


(1) All non-disciplinary review hearings in respect of the following decisions will be conducted under Chapters 3 and 4 of the GEM Listing Rules in force immediately before the implementation of the new rules:
(a) subject to (b) below, any first instance non-disciplinary decision made before the implementation of the new rules;
(b) any decision made under rule 9.15(1) before the implementation of the new rules and any follow on or further decision made in relation to those decisions (including a decision to cancel the listing if an issuer fails to remedy the specified matters within the specified period); and
(c) any review decision of the decisions referred to in (a) or (b) above.
(2) The Committees in existence before the implementation of the new rules will continue in existence until all relevant review proceedings have been concluded and the rules and procedures then in force will continue to apply for the purpose of the conduct of the above matters.

Note: For the purpose of this rule, the reference to “new rules” refers to the amendments to this Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 which came into effect on 6 July 2019.