

Update No. 29

Note to subscribers for the amendments to the rules governing the listing of securities on the Growth Enterprise Market (the "GEM Listing Rules")

Update No. 29

March 2009

Dear Sirs,

Review of Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers

We have amended the "black out" period in rule 5.56 of the GEM Listing Rules during which a director is prohibited from dealing in the securities of the listed issuer. As amended, the black out period applicable to the publication of a listed issuer's annual financial results is 60 days and the black out period for half-year and other interim periods is 30 days.

The listed issuer must notify the Exchange in advance of the commencement of each period during which directors are not allowed to deal under rule 5.56(a) of the GEM Listing Rules.

We enclose the filing instructions.

Coming into effect

The amendment will come into effect on 1 April 2009.

Please click HEREHERE to see the amended Rule.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

Mark Dickens

Head of Listing