going on around here?' I wondered what we had got into and thought that this was most unlike the Argentinians. For a while they were quite persistent."[30]

2 Para had suffered three dead and 11 wounded. Its mortar platoon also reported four mortarmen with broken ankles after having fired supercharge rounds for extra range, in order to repel the Argentine counterattack force that had attacked from Moody Brook.[31] The Argentines suffered approximately 25 dead and about 125 wounded, about 50 were taken prisoner. In the final stages of the battle, Brigadier-General Jofre had been offered the use of Skyhawks to bomb Wireless Ridge with napalm but declined in the belief that the British response would be commensurate.[32][33]



Along with other key battles in the latter part of British activity under Operation Corporate, such as the Battle of Mount Tumbledown, the success at Wireless Ridge constituted one of the last major battles of the war before the subsequent surrender of Argentina. In the wake of the battle, British forces witnessed the Argentine soldiers pull back toward Stanley, before continuing to turn firepower onto them as they retreated, with one officer remarking "It was a most pathetic sight, and one which I never wish to see again."[34]

Not wanting to replicate the heavy losses of Goose Green, the British had focussed a heavy artillery bombardment onto the opposing troops before undertaking the main assault, an action that would strongly affect the morale of the Argentine soldiers. The barrage lowered their will to fight significantly, spreading a sense of hopelessness through the forces as they retreated.[35]A well-trained British battalion would also have been hard-pressed and forced to relinquish the position under the same circumstances, according to one military analyst who studied the battle in great detail.[36]

With the opposing forces in retreat, and the successful capture of several key positions, including Wireless Ridge and Mount Tumbledown, the British obtained permission to advance on Stanley, with 2 Para leading the first troops into the town since Argentinian forces had first occupied the territory at the beginning of the war in April 1982.[37] After its recapture, the Argentine surrender came into effect from 14 June.[34]

For the bravery shown at Wireless Ridge, 2 Para was awarded three Military Crosses, one Military Medal and one Distinguished Conduct Medal. 29 Commando was awarded one Military Cross.

In 2022, retired Lieutenant-Colonels Víctor Hugo Rodríguez-Perez and Philip Neame met for the first time in London and exchanged signed copies of their books, Penal Company on the Falklands: A Memoir of the Parachute Regiment at War 1982 and Llevando la Patria al Hombro ("Carrying the weight of the Fatherland on your shoulders").[38]




  1. ^ Desde El Frente Batallon De Infanteria De Marina Nº 5, Carlos H. Robacio, Carlos Hugo Robacio, Jorge Hernández, p. 216, Centro Naval, Instituto de Publicaciones Navales, 01/01/1996
  2. ^ El oficial que era un padre para sus soldados
  3. ^ Arie, Sophie (30 March 2002), You never get over it, but I have a double problem. I was fighting against Brits, people who were as good as family,
  4. ^ Entrevista N° 333: Soldado Clase 62 VGM Sergio Diaz - Esc Expl Cb Bl 10
  5. ^ Daniel Kon, p. 24, Los Chicos de la Guerra: Hablan los soldados que estuvieron en Malvinas, Galerna, 1982
  6. ^ "Cuando volví parecía un delincuente"
  7. ^ Jolly (1983), The red and green life machine : a diary of the Falklands Field Hospital, p. 127, There is half an hour between dawn and the arrival of the first casualties, mainly Scots Guards from Tumbledown. Fitzroy are saturated, and Teal Inlet busy with 3 Para casualties from an all-night stonking of Mount Longdon by enemy artillery.
  8. ^ The Scars of War, Hugh McManners, p. 185, HarperCollins, 21 January 1993
  9. ^ a b Nine battles to Stanley, Nicholas Van der Bijl, p. 209, Leo Cooper, 30 September 1999
  10. ^ Gendarmería en Malvinas: Alacrán, un Escuadrón con justa gloria
  11. ^ "Next night, they met up with the Special Forces at Blanco Bay and then, with nine soldiers to each Rigid Raider, they sped across Port William Bay, but had the misfortune to be heard by a Border Guard commando collecting supplies on board the Almirante Irízar for an Argentine special forces infiltration operation en route to Beagle Ridge to raid and direct air and 155mm artillery fire on the British rear." Nine Battles to Stanley, Nick Van Der Bijl, p. 211, Pen & Sword Books, 1999
  12. ^ During the night of 12/13 June the two dismounted cavalry platoons commanded by Lieutenant Luis Bertolini and Second Lieutenant Diego Harrington, who had been covering the road and directing the shelling of Mount Longdon, were pulled back behind Recce Platoon.Nine Battles to Stanley, Nick Van Der Bijl, p. 208, Pen & Sword, 2014
  13. ^ Entrevista N° 333: Soldado Clase 62 VGM Sergio Diaz - Esc Expl Cb Bl 10
  14. ^ Combatió en la Guerra de Malvinas y volvió a las islas mucho tiempo después: "Fue el reencuentro del hombre de 50 años con el pibe de 18"
  15. ^ "Spread along Wireless Ridge itself, known as Blueberry Pie, was Command Company and the 2nd Airborne Infantry Regiment platoon." Nine Battles to Stanley, Nick Van Der Bijl, p. 208, Pen & Sword, 2014
  16. ^ Bilton and Kosminsky, 1989
  17. ^ Bilton; Kosminsky, Speaking Out, p. 192, I was carrying two rifles and I noticed that there was a sniper who was pinning me down. I wanted to come out of the rock and kill him but I couldn't because the firing was so intense. At that moment I heard somebody shout that he had seen the sniper. I came out, saw that he was leaning over the rock and shot at him and his gun fell silent. I saw him fall but I don't know whether he was wounded or dead. That kind of combat among the rocks is like a Western, but it all happens so fast that you don't quite realise what is going on ... What I felt at that moment was mostly hatred. I wanted revenge. I had forgotten fear by then, what sort of risk I was taking; the only thing I wanted to do, my obsession, was to avenge my fallen comrades. Whenever I saw one of my friends hit it was worse, it just made me want to continue fighting, it didn't matter for how long or at what cost. I didn't care about death at that time, the main thing was revenge ... We sent the wounded down and returned to the battle and fought on for four hours. Luckily after the surrender I found out that Horacio had survived. People greeted the surrender with relief. They were all crying. That wasn't how I reacted. I had been fighting for many hours and I was not prepared to give up my rifle until forced to do so. It's different for those who had been in actual combat. I couldn't give my rifle back until they took it away from me, and when I did give it back I made sure it was completely unusable.
  18. ^ Argentine Fight for the Falklands, Martin Middlebrook, pp. 266-267, Pen & Sword, 2003
  19. ^ Malvinas | Contraataque en Wireless Ridge
  20. ^ "Near St Mary's Church in Stanley, intent on helping Berazay, Major Carrizo-Salvadores, helped by the Army chaplain Father Fernandez, assembled a platoon, issued each man with a fresh magazine and, with everyone singing the 'Malvinas March', led them to the centre of Wireless Ridge from Moody Brook. When 2 Para saw them it caused some alarm. D Company was still reorganizing and small arms and artillery ammunition were very short ; the orders were passed to 'Fix bayonets'." Victory in the Falklands, Nicholas van der Bijl, p.?, Pen & Sword, 2007
  21. ^ Frost, 1983
  22. ^ Above All, Courage: The Falklands Front Line: First-Hand Accounts, Max Arthur, p.200, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985
  23. ^ The scars of war, Hugh McManners, p.186, HarperCollins, 1993
  24. ^ "Rescatando al sargento Villegas". Archived from the original on 26 January 2016. Retrieved 6 November 2014.
  25. ^ "Cuando las dos secciones se reunieron nuevamente con el resto de la compañía, un primer cómputo de bajas entre ambas determinó la existencia de cuatro muertos y veintitrés heridos". Malvinas: La Defensa de Puerto Argentino, Oscar Luis Jofre & Félix Roberto Aguiar, p.265, Editorial Sudamaricana, 1987
  26. ^ ‘You never get over it, but I have a double problem. I was fighting against Brits, people who were as good as family'. By Sophie Arie. Published on Saturday 30 March 2002.
  27. ^ 5th Infantry Brigade in the Falklands 1982, Nicholas Van der Bijl, David Aldea, p.30, Leo Cooper, 2003
  28. ^ Razor's Edge: The Unofficial History of the Falklands War, Hugh Bicheno, p.312, Phoenix, 01/02/2007
  29. ^ Operation Corporate: The Falklands War, 1982, Martin Middlebrook, p.371, Viking, 1985
  30. ^ Above All, Courage: The Falklands Front Line: First-Hand Accounts, Max Arthur, p.201, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985
  31. ^ "During the action at Wireless Ridge 2 PARA's mortars fired on supercharge for extra range and the teams had been forced to improvise to prevent the baseplates from sinking into the peat. Another problem was that the tubes would occasionally jump out of the baseplates on recoil. To prevent this, team members took it in turns to stand on the baseplates, but the shock was so great that four of them had suffered broken angles by the end of the battle." Task Force: The Illustrated History of the Falklands War, David Reynolds, p. 239, Sutton, 2002
  32. ^ "Brigadier General Jofre had already refused an offer of Skyhawks to napalm Wireless Ridge because he believed the British response would be catastrophic". Nine battles to Stanley, Nicholas Van der Bijl, p. 214, Leo Cooper, 30 September 1999
  33. ^ Conflito Das Malvinas, Paulo de Queiroz Duarte, p. 348, Biblioteca do Exército Editora, 1986 (in Portuguese)
  34. ^ a b Fowler, William (1984). Battle for the Falklands:Land Forces. London: Osprey Publishing Ltd. p. 29.
  35. ^ Landry, Chris D. (2002). British Artillery During Operation Corporate. Marine Corps University, Virginia.
  36. ^ "Armchair generals, and even a few professional analysts, have suggested that Argentine soldiers were a walkover in the Falklands. Anyone who thinks this of the men of the 7th Regiment needs to check on the numbers. Even the most motivated unit would have difficulty holding out against such a storm of fire. Brains & Bullets: How Psychology Wins Wars, Leo Murray, Biteback Publishing, 2013
  37. ^ "Wireless Ridge | ParaData". Retrieved 21 September 2018.
  38. ^ Estuvieron enfrentados a muerte en la guerra de Malvinas y 40 años después presentaron juntos sus libros


  • Bilton, Michael & Kosminsky, Peter (comp.) (1989). Speaking Out: Untold Stories from the Falklands War. André Deutsch Ltd. ISBN 0-233-98404-6.
  • Frost, John (1983). 2 Para Falklands - The Battalion at War. Buchan & Enright. ISBN 0-7221-3689-7.
  • Jolly, Rick (1983) The red and green life machine : a diary of the Falklands Field Hospital, London: Century, ISBN 0-7126-0158-9
  • McManners, Hugh (1994). The Scars of War. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-586-21129-2.
  • Paul, James and Spirit, Martin (2002) Second time around for 2 Para: The Battle for Wireless Ridge, Britain's Small Wars, WWW site, Accessed 19 March 2007