A circular of a major transaction, very substantial disposal, very substantial acquisition or extreme transaction and a listing document for a reverse takeover sent by a listed issuer to holders of its listed securities must:—
(1) provide a clear, concise and adequate explanation of its subject matter having regard to the provisions of rule 17.56; and
(2) if voting or shareholders' approval is required:
(a) contain all information necessary to allow the holders of the securities to make a properly informed decision;
(b) contain a heading emphasising the importance of the document and advising holders of securities, who are in any doubt as to what action to take, to consult appropriate independent advisers;
(c) contain a recommendation from the directors as to the voting action that shareholders should take, indicating whether or not the proposed transaction described in the circular is, in the opinion of the directors, fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders as a whole; and
(d) contain a statement that any shareholder with a material interest in a proposed transaction and his close associates will abstain from voting on resolution(s) approving that transaction; and
(3) a confirmation that, to the best of the directors' knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiry, the counterparty and the ultimate beneficial owner of the counterparty are third parties independent of the listed issuer and connected persons of the listed issuer.